No your eyes are not deceiving you. This is an actual update to this story. I started college and that took up my time. Again I dont know when the next update for this will be because second semester starts in about 2 weeks but I will try to work on it during my free time. So as always....


Chapter 18: Belle

Last Time:

Chris rushed to Wyatt and tackled him to the ground and through the kitchen door. He punched him over and over. Wyatt pushed his brother off him and punched Chris back. Prue and Mel grabbed Chris and held him back, while Phoebe and Paige went to help Piper hold Wyatt.

Chris looked at all the faces around the room. "Huh, looks like time changes nothing." Chris ripped away from his aunt and sister before orbing out. Missing an important face in the crowd. The little face walked sullenly and slowly back up the stairs.

Belle sat on the floor of Piper's bedroom, and moved the dolls, that her aunt had found in the attic for her, around. With a big sigh, she looked towards her grandma's closet, where the nursery was. Belle dropped her toys and walked in the nursery.

"This is all your fault." Belle said as she peered at the baby through the crib bars. "If you didn't become evil my mommy wouldn't be gone. And my daddy wouldn't be mad all the time. And Auntie Mel wouldn't be sad. I hate you!" Belle screamed at baby Wyatt, who started crying. "I wish you weren't born and it was only my daddy and Auntie Mel!" Baby Wyatt's wails turned into loud screams and his shield flew up. The shield pushed Belle back until she was on the other side of the room near the door. Belle slid to the floor and hugged her knees as she cried. Orbs filled the room.

"What are you doing? What did you do to him?" A voice boomed.

"Leo, calm down. Belle, what happened? What's wrong?" Mel asked her niece.

"Is he okay?" Piper asked Leo as Older Wyatt, Phoebe, Paige and Prue gathered around the crib.

"He looks fine, and I tried healing him and nothing blocked me. I think he's okay."

Belle looked at all the people gathered around the crib.

"How do you feel?" Leo asked adult Wyatt.

"I feel fine." Wyatt answered.

Belle stomped out of the room. Mel looked toward the other adults in the room before following her niece.

Mel found Belle against a wall down the hall in the same position she was in when she found her in Wyatt's nursery. Mel took a seat next to her against the wall.

"Hey, what's wrong, kid?" Belle cried harder. "Hey, hey, hey, look at me." Mel lifted Belle's face until she was looking at Belle's tear-stained face. "What's wrong? You can tell me."

"I want my mommy." Belle cried. "Everything was better when Mommy was here. Nothing's good now."

"I know, honey, but your daddy and I are trying." Mel sat Belle in her lap. "You know when my mom died I felt just like you."

"You did?"

"Yeah, my mom could make any problem or situation better by just being there and smiling at me. When she died I felt like nothing was ever going to be better."

"But your mom is here now." Belle said as she wiped her tears.

"Yeah, but the Piper here is my mom before I was born. Actually I'm in her belly right now."

"But your mom's still here."

"I know. Belle, if I could bring your mom back for you, I would."

Belle looked up at her aunt. "But you can. You brought Aunt Prue back; you can bring my mommy back."

"I'm sorry, Belle, but I can't I—,"

"Why!" Belle said as she stood up. "You brought Aunt Prue back; why can't you bring my mommy back."

"Sweetie, I don't think it will work."

"Try." Belle pleaded.

"Belle-," Mel stood up and reached out to her niece.

"No! You never liked Mommy, that's why you won't do it! I hate you!" Belle ran away from her aunt.

Mel was about to go after Belle, but as soon as she stood her senses lost Belle's location. Mel stopped short in the hall.

"What's wrong?" Piper asked.

"I don't know where she is."

"What do you mean; you don't know where she is?" Phoebe asked.

"I can't sense her."

"Does she know how to block her location?" Paige asked.

"I don't think so." Mel answered.

"Okay, no one panic. Mel you go check her favorite places to go in the future. She may go there just out of habit." Prue suggested. "Oh and don't say anything to Chris until we know something, let him cool off."

"I'm gone." Mel said as she orbed out.

"Wyatt focus on Belle, see if you can't find her. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, we'll go try a spell. I'm thinking To Call A Lost Witch." Everyone went up to the attic to check the Book of Shadows.


Belle sat on the swing crying. A person sat on the swing beside her.

"What's wrong, Belle?"

Belle looked over to swing next to her. "Who are you?"

"I'm a friend of your family." The person leaned in closer and said, "I know about magic. I'm magic too, and I want to help you."


"Well, I can bring your mom back. You just have to come with me."

"You promise to bring my mommy back?"

"Of course," the person said with a hand extended to the little girl. Belle looked at the hand in front of her for two seconds before she took it. The two orbed out.

Mel orbed in just as the two disappeared. "This is not good." Mel said before she orbed back to the house. "We have to tell Chris."

"What happened?

"Gideon has Belle." Mel informed her family.

"Are you sure? How do you know?" Prue asked.

"I saw him orb out with her." Mel answered. "I don't know how he got her to leave with him though; she knows not to go with strangers especially magical ones." Mel called Chris and he orbed in.

"What's going on?"

"Gideon has Belle." Mel said taking the ripping the band-aid off approach.


"She got angry and orbed off and something blocked me from getting a location on her, probably Gideon, when I went to her place in the park I saw him orb off with her."

"Why would she go with him? She knows she's not supposed to go with strangers. She knows that." Chris yelled angrily.

"I don't know, but right now we need to focus on getting her back." Mel tried to say calmly.


"Why are we down here?" Belle said knowing that she was in the Underworld. She remembered this was the place that her uncle had kept her before her mommy and daddy had saved her.

"I have a friend down here that can help bring your mom back." Gideon guided Belle further into a cave. "Stay there." Gideon said before he waved his hand at her.

Belle was about to ask why when a cage appeared out of nowhere. Belle turned around swiftly and realized she was trapped. She tried to fizzle out but that didn't work. She tried freezing the bars but that didn't work. She tried to throw an electricity ball at the bars but the bars just absorbed them.

"There's no way out." Gideon gloated. "While your family is searching for you, I will finally be able to put my plan into action."

Okay, this chapter is done. Like I said before I don't know when I will be able to update again but I will try to get the next chapter up ASAHPfm (As soon as humanly possible...for me). I have no idea how the next chapter is gonna go down so ideas are welcome as always.


