Duty Versus Desire

The world was crashing down around them, and there was little he could do to stop it. He watched as his companions dropped around him, contorted in pain. He froze for the briefest of seconds when he heard their pained cries. The screams ripped from their throats, in a hope that the sound escaping would take the pain with it.

Why do we scream?

Why we Cry?

He looked back, just a glance.

"Erik, hurry"!

The unique voice urged him forward, he, who alone remained immune.

He hesitated, closed his eyes. All he wanted to do was rush to her side, and place the shielding helm upon her head.

To shield her from it all.

He took a step back, lifting the helmet ever so slightly.


They had a mission, if he didn't follow through, no one would be left.

Still, he hated to see her in pain. Maybe he could make it without the helmet, once he was inside the chamber, he would be shielded.

Could he afford to take that chance?

Images of his parents being ripped from his arms passed before his eye. He could nothing to help them then, but he could do something to help them now, to help all of them.

Hold on just a little longer.

He didn't know whether he told himself this for his benefit.

Or hers.

Turning away from her was the hardest thing he ever had to do, and he had survived Auschwitz, but he did it.

For himself.

For her.

For all of them.

It's duty versus desire, and you have to choose.