Disclaimer: Guess what? I still don't own them. :: gasps heard everywhere :: I know, I know, it breaks my heart too. Nevertheless, that's okay, I'll just keep writing these fics for you. :)

Summary: Welcome to the thoughts of Relena Darlain Peacecraft. You will begin to read her secret journal, but I won't give away the whole plot. You'll soon see. So just read, and I hope I sort of snagged your attention with that first misleading chapter.

A.N.: .......... I actually updated this thing. I bet you guys thought I never would and that I totally forgot about it. Well you were right, at least about the second part. I admit it that I've kind of lost my flare for GW since I just haven't seen it so much. It just doesn't inspire me anymore like it used to, and yet I still come up with these fics. The problem is though without any inspiration, I don't feel the drive to work on them. And also I've just developed interests in categories like DBZ. Also my life is really hectic now. Anyway, what I'm basically trying to say is don't expect the chapters to come out like next week, but I definitely will update a whole lot sooner, like maybe at the beginning of next month. Until then I hope you wait patiently.

Last Words: Chapter 7-by ~Crystal Delphina~
January 30, A.C. 197

Hilde and I stayed up all night talking the other night. We talked about everything and nothing at all, whatever came to mind or whatever entered our hearts. Fears, doubts, joys, and even love, we covered it all. We seem to do that every now and again, just to check up with each other. I used to believe I had best friends, but I never really had any until Hilde, and then the other girls.

Sure I had the girls at my school that acted kind to me, and I know that they really were trying to be friendly, but they couldn't get past my title. Then they backed away in fear, their lives to pampered to acknowledge someone remotely involved in the war(much less that there actually was a war), even if that person was fighting for the side of peace. It was to risky to get tied up with the princess(me, duh), unless you were someone who had nothing to lose.

Once again, as always the case, the conversation covered schooling. Hilde still really wants to go to college, but she doesn't want to leave what she's doing now. And as always, I tried to assure her that whatever decision she wanted to make, no one would think less of her. She's reluctant however for other reasons then just a job.

This is how the topic of conversation turned to love. She couldn't bare to leave Duo - she never has- and I also know that he feels the same way. She has a feeling that he wouldn't follow her to her school, but of course they would see each other. She just can't decide which is more important to her.

"Have you told Duo about how you feel about all this?" I asked, wondering if maybe they could figure out a plan. She got up to go get a mug of hot chocolate without any comment. When she came back, she brought up the subject of my newest intern...
Late February

"Relena, you won't believe what came in the mail today." Hilde entered my office with a huge smile on her face. I wasn't sure exactly what had gotten into her, but I figured if it was that good, I should smile along.


"I received an acceptance letter from L2 University." Well that caught me by surprise, and of course she saw it in my face.

"What are you talking about??"

"After our talk last month, I just had to see if I could even get into a college. So I applied, just for fun though of course."

"Are you going to go?" I held my breath.

"Well, yes and no..." She was hiding something, and I could tell she was just bursting at the seams to tell me. Another surprise, but this one I didn't think I'd like as much. I was right of course.

"Duo and I talked like you suggested, and he also wants to go to school. So, we're going to spend one more year with Preventers, and then we're going to move back to L2, and both go to school there. Isn't that just great?" She looked to me for my acceptance.

"That's great news Hilde." Yeah, just peachy. In one year I'll be loosing my best friend... "We should go celebrate tonight." She nodded eagerly.

Even now, after we finished with the nice dinner and bottle of champagne, I sit in this bed crying. Duo and Hilde were really the only ones left. Of course there is Wufei and Sally, but really they act more like body guards then friends, especially Wufei. I think though that in some ways he is trying to make something up to Heero by protecting me, but what I'm not sure. And Une is more like a advice type of person. Now who will keep me company in this damned city that houses both the ESUN and the Preventers under one skyline?


They're leaving earlier due to the fact that apparently Duo applied too, and both of them are going to start in the fall. Mid July is the last time I'll see them for a while. I've gotten over it though, and I really am happy for them. No more self pity.


Hilde unconsciously rubbed her stomach, her maternal instincts kicking in. Although she was still only a month into the first term, she could feel herself starting to show. She entered the waiting room to see most of the occupants pigging out on junk food. She turned a tad shade of green at what they were consuming, for she had always been a health food fanatic, but figured that she too would be having cravings for greasy chips soon.

She also noticed that Dorothy and Quatre, along with Wufei and her husband, were playing chess against each other. Sally and Noin seemed to be playing checkers, and Catherine and Trowa read magazines. She quirked an eyebrow at Trowa. She hadn't taken him for the Cosmopolitan type, but whatever... Apparently no one had noticed her walk in yet, so she decided to make her presence known.

"Maxwell, hurry up and make your move," Wufei grumbled impatiently. However, Duo didn't seem to notice his commentary, as he continued to stare at the board looking for strategic advantages. Hilde gave a slight smirk at her beloved's concentration. She tapped Wufei on the shoulder, motioned to the book, and waited for him to get up so she could finish out the game. Getting the idea, Wufei took the journal.

Just then, Duo rubbed in hands together when he figured out a foolproof plan. He gave a huge grin as he looked down at the board. He moved his piece and said, "Ha, I got you now Wufei. There is no way you can escape this." He looked up with a satisfied smile, when his confidence suddenly faltered.

"You're not Wufei!" Hilde smiled.

"Ah dear, you continue to astound me with your unique observation skills."

"But - but, Wufei was just right there!" he said flabbergasted. Hilde simply shrugged and moved her piece.

"Checkmate." Duo's wide eyes turned from her, to the board, and he nearly lost it - mentally of course.

Wufei was about to exit the room when he turned to look at Sally. Coincidentally, she looked up at the same time too, and stared after him as he walked out of the room.


Yes, yes, I know it was short, but like I said, don't expect miracles the first time I write this in a while. Oh, I hope this chapter was better then the last couple, because I've been trying to work on my writing style and improve it, but maybe nothing really changed. So just a little hint, inspiration can also come from reader encouragement. What exactly am I trying to say? Review!! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!!! Can I say it any differently?