Disclaimer: First, we'd like to say that our long absence has been spent plotting the abduction of Willy Wonka from the Tim Burton/WB compound that has him stored and locked up. However, despite our numerous attempts to kidnap the chocolatier, all of our plots have failed. Therefore, we're writing this story to make ourselves (and our readers) feel better about the whole thing.

A/N: We know, we know, it's been forever since we've written Frozen Chocolate, but since a new school term started for one of the authoresses, it's been nearly impossible for her get online to help write a fic. However, now we are able to bring the long-awaited sequel to the hit story, Frozen Chocolate Can Still Melt. Enjoy, and please review! Thanks!


The days following the engagement of Willy Wonka to Danika Sinclaire had been filled with nervous excitement. The Oompa Loompas held dozens of parties every night to celebrate the Cocoa Bean Man and the Fire-haired Lady bonding together, and Willy and Nika attended each and every one.

Once the celebrations were over with for good, the two lovers had the unpleasant act of telling Danika's parents and family about the engagement. Her father merely spluttered that Willy was too old for her, that the two men were the same age (if not older). But when Danika explained how much she loved Willy, and how much he loved her, her still-skeptical father (eventually) consented to the match. Danika's mother, on the other hand, looked torn between being happy at exactly whom her daughter was marrying and how old the groom was. In the end, though, both parents were happy for their daughter, and gave their consent to a very nervous Willy Wonka (who had been sweating bullets throughout the entire visit).

When they told Marian, Geoff, and Kylie what had happened, Nika's little cousin insisted that she be a flower girl in the wedding even as Marian and Geoff stared in shock at the news. Marian felt that perhaps Willy was transferring his affections for her onto her niece, and Geoff thought that just the idea of Danika marrying the eccentric chocolatier was the biggest mistake of her young life. But the two people looked very much in love and very happy, despite what the others might think, and reluctantly, Marion and Geoff gave them their well-wishes and promised to be at the upcoming nuptials.

With the guests certain to attend, all that was left was to choose where and when to have the ceremony. This caused a great deal of arguing to commence between Willy and Danika, fights that usually caused the Oompa Loompas to double as peacekeepers between the two Tall People. Danika wanted a winter wedding, with the snow falling romantically on them as they said their wedding vows. Willy, however, said that the cold would be bad for the Oompa Loompas, who would also be at the wedding as guests and as participants in the ceremony itself.

Finally, after weeks of fighting, a compromise was made: the ceremony would be held in winter, but inside the huge glass conservatory at the top of the factory. A few panes of glass would be removed from the ceiling to allow a light dusting of snow to fall on top of the bride and groom, and the Oompa Loompas would still be warm and cozy inside of the structure. Meanwhile, Sally, Wendell, and Bob would all be up at the altar with Willy (with Wendell as his best man) and Danika (with Sally as her maid of honor). Plus, Bob was recruited to be the ring bearer.

Then came another barrier: the wedding gown. Will wanted an expensive, out-of-this-world white dress, while Danika wanted a new style of wedding dress that had a dash of color to it. Finally, they compromised on it, and Danika chose a white gown with red lace trim on the bodice, a large red sash around the waist that tied in a bow on the side of her hip, and the hem of the sleeves were edged in red silk W's, just like the pin Willy wore. She knew that he would love to see his signature on her, and the Oompa Loompas thought it was a cute touch.

The wedding day dawned as everyone had hoped it would: sunny, but with just enough clouds to give a light dusting of snow for the ceremony (and even if it hadn't, Willy was sure he would have found a way to make it snow indoors). Danika's family was there, with little Kylie as the pink-dressed flower girl, and the entire Oompa Loompa tribe there to be witnesses. One of the tribal elders was performing the ceremony, and after he had given his speech in the style of Oompa Loompa hand signals, the bride and groom exchanged their vows.

Once they managed to speak through excited and joyful tears, the two shared their first kiss as husband and wife. Danika had then tossed the bouquet to her cousin and was whisked away by Willy to a very secluded room in the factory for two weeks, where no one even knew how to find them. All that the Oompa Loompas knew was that both Mr. and Mrs. Wonka had emerged very happy and very dazed.

As years passed on, the two lovebirds were unbelievably happy, but had the nagging suspicion that there was something missing in their lives. Neither one of them knew exactly what it was, but it would come to them eventually.

Like on a day when Willy was getting his semiannual haircut…

AN: Yes, we're evil for giving a short chapter, but there will be longer ones in the future, we promise! Please review and inspire us to write more!