This story was RPed out between myself and goggle head girl, it's rated for language and angst in later chapters. Be warned this is 4th season based, so do not read if you haven't seen season 4 and don't want spoilers. And as always, please PLEASE read and review and enjoy. :)


Raph straightened up when he was done and set down his food carton before giving a stretch.

"You tired?" Asked Leo feeling a little tired himself.
"Yeah, how are we gonna sleep?" Mikey asked.

"I guess we're sleeping on the ground" Said Donny.

"No blankets?" Mikey complained.

"We'll start fixing this place up tomorrow, for now we have to improvise." Don explained. Mikey sighed and nodded.

Leo laid back on his shell tired from the days events. He closed his eyes, just resting them for a moment. Raph turned his head to look at his mate for a moment. He smiled sitting down next to him.

Mikey cleared his throat. "Maybe we should leave so Raph and Leo can be, uh, you know, alone?"

Donny nodded, splinter gave a half nod agreeing with his sons. Raph quickly shook his head.

"You don't have to." Leo opened his eyes, and lifted his head as he spoke.

"Its okay you guys do need some alone time" Said Mikey.

"But..." Leo started to protest, he had been enjoying his family being with him again.

"No buts leo, we'll leave you with Raph for a bit, not a huge deal." Mikey said determined.
Leo sighed. "Ok..." He said still a little reluctant.

"See you guys in a bit." Said Donny as the three of them walked away.

Raph watched them leave the room, before he looked to Leo, at a loss for the moment.

"That was new." He commented.
Leo sat up again. "I know." He replied.

"Well we can always use the time wisely." Said Raph teasingly, kissing leo on the cheek.

Leo chuckled and leaned in capturing his lips. Their lips stayed locked for a few moments before Raph broke the kiss nuzzling his mate on the cheek again.

"Here, or somewhere else..." He asked softly, worried someone could just be outside listening.

"how about where I found you?" Asked Leo.
Raph considered for a moment. "That works."

They both got out of the lair heading for where Leo had found his mate. Raph stepped inside the tunnel again, this time under better terms. They walked deeper into the tunnel before Raph gently kissed Leo.
Leo kissed him back, wrapping his hands around his mates waist. Raph's arms slipped around leo's shoulders as he held him lovingly. He held him tightly, he wasn't going to let anything short of a natural disaster disturb this moment. It'd been too long.

Leo broke the kiss after a few moments for air before he kissed raph again, he felt Raphs fingers wandering down his body. Raph's fingers paused for a moment as where the piece of his mates shell was missing, before he continued to explore as if touching him for the first time again.

Leo enjoyed the touches. raph broke the kiss laying a few kisses down his mates jaw line. Leo sighed and closed his eyes as he tilted his head at the kisses. Raph made his way down his mates body.

Leo allowed his own hands to explore Raph's body as well, nipping at his neck and shoulder. Raph moaned at the biting throwing his head back, before his hand went lower

Leo grinned and mrred at hearing his mate moan and he nipped there again as his hands slipped down to massage the strong thighs. Raph moaned again feeling relaxed he bit softly on Leo's neck.

Leo mmmed softly. Raph managed to get Leo to lay on the dort floor as he leaned down and nipped at his neck, letting his hands roam over his plasteron.


Leo yawned lightly he was curled closer to Raph. Raph held his mate close but gentle, enjoying the closeness. He nuzzled him softly with a content sigh. Leo nuzzled back letting out what sounded like a purr closing his eyes.

Raph smiled contently. "Love you Leo." He murmured softly.

Leo smiled back at raph still sleepy "I love you too raph" he said softly burruing his head in his mates chest listening to his heartbeat. Raph just layed there silently, content to listen to his mates breathing, and the sounds outside their tunnel hide away.

Raph just wanted to go back to sleep and relax with his mate, Leo seemed about ready to do that himself. Ah hell, a few more hours of sleep won't kill them, he hoped.

He closed his eyes following suit to his mate who was now falling into a comfortable sleep his head still pressed againts Raph's chest. Raph nuzzled into Leo's shoulder as he drifted off again as well.


And it's done! I hope you all enjoyed it, if you did, please review! puppy eyes Stay tuned as we have two sequels planned for this story! XD