Think Better Of Me.

Summary: This poem is based on the scene between Faramir and Denathor in Return of The King.

Genre: Drama/Angst

Rating: T for Teen

Author's Note: This poem is dedicated to my friend Little Nancy. Whose love and support I really appreciate. Also this is my first Faramir poem so be nice and review, no flames.

Think Better Of Me.

Think better of me father,

When the banners of war do wave.

How valiantly and unselfishly our homeland I did save.

Think better of me father,

As you lie asleep at night.

Of the times that you held me close,

When I was filled with fright.

Think better of me father,

As I go off to war.

For my face you may see no more,

Like you beloved Boromir.

Think better of me father,

Though your love for me is cold.

For bittersweet memories of days of childhood,

To my heart I hold.

Think better of me father,

If you find yourself before my tomb.

For you not only had lost a son,

But part of yourself too.