Disclaimers: I don't own any of the DBZ characters, but I'd really like to

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the DBZ characters, but I'd really like to.

Author's Note: We all know that Goku didn't die in the present, but in Trunks world he did. This is written based on the future events of Trunks world. Enjoy the story.

A Hero Fallen

It was clear that Goku was dying. There was nothing that could be done for him because the heart virus was too far-gone. All of the Z fighters had come to say their hard good-byes to him. The only two people that were at his side were Gohan and Chi-Chi. She had tried to make Goku in his final moments. Goku was sleeping, trying to recover from the virus. Chi-Chi and Gohan waited while death slithered around them, waiting to steal Goku's life. Goku awoke from his nap slowly and found Chi-Chi and Gohan by his side. They both knew that Goku wouldn't be with them much longer.

"Chi-Chi, Go…han." Goku said struggling.

"Yes Goku, I'm here." Chi-Chi stated holding back tears.

"I'm here too dad." Gohan added.

"Don't cry for me. There's nothing you can do for me now. I've lived my life, so just let it be." Goku said.

"No Goku, please don't talk like that. You'll get better, you will." Chi-Chi sobbed.

"I'm so sorry for everything." Goku stated.

"Sorry for what dad?" Gohan questioned.

"For not being a good enough husband and more protective father to Gohan. I could have done so much more than I did." Goku stated.

"You're everything to me Goku. I wouldn't want our life to be any different than what it is. I love my life with you because we have each other and we have Gohan. I wouldn't trade my life for anything." Chi-Chi told Goku.

Goku clutched his heart, but the pain subsided for only a moment. A tear ran down Chi-Chi's face as she watched her husband die. Goku took her hand in his. He motioned for Gohan to hold his had too.

"This is what I lived for. You and Gohan are my reason for living. I would never want to live for anything else but the sole duty of being at your side and Gohan's for all my days." Goku said.

"You have been here for us always dad, even if you thought you weren't." Gohan replied.

"Gohan is right Goku. You have been there for us, just like I'm sure that you will always will." Chi-Chi stated choking back a huge sob.

"I will always been there for you, even if we can't be together." Goku said weakly. He could feel his life leave his weak, battered body. He looked at Gohan and Chi-Chi. Both of them were crying and he knew that he was causing them great pain by dying.

"Gohan, Chi-Chi, thank you for making me feel so loved and appreciated." Goku said with a dying voice.

"Dad, I love you." Gohan sobbed.

"Yes I know son, I know. Take care of your mother for me." Goku weakly replied.

"Chi-Chi, I don't know if I told you that I love you so very much."

"Oh, Goku. I love you too." Chi-Chi said sobbing harder. Goku and Chi-Chi went to kiss for a final time, but Goku never made it. He fell back lifeless before their lips met. Chi-Chi put her head on Goku's chest and sobbed. Gohan couldn't deal with the terrible hurt that he felt inside. He fled from the room, crying uncontrollably. Chi-Chi took her head from Goku's chest and looked at his face. She knew that he was at peace now and that he'd never be in pain again. She kissed him one final time and she knew that she would treasure it until she and Goku were together again in heaven.