Tai: Yay! Sequel numero uno is up! Aren't you lucky? Now a little bit of information - killing the authoress will stop the upload of further chapets, etc. Thank you for all the lovely reviews on Dreams, and the second sequel is also up. I'm hoping to get aronud the same amount of reviews for the sequels as Dreams got.

Anyway, if you notice that one of the characters is getting to be a little OOC, please tell me, although there are times lately that Riza is gonig to be a little OOC, but thats later on. Umm, what else... oh I must remember to continue writing, I have the first two or so chapters already written for each, but I still need to continue. Chances are I will finish one first, then the other. Also the title shall be explained later on. I know the summary sucks but who cares, story is more important than summary.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist.

Chapter 1: Opportunities

He pushed her back against the door, kissing her lips hungrily. "Roy, we should get inside before somebody sees us." She purred, his lips travelling to her neck. He let out an annoyed growl and searched his pockets for the keys. She stepped out of the way and he opened the door, pulling her inside quickly. Seconds later she was once again pushed up against the door, her hands searching for the lock. Finally locking the door her arms wrapped tightly around the older male, kissing him back forcefully. Licking his lips she asked for entrance, which was given quickly. Their tongues wrestled for dominance and after a few more seconds, the pair parted, panting lightly. Riza looked over Roy's shoulder to see Hayate running quickly towards the kitchen. "Maybe we should move this to my room, hmm?" Roy asked, feeling his jacket drop off his shoulders onto the ground. She nodded and he moved forward, capturing her lips in another kiss, his arms moved quite low and he picked her up. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to explore her mouth.

Before she knew it, Roy had her pinned against his bed, kissing and licking her neck hungrily. His hands meanwhile were on her legs, moving slowly up her thighs. He placed kissed along her jawbone and up to her ear, while her hands undid his shirt. His hands reached her panties and he gently began rubbing her, causing her to moan loudly. "I think this annoying piece of clothing will have to be removed, don't you?" he purred, nipping at her earlobe. She nodded, and his hands slid his hands further up, reaching the elastic of the clothing. He slid the item down, lifting her hips a little to get them completely off. He threw them away to a corner of the room, and kissed her once more. Riza had finally unbuttoned his shirt completely; her hands slipped up his back and she carefully removed his shirt. Throwing it away she let her hands roam over his body, brushing lightly against each nipple. He moaned into her mouth, his hands busy behind her back, trying to find whatever was keeping the dress on her body. Her hands slid down to his pants and she began to unbuckle his belt, still kissing him.

Roy pulled back and looked her over. He was half naked yet he could find the zip, button or clasp, whatever it was that was stopping him from viewing every part of her beautiful body. "Something wrong?" she asked, kissing down his neck to the juncture of his shoulder. He smiled, leaning back and pulling her with him. "No, I'm just having a task of finding what's keeping that dress on you." He replied huskily, running a hand through her hair. Riza smiled against his neck and her hands moved behind her. Feeling the material of her dress loosen in his hands, Roy moved his hands onto Riza's and finished unzipping her dress. He let her lay back down and looked over her body, sliding the straps of her dress off of her shoulders. Leaving the dress alone for a few moments, he lent down and kissed her neck, biting it roughly at the juncture of her shoulder. She let a small cry escape her lips, the noise soon turning into gentle moans as he started to massage her breasts. Finally getting sick of the dress, Roy kissed Riza, he hands pulling on his belt. Lifting her slim body with one hand, he used the other to slide the dress off of her body.

He sat up a little and looked over her almost naked body. Licking his lips he lent down and kissed her, while removing the strapless bra she was wearing. Tossing it over near her dress, he looked her body over. "Beautiful." He whispered, his eyes taking in every inch of her body. She blushed and looked away. Roy smiled and ran his hands over her body, tracing a path down between her breasts with his finger. She moved her hands forward and began tugging at his pants, wanting to rid her new lover of the troublesome item. He smiled and sliding himself off the bed. He stood and quickly undid his pants, letting them and his boxers drop onto the floor. Riza sat up and looked over his body, blushing as her eyes travelled down past his hips. She soon got over her shyness and stood, pulling Roy into a kiss. He returned the kiss and pushed her back onto the bed. His lips soon left hers, travelling down to her breasts. Taking the left nipple in his mouth he began to suck and gently nibble on it, causing her to moan. His hand moved up to her right nipple, gently teasing it as well. After several minutes he switched, giving each nipple the same treatment. Satisfied with his work, he pulled back and kissed her firmly, her hands moving up and burying themselves in his short black hair. He left her lips and trailed butterfly kisses down her body.

Riza lay there, enjoying every touch, every movement Roy made. She felt something warm enter her, soon followed by another intruder, which made her moan loudly. She soon realised what it was and her hand instinctively went down, holding Roy's head in place. "Roy, please, stop teasing." She moaned, fisting his hair roughly. He pulled back and looked into her eyes, they were glazed over with lust. He smirked and kissed her, spreading her legs a little more. Pulling back from the kiss, he knew he had to ask. "Are you sure, Riza?" She nodded, still a little unsure. "This is going to hurt a little Riza, but I promise, it'll get better." He lent forward and kissed her. Roy wasn't one to brag, but he was big, and he'd never worried about it before. This time was different though; he didn't want to hurt her. Breaking the kiss he positioned himself and looked for any sign that she wanted him to stop. Seeing none he gently entered her, feeling her body tense up seconds after he'd pushed himself halfway in. he looked at her face – her eyes were clenched shut in pain. Knowing things wouldn't get better unless she relaxed, he ran his hand gently down the side of her face. "Just relax." He cooed, trying to calm her, "it'll hurt less if you relax, okay?" She nodded, unsure if he could see her or not. "Okay." She whimpered, trying to relax her body.

It took her a few minutes to adjust, having something or rather, someone inside her was a new feeling. She relaxed her body and Roy continued, being as gentle as he could. There was still pain and Riza was gripping the blankets tightly. He lent down and kissed her, moving his hands to either side of Riza's head and pushing in roughly. A small cry escaped her lips and Roy remained still, not wanting to hurt her anymore. Getting fully in in one go would be a lot easier, and most of the pain would be over now. After a few moments, Riza was used to the new feeling and opened her eyes to see Roy looking at her, concern etched on his handsome features. "You okay?" he asked, seeing her eyes open. She smiled and nodded, signalling that he could continue. She felt him pull almost all the way about before sliding back in, starting a slow, gentle rhythm. Soon she was used to the feeling, moaning lightly and rocking her hips to meet each of his inward thrusts.

Feeling that Riza was enjoying it, Roy picked up the pace, causing both to moan loudly. As Roy went harder and faster, Riza's eyes fluttered closed, as did Roy's. He could feel that both were close and sped up, making Riza moan even louder. Seconds later both moaned the others name, reaching their climaxes simultaneously. Roy lent forward, his arms the only thing keeping him up. He was panting, as was Riza. Her body was shimmering with sweat and she still looked amazing. Her eyes opened, looking at him. He smiled and kissed her, pulling out in the process. He lay back on the bed next to Riza, still panting. He felt warmth on his left and turned to see Riza leaning on his chest, her body resting on his left arm. He smiled and pulled the blankets over them, wrapping his arm around Riza, effectively pulling her closer. He watched as her breathing slowed and became even, letting her fall asleep. He closed his eyes and relaxed, falling to sleep feeling very content.


Riza moved gently in her sleep, her arm searching for warmth that wasn't there. Getting worried she opened her eyes and looked around the room. He was gone, no note, nothing. Last night he'd said he loved her, and she'd said the same to him. They'd spent an amazing night together and Riza had felt amazing when she fell asleep, but now the bed was empty and she was alone. Curling her body up, she buried her face into the nearest pillow and began to cry softly. She didn't hear the footsteps in the hallway, she was too upset. She'd believed what he'd said last night, and this morning he'd left, probably gone to brag to Havoc and the others about nailing her. Feeling a gentle hand on her shoulder, she turned to see Roy sitting next to her on the bed. Etched into his features was a look of worry and concern for only her to see. "You all right?" she sat up and hugged him, burying her face into his neck.

She nodded, "I just got a little worried when I woke up and realised you weren't here." She replied softly, giving him a quick kiss. He smiled, "I thought you might want some breakfast, I got up early and hoped to be back in here when you woke up. Hungry?" she nodded as he reached behind her, arranging the pillows so she could lean back comfortably. She settled back into the pillows and pulled the blanket tightly around her body, tucking it behind her back. He moved next to her and grabbed the tray he'd set down, placing it gently into her lap. She looked at it and smiled, pancakes, bacon, eggs and a few slices of toast, along with two cups of coffee. Seeing the look of her face, Roy shrugged, "I wasn't sure what you wanted." She turned and kissed him before starting to eat. He smiled back and grabbed one of the cups of coffee, leaning back against the wall. A small noise in the hallway caught Riza's attention as Black Hayate bounded into the room, jumping easily onto the bed. He looked surprisingly happy.

"Why's he in such a good mood?" Riza asked, taking a bite of toast. Roy brought his cup up to his lips, "Probably because we're finally together, he seemed to know what we were going to do before we actually did it." He took a sip, "that's probably why he took off to the kitchen last night." Riza nodded as Hayate moved to sit beside her. She ripped off a bit of bacon and gave it to the small dog, who ate it happily. "So, what do we do now, Roy?" Riza asked, looking at the few bits of bacon that remained. She'd finished basically everything else with Roy's help and was feeding the bacon to Hayate. Roy looked down, being a couple would be very difficult for both, if anyone found out, numerous things could happen, none of which Roy liked to think of. Roy moved the tray out of Riza's lap. Riza lent against Roy, feeling safe in his arms. "We could leave the military, find jobs somewhere and just live like every other couple that's in love." He whispered, kissing her gently. "Or we could stay with the lives we have, hide our relationship from everyone. You can continue staying here with me." Riza nodded and kissed him back. Black Hayate saw where Roy's hands were heading and barked, making Riza pull back and moved Hayate into her lap.

"I like the second option more. We just have to hope no one finds out." Riza replied, leaning against Roy and petting Hayate. "And if anyone does find out, we have to hope they'll keep quiet." Roy nodded and kissed the top of her head. "I'm going to go have a shower." He told her, giving her one more quick kiss before heading over to his wardrobe. "Roy, did you…did you really mean it? What you said last night?" Riza's soft voice asked from the bed. Hayate had his ears perked, looking accusingly at Roy. Riza's eyes were cast down and Roy stopped what he was doing, walking over to the bed he lifted Riza's chin, making her look at him. He pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss. Needing air, he pulled back and looked into the dark amber depths of her eyes, "I'd never joke about that, Riza, I love you, and I have a feeling I always will." He lent forward and kissed her again before grabbing some clothes and heading for the bathroom. Riza sat there, still stunned by what Roy had told her. She brought a hand to her lips, the taste of his still lingered there. She smiled and looked at Black Hayate who yipped happily. Riza smiled and slipped out from under the blankets, slipping on Roy's shirt and her panties. She gathered up the other clothes that were lying on the floor and took them to the laundry.

She headed to her room and looked through the things she'd bought. Deciding on black pants and a white top, she grabbed some clean lingerie. She heard the water stop in the bathroom and guessed Roy was out of the shower, though she didn't know why she'd waited. They'd spent one long, passionate night together but she still wasn't used to seeing him naked. She walked towards the bathroom and reached the door seconds before it opened. Roy looked her over and smiled, pulling her into another kiss. He lent his forehead against hers, "You could've told me I needed to grab a shirt." He laughed. She kissed and brushed past lightly into the bathroom. "And miss that chest of yours?" she laughed, shutting the door. Roy shook his head and ruffled his hair, getting rid of a few drops of water. He headed for the bedroom and grabbed a shirt, slipping it on. He didn't bother buttoning it yet as he grabbed the tray he'd bought in earlier. Taking it to the kitchen he washed the dishes that were still in the sink, all the while thinking of what they could do today. Hayate scampered into the room and began scratching at the door. Roy laughed and let the dog outside, leaving the door open. He continued washing the dishes, almost dropping one when a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. "Any plans for today?" a gentle voice whispered, kissing his neck. "Not really." He replied, finishing the dishes. Hayate ran into the room, barking happily. Roy emptied the sink and both he and Riza followed Hayate outside, where he seemed to have found a ball. They took turns throwing the ball, watching as Hayate dashed madly after it.

Around twelve they decided to go for a walk, Hayate jumping and bounding happily alongside. Finding a small café to have lunch in, Hayate finally calmed down a little, behaving more like he usually did. Ryo and Riza ordered some food, and sitting down to eat they began to talk about nothing in particular. Roy finally asked the question that had been on his mind all morning, "So, what do you think about moving in with me permanently?" Riza looked up at him, she still didn't have an answer for him. Hayate yipped happily, answering for her. "I think Hayate wants to." Roy laughed. Riza smiled and looked down at her plate. "So do I." Riza answered, looking up at Roy again. He smiled and stood. "Why don't we go get the rest of your belongings?" he asked, piling the empty plates on top of one another. Riza nodded and stood up as well. The three of them left the restaurant, unaware of the dark eyes watching them. As Roy and Riza disappeared from sight, a cold voice spoke. "We're going to have to teach him a lesson. Obviously he doesn't know you shouldn't fuck with the same family twice."

Tai: Ok guys, just a REALLY IMPORTANT NOTE - I've never written a lemon before, well, unless you count the first chapter of Dreams but I don't. That probably sucked but it's the best I could do. Anyway comments are apprreciated.