Disclaimer; Naruto and all his friends are not mine (and in the case of Sasuke, thank goodness), but the premise for this story, and the new character there in, are. If you would like to use him though, go ahead. I'll take any and all forms of praise, but save the flames. I'm of the opinion that if you don't like it THEN DON'T READ IT!

Authors note; While I do speak some Japanese, I am by no means fluent, so I shall list the various jutsu's and techinques in English. Any help on that would be greatly appreciated!

The Legendary Four

The sun rose slowly over the village, bringing forth the first crows of the roosters, and the first sounds of people moving about the streets. If a perosn were too look at this village from a tourist point of view, there was nothing really spectacular or even unique about it…

With the notable exception of the large mountain with two faces carved into it.

This village was known as 'Konohagakure', the "Village Hidden in the Leaves". While its name may sound rather pretentious, it also served a purpose; it let everone know that this was a ninja town.

As the hussle and bussle of the day began, many children could be seen headed towards a school. It seemed normal enough, with a playground, classrooms, a meeting hall, even a cafeteria.

The twenty some odd posts with varios shuriken, senbon, and kunai stuck in them stood out though.

A young blond girl walked into the school yard, her nose buried in a book about healing arts. She was quite pretty, with her long hair done up in a double ponytail, and she wore a white sleeveless blouse, black capri pants, a black obi knotted at the back, and dark blue sandles. Many girls at the school gave her looks of respect mixed with jealousy. Many of the boys gave her looks of respect, but very few with looks of lust, as this girl was known to have a short fuse, and bullish strenght despite her petite size.

Her name was Makoto Tsunade, and she was the granddaughter of the first leader of Konoha, the Shodaime Hokage.

There were three boys, however, who did not fall into the same category as the others.

One of whom was currently looking through a freshly drilled hole into the girls locker room…

A resounding SMACK was heard throughout the village proper, as well as a cry of pain. Nearly all of the people in the town knew what it meant, and paid it no mind. A moring wouldn't be complete without said event;

Jiraiya the Pervert had received his morning punishment.

"Itetetete," Jiraiya muttered, rubbing his hand over the sizable lump on his skull, prominent even through the main of white hair on his head, "What was that for, Tsunade-chan?"

"Don't you 'Tsunade-chan' me you mega-hentai!" said blonde replied, "I told you what would happen if I caught you peeping around here again! Now take it like a man!" She reared her fist back for another righteous blow…

Only to be stopped by a smooth, if somewhat dark sounding voice, "Save your energy Tsunade-san, the other girls will take care of it." Both children turned to see a taller boy leaning up against a tree, his pale features set off by the yellow serpentine-like eyes. "Besides, he's likely to be assigned to our team, so it wouldn't be good to injure him too much."

"Screw that, Orochimaru!" Tsunade replied, "It's the duty of all women to punish perverts like Jiraiya!"

"While I'm sure there is some unwritten rule about that," Orochimaru replied silkily, "Your punishments usually cripple people, or did you forget about Genji?" Tsunade blushed at that, remembering the boy who spent nearly a month in rehab because of his angering her.

"Will you two stop talking about me like I'm not right here?" Jiraiya whined, "Besides, who said you and I will be one the same team, Orochi-teme?"

"Its tradditional that the best and worst students be paired together," came a new voice, "It maintains balance between genin teams, and adds to the growth of teamwork." The trio turned to see another boy sitting in the tree. His appearance was rather ordinary; he wore a nodiscript grey hakama with brown pants, and a brown obi. He had dark brown hair that was nearly as wild as Jiraiya's. He wasn't tall, but not short. He wasn't bulky, but he wasn't slim. He was just…there.

The only striking thing about him was his eyes; a solid steal grey with small black pupils.

"Excuse me," Tsunade said, "But who are you?"

The boy seemed disapointed for some reason. "I know I make it a point to blend in everywhere, and I don't call attention to myself, but really," he said, jumping down from his branch, "We've been in the same class for two years and you still didn't learn my name?"

"No, we didn't," Jiraiya replied, earning a smack upside the head from Tsunade.

The boy grumbled, then took out a 50 ryo coin, and begain flipping it over the knuckles of his right hand. "Figures," he muttered, "I'm Mikazeno Tetsuya. The tenth graduate."

"Tenth?" Orochimaru asked, raising his left eyebrow, "But there were only supposed to be nine…"

"Can I help it if I'm forgettable?" Tetsuya replied, continuing to pass his coin back and forth over his hand, "It just means one of the Jonin sensei's will have to take four instead of three." Assuming they don't forget me again. he thought.

"How come you never tried talking to us before?" Tsunade asked, "We probably would have known you if you had."

"I'm shy, alright?" he replied, "Besides, I wasn't in the academy most days. I spent most of my time with Hayate Kenji, learning my bloodline."

"Bloodline?" Jiraiya asked, "What can you do?"

"Well…" Tetsuya said, causing the three genins to lean forward.

"Sore wa himitsu desu!" (That is a secret! )

It was a rare sight to see the tree genins all facefault, especially in Ororchimaru's case. However, when it happened, it was a sight to see.

"I suggest we get going," Tetsuya said, wiping some dust off his pants that had gotten kicked up but the sudden planting of faces, "Our teams will be chosen soon." With that, he walked inside.

That guy… thought Jiraiya.

Is going to be… Tsunade mused.

A real asset… Orochimaru pondered.

"Or a real pain," the three finished together. They stopped, staring at one another for a few minutes, then ran into the building.

Fate would determine how their preditions would come to pass.

Next time; Sarutobi Sudara, the legendary Sandaime Hokage. His skills will be put to the test, as he takes on the first team of four. What will he have to teach them? What will they have to teach him? Find out in The Legendary Four, Chapter Two; Team Seven, a Four Strand Rope. Be there!