Final Fantasy Chronicles: Summoner Naruto
The Invasion
Darkness surrounded him everywhere as he walked down a corridor he had come to know in these past few nights. Making his way slowly as torches burst to life one either side of him, slowly illuminating and driving off shadows. Soon he came to a large circular room. Walls made of well lined were decorated with velvet drapes. A single red carpet stretched from down the long corridor, through the room, and up a flight of stone steps that stopped short of some oddly shaped stone door. Great torches were lit aflame at the entrance of the room, at the bottom of the steps, and at the top of steps near the door.
Uchiha Sasuke cast a cautious look around before he walked further in. Each step he took was soundless as he came to the bottom step. Then a noise, foreign to this quiet, yet recurring dream, resounded. It was the sound of stone grinding against stone. Sasuke looked up towards the door. It was slowly, almost painfully, sliding up, reveling a dark shadow of someone standing within intensely bright light.
Sasuke had to shield his eyes before calling out, "Who are you!"
The person seemed to have just noticed Sasuke then. A smile crossed their face and their arms folded behind their back as this person bent down a little in an almost childish manner. "There you are! I'm waiting for you, Uchiha Sasuke!"
What? "Who are you? Why are you waiting for me?"
A small laugh was all he heard as the shadow said, "Come back quick, ok? We'll have so much fun together!" Then everything went black again.
Sasuke opened his eyes as the alarm clock went off. He lifted his face out of his pillow, mumbling, "Damn it all…" He reached over to the device making such an offending sound and promptly through it at the wall. It silenced immediately as it broke. Sasuke laid face down a moment longer before turning up to look at the ceiling. "Seriously though… who are you?"
Sasuke looked over towards his door to see a silver haired man leaning his bedroom door. "Kakashi-sensei," Sasuke sat up and rubbed the tiredness from his face. "Where've you been?"
The taller man simply smiled and shrugged, "Around."
Hitake Kakashi was something of a guardian, surrogate parent for Sasuke ever sense his mother and father died and his older brother disappeared. It'd been ten years now and the last thing he remembered about them was living in a tiny village on some small island covered in wild flowers and ruins… at least, that's what he thought. Kakashi never spoke much about his own or Sasuke's family, said it brought to many bad memories.
Then he took out "Icha Icha Paradise," his small perverted orange book. Sasuke always wondered about that book, he never heard of it before. "You know, the games going to start soon, your fans are all waiting."
Sasuke made a sound somewhere between a snort and a groan. Fans… he had too many of them to count (mostly fangirls shiver) and a couple hundred of them (all fangirls) obsessed and stalked him SHIVER. It was something he could do without. The Blitzball season had just started and tonight was the opener game. The Zanarkand Abes, his team, verses the Zanarkand Doggles.
Sasuke resisted the urge sigh out load before he removed himself from his oh-so-conferrable bed. Kakashi left for the living room, giving Sasuke some privacy.
After five minutes of waiting, the raven-haired teen walked out. Dark blue and black, a sharp contrast to the bright yellow and black the rest of his teammates wore. While the style was the same, a white trimmed vest, a close fitting shirt, black sorts, and yellow boots (blue in his case), the colors made him stand out the most on his team.
The two made their way over to the door of Sasuke's semi large house. Upon opening the front door, the two were greeted with the sound of ear piercing, glass shattering screeches and cheers from… fans, lots and lots of them. The door snapped back shut and Sasuke locked the door. The teenage sports celebrity through Kakashi a look that basically said I'm not going out there in that!
"Hmmmmm…" Kakashi hummed. He closed his one visible eye and scratched his spiky grey-white haired head. Sasuke's fans could be such a bother sometimes. "Let's try the back door."
It took the two nearly half an hour, ten minutes shy of not making it to the stadium. Sasuke couldn't complain, at least he was on time, but the look on Kakashi's near completely covered face said he did mind. No matter what the occasion, Kakashi was always an hour or two late saying he "Got lost on the road of life."
Sasuke walked towards the Abes locker room where his team waited patiently for his arrival. "Good luck tonight." Kakashi waved the moody teen off.
"If I needed luck, then what's the use of having skill?" Sasuke rolled his eyes as the he kept walking.
Kakashi shrugged before turning and walking off. "Oh, and Sasuke…" The dark haired boy turned expectantly. "After the game, I have something important to tell you."
Sasuke was in the middle of pre-game warm-ups and stretching when he heard the defining sound of hundreds of thousands of gallons of water filling the Sphere Pool in the stadium and the roar of the crowds waiting in anticipation. A small smirk crossed his lips as he began envisioning his… the team's… victory.
Kakashi walked until he reached a tall building that towered over the pier. "So now the story is about to begin." The gray haired man closed his eyes and sighed. "I thought I'd have more time to train the boy." Kakashi looked out to the water. In the distance, along the horizon, the water began to bulge as something massive traveled just beneath the surface toward the glorious city that never sleeps. Rin, Obito … Arashi-sensei, I hope we're ready for this, Kakashi thought as the sound of the swiftly filling stadium not too far caught some of his attention. We have to be ready.
The feeling of water in the Sphere Pool, the slightly muffled sound of screaming Blitzball fans, and the sensation of adrenaline pumping through his veins was the best. The competition, the infamous Zanarkand Duggles, was known for their brutality and unmerciful beatings they handed their opponents each game. They slammed, kicked, rushed, and tackled almost every Abe unfortunate enough to get caught by them.
Sasuke dodged everything with unusual grace as he rushed a Doggle, knocking the older, burley man out of the pool and into the stands. He smirked at the unconscious man and swam away. This action gave his team enough of an opening to score on the Doggles. The Abes were now one up on the team that received a fair amount (a lot) of boos and jeers.
Since most of Zanarkand's population was at the stadium, cheering on their favorite teams, nobody saw the monstrous creature rise of the water and hover over the pier. No one saw but one. Kakashi sighed in frustration as he made his was back to the stadium to pick up his charge. It's here now, he thought. It is almost time to go.
The clock was ticking away the remaining time as Sasuke informed his team though sign to pass him the ball as he started to wind up his trademark Sphere Shot.
The Doggles, recognizing the Uchiha boy's special shot, as they all refocused their attention on him and tried to stop him. The Abes blocked off the Doggles as the surrounded their star player, forming a defensive ring. The white and blue ball shot out the top of the Sphere Pool, followed closely by Sasuke. He was performing the backwards flip that would bring his foot slamming into the ball, but his attention was brought away from his intended target when he saw it. On the other side of the city, near the pier, a large something hovered poise looking directly at him. Sasuke gasped. The watery bubble surrounding it ripped before four bullets of energy shot into the city. Each one pierced one building after another before hitting the grounds near the stadium or different parts of it. Explosions erupted and rocked the city as every building hit toppled and caved in on them selves.