A/N Hey people! Sorry I haven't been updating much, I've been getting a lot of homework so you might not hear from me for a while...

Anyways hope you like the chapter! And if you're bored you can read my other story because I'm working on that one right now!

Disclaimer: I don't own CCS Clamp does.

Ch.5 School Sucks

Sakura's Morning

Sakura heard this annoying buzzy noise and tried to turn it off. When she tried though she fell off her bed.

"Ow.." Sakura said still tired.

She shut off her alarm clock and went to go take a shower. After she was done she got into a white t-shirt and a black miniskirt. Somehow the clothes seemed familiar to her but she stopped thinking about that once she found out that she was going to be late again. She quickly ran to school and bumped into a lot of people.


"WATCH IT!" they all yelled.


Sakura didn't care though she couldn't afford to get another detention or her dad would get super pissed. She opened the door to class and found that she was just on time. Well at least that's what she thought until she saw the teacher standing behind her. He was holding some papers in his hand and Sakura quickly moved letting the teacher get in.

"Well, i finally got your quizzes copied." said Mr.Takenowa.

'Wait we have a quiz?' Sakura screamed in her head. "I didn't fuckin' study! I'm soo dead!'

"And miss Kinomoto, looks like i'll be seeing you in detention again." said Mr.Takenowa.

"Okay.." Sakura said depressed.

Sakura was getting to her seat and felt that a pair of eyes were watching her. She looked beside her and saw Riku, a really hot blonde and is really kind. Since Tomoyo and Eriol left for England a few years ago to help the toy industry Sakura was by herself. Well, except for Riku who was sort of her friend since he had always tried to talk to Sakura or something when girls weren't chasing after him.

"Hey babe..." Riku said winking.

"H--hi.." Sakura said nervously.

Someone behind Sakura was clearing their throat. Then Sakura felt an arm around her shoulder. "She's mine Riku...so eyes off." said Syaoran smirking.

"She's not yours, she's no ones." Riku said.

"Yes she is, like I said she's mine." Syaoran said a little angry that this guy was hitting on Sakura.

"I'm no---" Sakura got interupted by Syaoran's lips which caught everyone's attention.

Riku started to get way super pissed at Syaoran, all the girls started to get pissed at Sakura, and the teacher was really mad about what they were doing in class. Sakura quickly pushed Syaoran back and was just about to yell at him, but the teacher started to yell at both of them.

"I can not believe what you just did in class!" Mr. Takenowa yelled. "You know there is no romantic action around this school!"

"Mr. Li it looks like i'll be seeing you and miss Kinomoto in detention after school."

Sakura's eyes quickly widened and got creeped out while Syaoran was just smirking all the way. "Now class because of the intteruption and me having to go make copies we now no longer have much time to take the quiz." said Mr.Takenow. "But I'll be a fair teacher and just give you the test tomorrow wince we have no time to do it now."

All the students were cheering except for Sakura who was just plain pissed. The bell rang and all the student were getting their stuff and going to their next class. As Sakura was getting her things Syaoran was walking passed her whispering in her ear "Get ready for some fun after school" as he kept walking.


Sakura was getting into the classroom where detention was held. Syaoran wasn't there yet and Sakura was so happy. She sighed in relief and

said to herself "This is great Li isn't here, maybe he planned on ditching!"

"I heard that!" Syaoran said.

"Li!" Sakura was surpriesed but quickly got back to her pissed self. "Just go to the other side of the room and don't talk to me."

The teacher who was supposed to be watching over them just kept eating cheese fries with his feet on the desk while reading this weird book about how Superman meets Kool Kat but he quickly closed the book.

"Kid's I've got to go to the comic---i mean book store to get the next copy of this issue---i mean story." Mr. Kauzen said stammering. "I'll be back soon..

so just stay there."

As he got out of the room he locked the door to make sure they wouldn't come out until he came back. Sakura and Syaoran heard the door close and get locked. Syaoran just smirked as Sakura sighed.

"You know, those clothes look awfully familiar." said Syaoran seductively.

Sakura gasped looking down at the clothes she was wearing. She quickly remembered what had happened 3 years ago. She remembered how he got her these clothes from his sister's room and how he tried to rape her.

"YOU BASTARD!" she quickly yelled.

"What the fuck did I do?" Syaoran yelled/asked.



"LIAR!" Sakura kept yelling.

"I'M NOT LYING!" Syaoran kept yelling as well.


Tears were now threatning to fall from her eyes. Actually not anymore because now they were flowing down her face. Syaoran was going to yell back but when he saw Sakura crying he just quickly held back all the anger and just hugged her. "I didn't just wanted your body i wanted to get to know you but my stupid teenage harmones which i still have kept acting up and i couldn't control them.." he whispered to her.

Sakura just kept crying into his chest. "Shh.." he said trying to calm her down.

"R-really?" Sakura asked still sobbing.

"Yeah...I wouldn't try to rape you on purpose." Syaoran said.

Sakura's tears quickly went away and disappered from her face. (Literally you couldn't even tell that she was crying!) Sakura used to cry so much she learned to get over things quickly. Sakura just looked up at Syaoran's face and quickly kissed him. Syaoran was shocked but kissed back. This was what he wanted all his life, just to get a real kiss from Sakura, and having Sakura being the one who wanted to do it. Sakura pulled back and blushed she quickly turned around and said "Uh--uhm that was just for being nice to me!"

"Soo..I get a kiss everytime i act nice huh?" Syaoran said smirking. "Can it get you into bed too?"

Sakura just glared at Syaoran and yelled "You stupid pervert!"

The teacher came back and unlocked the door. "You two can go home now." Mr. Kauzen said.

Sakura and Syaoran walked out of the school. A shadow figure came into veiw and Sakura quickly gasped as it came closer and closer and pulled her in for a kiss. You couldn't believe how pissed Syaoran was to find that Riku had just pulled Sakura into a kiss and that she was kissing back.

"He didn't hurt you did he!" Riku said worried.

"D-don't worry Riku I'm fine." she said smiling.

"Hey asshole!" Syaoran yelled. "I told you she's mine!"

"By the way we just kissed I highly doubt that." he said with a smirk.

Syaoran was just super pissed and was ready to punch Riku until Sakura put her hand on his shoulder. "You're right Syaoran I shouldn't be kissing someone else since I'm dating you." she said quietly.

Syaoran just stared at Sakura and they quickly walked away with a pissed Riku left behind. "Dating me huh?" Syaoran said smirking.

"I just said that so you two wouldn't kill each other but now I'm wishing Riku did kill you." Sakura said becoming pissed.

The rest of the walk was pretty quiet until they finally got to Sakura's house. "Here we are." Sakura said. "Bye Li."

"Bye...Sakura..." he said back with happiness in his voice.

Sakura noticed this but decided not to talk about so that it wouldn't ruin the moment. She just walked into her house and went to her room.

Syaoran was just walking home thinking about Sakura, how she smile, how she looked, how she was so kind. As he was thinking though somehow Riku got there and Syaoran quickly punched his fist against a wall next to him. He hated Riku a lot and he knew Riku hated him. They didn't have a great past either and it was worst than the past he had with Sakura. It was something he could never get over...