Samurai Champloo
Genre: Romance/Angst
Type: Drabble/Vignette (short)
Pairing: MugenxFuu
Title: Aliter (in different ways)
Summary: She said once, amidst anger and worry and confusion, that she hated him. MugenxFuu.
She said once, amidst anger and worry and confusion, that she hated him.
And that was fine, really.
He didn't care.
"I hate you more," he had said back, arms lazily behind his head, mouth wicked.
And that was fine, too.
Because hate was hate, and love was love, and emotions were like charts, graphs, and concentric circles: one continuous loop. Like actors in an one act play---back and forth, back and forth, like constant footprints on a dusty path---they played their parts, and played them well, and never accomplished anything.
She didn't believe him, anyway.
(not really)
He doesn't look her in the eye when talking now.
And that's fine, really.
She doesn't mind.
Because staring at the ground is so much more appealing than looking him dead in the face and she already knows what he looks like. Torn photographs and dusty memories; blurred images on an open page. He comes slowly into focus whenever she closes her eyes: wild hair, hard expression, sharp eyes, clever mouth. Tanned skin and white lies.
No, she really doesn't mind.
(not really)
They fight constantly.
And that's fine, really.
They don't mind.
Because love is hate, and hate is love, and averted gazes equal dusty memories. Concentric circles, torn photographs. Actions that speak louder than words and words that speak louder than actions.
They say what they don't mean and mean what they don't say.
But neither of them mind.
(not really)