Disclaimer: Me: Oh my God you guys, I am so freaking sorry, I kept meaning to write this, but it's taken me forever. Well this is the last chapter. Snape: Finally! Now the horror can come to an end. Me: Au contraire mon ami, the fun has just begun. After all, you are the star of another one of my fanfictions, Our Love. Snape: Oh, I'm sure they won't see through that shameless promotion of your other story. Me: Meep, I, uh, well… Snape: What the hell does 'meep' mean? Me: Hey, watch the casual swearing. No more Family Guy for you. Snape: What are you talking about? I don't watch that show. Honestly, she's a liar Me: Yeah, just like that girl from the Breakfast Club. Face it Sevy dearest, you love Stewie Griffin. Snape: It horrifies me that I know who you're talking about. And for the last time don't call me Sevy, or dearest, or any combination of the two. By the way, I do not like that baby. He's annoying. Why hasn't he been able to kill his mom yet? Failure! Me: AH HAH! You just proved that you do watch it! Well, I digress. I'm not J.K. Rowling, blah blah blah. Let's get going. Snape: I'm not going to let you have the last word this time. Me: Word.

"Severus, hurry up! We're going to be late! You take more time to get ready than I do!"

"We're not going to be late Hermione" Severus murmured as he appeared, attempting to tie his black tie. Hermione rolled her eyes and did it for him.

"Watch me this time." She instructed him. Although his eyes never left her, she knew he wasn't paying attention to her hands at all. His eyes were centered on her stomach, which was just beginning to show that she was pregnant. She felt self conscious in her dress, although she wasn't showing very much, she felt at a disadvantage. He may very well be eighteen years her senior, but in the wizarding world that was nothing, and he looked very sleek and tall in his formals.

"There, you look perfect now. Can we please go? I don't want to be late for my own ten year school reunion."

"You just saw Harry and Ginny yesterday, not to mention their little army of brats. Our children will be far better mannered than that. It took forever to get the gum out of my hair."

Hermione bit back a chuckle. She wouldn't be surprised if Harry had put his kids up to it. He and Severus were at a truce for the time being, but she wouldn't put it past him to do a bit of pre-battle maneuvers. After all, he was warring against the best.

"That may be so, but there's still Draco and Luna, Ronald and Lavender, Neville and his wife—"

"I wouldn't be surprised if Longbottom is still afraid of me." Severus snorted. Before she could defend her friend he kissed her softly and said, "have I told you tonight how beautiful you look?"

"Try to remember that in a few months, when my stomach looks like I'm trying to hide a bludger underneath my shirt."

He smirked at her remark. "Well, I'm ready to deal with the masses of idiots."


The Great Hall had been emptied of tables for the time being. There was music playing softly in the background and candles lined the walls. As soon as Severus and Hermione entered, Albus Dumbledore who amazingly was still spry in his old age, greeted them.

"Severus, Hermione, welcome back."

"Albus" Severus nodded.

"Hello Headmaster." Hermione smiled, much more cheerful than her husband did.

"Hermione!" Luna called, waving furiously.

"Come on Severus. Let's ascend into, as you so rudely put it, the mass of idiots."

"Well, Draco was a Slytherin, he's an exception."

"You do remember I was in Gryffindor, right?"

"Of course I do, I never thought I'd be sleeping with the enemy."

She playfully swatted at his shoulder, knowing that this playful exchange of words was one of the reasons she loved him. Even when they truly fought, which they did quite regularly, she couldn't imagine life without him. There was always a clash of wills when two stubborn people got together.

"Hello Luna, Draco. How are the children?"

"Marvelous!" Luna answered. As she and Hermione began to talk happily Draco and Severus spoke quietly.

"So, Severus," Draco started "Did you ever imagine we'd end up with such a pair?"

"No Draco, I didn't. What I don't get, is how you and Luna got together when she was with Weasley."

"He broke it off with her and went gallivanting after Lavender Brown, and I was still nursing a broken heart over…someone. We immediately connected." He grinned at his former professor. "She's nowhere near as odd as she used to be, although, she has insisted on naming our twins Artemis and Apolla. She believes, for some reason, using an 'a' in lieu of an 'o' makes Apollo more feminine. We sure picked good ones, didn't we?"

Severus watched his wife and Luna talk animatedly, with a wry smile.

"Yes, we did."

"Hullo there, is this where the husbands who didn't want to come hang out?"

Harry grinned at the two, watching as Ginny joined seamlessly into Hermione and Luna's conversation.

"Yes, I suppose it is."

"Hello Potter."

"Malfoy. Children?"

"Fine. Yours?"


Severus snorted, the fact that the two boys could now be in the same room with each other and not end up hexing one another was miraculous, but he doubted anything would allow them to get past monosyllabic conversations.

"Ron's not coming tonight."

"Good" Severus and Malfoy said in unison.

"I wouldn't want my wife to be slighted by his callous behavior, because then I'd have to hurt him, and I don't want blood on my new robes."

"You've gone soft Draco" Severus announced.

"So have you. I see Hermione makes you wash your hair."

Harry laughed, and Draco looked slightly stunned that he was able to laugh at anything he said.

"Well it seems things have worked out for the best, then. You've gone soft Malfoy, Severus washes his hair, and I don't run straight into the face of danger anymore."

Draco smiled appreciatively. Severus was amazed at their apparent attempts at a friendship. Maybe miracles did exist.

"So, Severus," Draco began in an offhanded way, "How many months along is Hermione?"

"What?" Severus was shocked, they hadn't told anyone of her condition yet. She was going to announce it tonight, but apparently Draco already knew.

"It's not hard to figure out, she's glowing."

"Maybe it's because she's in a deeply satisfying marriage."

"Okay, if we're going to start talking about sex lives," Harry started "I'm leaving. There's no way I want to think of my best friend like that. A man can only take so much."

They all laughed and Severus stared at his wife, who was resting her hand on her stomach in an unconscious protective gesture. Yes, he thought to himself, miracles do exist.