I never thought I would be writing a post-Fault fic. But I was insanely bored, and couldn't exactly concentrate on my other story, so this came out.
Hope you enjoy it. If you're tired of the post-Fault fics and don't
want to read it, I'll understand. This was just out of pure boredom.
Disclaimer: No estan de mismo. Lo siento. (
Olivia was sitting on the couch. The TV was on, but she couldn't concentrate on the program. Hell, she couldn't concentrate on anything. Not after that day's events.
A boy was dead because of her. There was a slit in her neck because of her. Her partner- her best friend- was taken hostage because of her. She and Elliot were no longer partners because of her.
I want a new partner... She'd said that, thinking that it was the right thing to do at the moment.
Now she was full of regret. She ruined a perfectly good partnership, and possibly a perfectly good friendship. Elliot would find out soon enough.
Olivia shifted on the couch and wiped away a tear. She hadn't even realized that she was crying. But now that she was aware, she let the tears fall freely.
The buzzer went off. She walked to her door and pressed a button to let up her visitor. She knew exactly who it was.
Seconds later, there was a knock at the door. She unlocked it and in walked Elliot. "Oh, Liv." He saw her tears and took her in his arms.
She sobbed into his shoulder. They stood like that for several minutes, just comforting each other. When they pulled apart, Elliot looked into her eyes. "Olivia, why didn't you tell me?"
"I-" her breath caught in her throat. "I thought it was the right thing." She paused. "We really screwed this up."
"Yes, but it's over now. We learn from our mistakes."
"It's not that easy to put it all behind us. What if it happens again?"
Elliot was unsure of what to say. He reached up and traced the scar on her neck. "How is it?"
She shivered from both his touch and the tingling sensation the scar was giving. "Could be worse I guess."
"Olivia, do you think that we can work things out? Can we do our job without putting each other ahead?"
Olivia thought for a moment. Regret.
"Elliot," she whispered. "The truth?"
Elliot nodded.
She interlaced her fingers with his. "I don't think so."
Elliot let out a breath. "Why?" His voice was choked up.
"It's been seven years, El. We've gotten too close. You know that. We can't do the same thing we did today."
"We don't have to."
"Elliot, just listen." Another pause. "The whole hostage situation today? If I were in that situation once again, I wouldn't do it any other way."
Silence filled the room as Elliot looked into her eyes again.
"Like I said, we've gotten too close. To the point where I can't even imagine a life without you." Her eyes lowered. "And I can't just let innocent children die because of my feelings for you."
"Olivia. I had no idea." Tears were welling up in Elliot's eyes. "You know that if the situation was reversed, I would have done the same thing you did."
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
Elliot answered her by leaning in and pressing his lips to hers. She responded immediately, opening her mouth to deepen the kiss.
They pulled apart to breathe. "Yes I am. I love you, Liv. More then you know."
"I love you too, Stabler." She leaned to kiss him again.
Regret was no longer a feeling running through her mind. She knew that she had made the right choice, asking for a new partner. So many opportunities were available to open now.
"No regrets," she mumbled into his mouth.