WARNING! If you get upset very easily by stories don't read this chapter.

Chapter 2

It was a perfect day, when a group of Jedi's headed for you. Their footsteps joined the rest of Coruscant walking the concrete.

You day begin as all other days begin. You wake up from your sleeping spot and this day is a lucky day. There will be food to eat.

Hurry you eat it and then -

You feel a change in th air as it switches its color and hardness. In a clear moment in the Force, you sense a darkness. Stalking you, no wait - there's a couple.

Quickly you begin to walk away. All you hear are footsteps, multiply into its loud echos in your head. With that, you run and the sharp blackness of the lower lever claws at your feet.

You fall

Sounds Sounds. All you hear are sounds, stabbing at your head. All you can do is screamed as streaks of color light head towards you.

Then a darkness jumps before you, except it has a straight light reflecting the other light. Then all stops and the darkness steps towards you.

Obi-Wan, once a great Jedi, now a screaming lunatic trying to make this all stop. Let the darkness have you as you feel warmth flowing through you.

Anakin looked down at Obi-Wan and his heart broke a little more.

"It's ok Obi-Wan" he said as he knelt down beside him.

"Anakin, is Obi-Wan still alive?"Bail asked as he joined him with Captain Antilles and few of his men. "That was too close. The Senate will be informed of this Jedi disgrace. He needs help not to be killed."

"Agreed. I just put him in a sleeping trance for a while. Come let get out here. I expect reinforcement soon."

It was Anakin who took you back to Naboo for treatments. Slowly the pieces were put back together. There will always be missing pieces lost on cold nights and other things that were still hiding from the doctors.

Two months later

"Obi-Wan I brought your lunch."Anakin said as he put the tray down in front of him.

Obi-Wan looked at Anakin and said nothing as he began to eat.

"Your doctors gave me nothing but good reports. Maybe in a few weeks, we can move you to another section." Anakin said, watching for his reaction.

"Yes. That would be good. I'm doing what the doctors have asked me"he answered, stopping to watch a bird hop across the grass. Then Anakin touched his arm.

"Obi-Wan can you feel this?"

"Yes I can but you are still not real." he replied, pulling his arm away.

Anakin laughed at that.

"Oh well, better luck next week"

It would take another month before Obi-Wan realized that you were real and alive.

However, he was to spend the rest of his life in the care center. Too many pieces were lost. Then a new darkness began to threaten Obi-Wan. He developed Siyeaderea, which was slowly destroying his brain cells and pulling him into another blackness.

Two years later.

Anakin let out a sigh after reading Obi-Wan's latest doctors report.

"Well my Master, I'm afraid I'm going have a choice about you care now."Anakin said, breaking down into tears and curses.

The next day.

"Master Skywalker, please. I'm trained for this!" the doctor pleaded with him.

"No I'll do it. He was my Master and he was the Father I never had."Anakin responded, holding out his hand.

"As you wish. Inject him with this one first. When he is asleep, give him the second one."the doctor said, handing Anakin the hyprosprays.

"Thank You Doctor."

Anakin quietly walked through the hallways into he got to Obi-Wan's room. There inside was his Master, strapped to his bed.

Quickly Anakin punched a code and step inside. He was greeted by Obi-Wan's cold stare. He could no longer talk and using the Force was useless too.

Anakin walked over to his Master and pushed up his sleeve. Then injected him with first hyprospray.

Obi-Wan eyes closed and his breathing slowed. Only then did Anakin began to unfasten his Master from his restraints and gathered his up his arms. Then finally Anakin rock Obi-Wan for a bit, telling him, everything is going be alright now.

By now I knew it was time. I reach over and pick up the other hyprospray. I held my breath as I gave it to him. There a few slight attempts for breaths as the drug did its deadly blessing for you.

Then finally.

I felt his heart stopping and his leaving the Force. I let my tears of grief flow as I held him for the last time.
