And we have come to the end of the story! I'm so glad to be done with this and now I can focus on my other stories with no problem. Before I close, I just wanna say thank you all for embracing this story and loving it for me. This story has become one of my all time favorites! I love you all!
BTW, I can't wait for Cyber Sunday tonight. Who's gonna win? We'll just have to find out.
Enjoy and happy reading!
Lots of love, hugs and kisses from your resident writer and friend, Nina!
Author's note: Nothing new to add at this time!
Nine months later...
At the hospital...
"Come on, baby! You can do this! You're doing a great job!" Hunter encouraged his wife, who was squeezing his hand a little too tightly. She was giving birth to her child, and she knew that giving birth was no walk in the park. She was literally in pain.
"I can't do this anymore! It hurts so bad! Please make this stop! I can't do this anymore!" Amy screamed out in pain.
"Don't worry, honey. You're doing just fine. Our baby's on its way. Just breathe and keep pushing. You're doing great," he said, trying to soothe her.
"It hurts! I can't do this anymore!" she screamed.
"I know, baby, I know. But, don't worry. All of this will be over when you hold our little bundle of joy in your arms. Then, it'll be all worth it, baby girl. In a little but, God's creation will be in our lives."
She looked at her handsome husband with her warm brown eyes and managed a weak smile. He was right, as usual. When their baby comes into the world, it will be all worth it. She couldn't wait.
Then, after taking a deep breath, she arched her back and began to push again, screaming her lungs out. Tears were falling from her eyes and her back was aching in pain because it did hurt. Badly. But, when she heard the baby cry, she knew it was all worth it.
"Congratulations, Mr. And Mrs. Helmsley. You gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Good job," the doctor announced with a huge smile on his handsome face.
Amy held her arms out then. She couldn't wait to hold her newborn daughter in her arms. The doctor then placed the baby in her awaiting arms. The little girl continued to wail as Amy held her for a while. More tears fell from her eyes when she looked at her daughter. Waves of happiness and joy filled her body and soul. She couldn't believe her little girl was here.
"She's beautiful, baby. Absolutely gorgeous," Hunter said, smiling at his wife and his little girl. He leaned down and, with his finger, began to trace the outline of his daughter's cheek lightly.
"She is, isn't she?" Amy asked, grinning.
"She looks like you, but she has my eyes and my big ass nose. Damn, how did I get so lucky?" he chuckled.
She reached up and kissed him briefly. "Well, at least she has something of mine. She's gonna have my hair when she grows up."
He rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh, boy. Just what I need. Another redheaded diva running around the house, turning heads and breaking hearts. No husband and father would ask for more."
Amy laughed at what he said. "Well, she's gonna have my red hair, but, she's gonna be sporting your big nose and big brown eyes. I'm getting excited at the sight of my daughter in sporting my red hair, your big brown eyes and your big nose."
"She's still gonna be beautiful, honey. No, she's already beautiful, just like her mother," Hunter said before he leaned down and kissed his wife sweetly.
"Thank you, honey," she said, smiling brightly.
"You're welcome. So, what should we name her?"
She smiled. "How about Theresa Ambrosia Melanie Helmsley?"
"Beautiful, baby. Just beautiful."
A year and a half later...
November 4, 2006...
"Go, Theresa!" Amy squealed with delight when she watched her one-year-old daughter walk.
Hunter just smiled at the two ladies in his life. He held the video camera and recorded Theresa taking her first steps. He couldn't believe it's been a year already since his little girl was born. Every time he holds her, her face lights up the room. Theresa would love to suck on his big thumb and she would love to kiss his face. Truly, she had become the joy of his life.
"Baby, are you getting this on camera?" Amy asked excitedly.
"And you know this, woman!" Hunter said, smiling.
"Our little girl's walking! I can't believe this! This is so exciting!"
"I know, baby girl. Look at her. She's so happy. This is just the beginning for her, you know."
Amy went over and wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, then she leaned over and planted a searing kiss on his lips. Hunter smiled when she pulled away so he put the camera down, realizing that Theresa had fallen asleep on the floor and wrapped his strong arms around her waist.
"What did I do to deserve this?" he asked, smiling brightly.
"Just being the best husband, father, best friend and lover you had been in the last six years," she said with a giggle.
"Damn, it's been that long?" he chuckled.
She playfully hit him on his arm. "You big lug. Always making wise ass jokes about our marriage. Makes me wonder why did I end up with you in the first place."
"Easy. Because you love me and I love you. Enough said." he then leaned down and kissed her nose lightly.
Amy grinned. "Well, do you love me enough when I tell you we're gonna have another baby?"
Hunter was shocked of what his wife said. But, his lips turned into a wide smile as he scooped her up in his arms and twirled her around the room, laughing and crying at the same time.
"You're finally gonna give me a son? I'm so happy!" he said when he sat her down.
"Now, hold on one second, mister. What make you so sure it's gonna be a boy this time? Maybe I want another girl," she said, laughing right at him.
He rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh, gee. Another redheaded diva running around and doing some more heartbreaking. I want my son to do some heartbreaking this time."
"We'll see, Mr. Helmsley. We'll see." she giggled.
"Yes. We shall see. I'm just glad we're having another baby. I love you, Mrs. Helmsley," he said as he kissed her forehead gently.
Smiling, she replied, "I love you, too."
Nine months later, Hunter's dream of having a son came true when Michael Paul Helmsley was brought into the world. And they lived happily ever after!
The end!
Thank you again for you overwhelming love and support. And please review, for me, please?
Love you always.