Songfics Are There Inside My Mind!

Okay people this is a new thing that I am doing. I will write one-shot songfics based on different scenes from the story. Each one-shot will have a short summary about what is going on. enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Phantom of the Opera or any of the characters in it. gaston Lerous does. I also don't own Avril Lavigne or any of her songs.

The song is "Fall to Pieces" by Avril Lavigne. This is written in Christine's POV. This song describes Christine's feelings just as she and Raoul are floating away on the gondola.

I looked away

It was truly the end. Tears silently flowed down my face as I began to realize what my fate was. I was very happy with Raoul, I loved him. But, I would never see Erik again, ever. I needed to have one last look at him.

Then I looked back at you

One last look wouldn't be enough. I couldn't ever have enough of him, of his music. As we rounded the corner, I heard the distant cries of my Angel's voice, and the smashing of mirrors. I had past the point of no return. But this wasn't my fault, right?

You tried to say

The things that you can't undo

Even though I tried to convince myself that everything was going to be okay, I knew. That kiss, it was the most amazing thing I had ever experienced in my life. I felt my spirit start to soar. I have never felt that way before. I knew I had to leave my Angel, but I would never forget him.

If I had my way

I'd never get over you

Today's the day

I pray that we make it through

Make it through the fall

Make it through it all

Fresh guilt spread over as I thought about my angel. When I looked up, Raoul caught my tear-stained face and said,

"It's okay, Little Lotte, its all over now." During any other circumstance, that would have soothed me, but instead, it made me even weaker. Without my angel always there to guide me, I was nothing. I knew whom I loved.

And I don't want to fall to pieces

I just want to sit and stare at you

I don't want to talk about it

And I don't want a conversation

I just want to cry in front of you

I don't want to talk about it

Cause I'm in Love with you

Erik. I loved Erik. He has always been there. When my father died, or when the other chorus girls made fun of me because I dreamed to sing. Whenever I came back to my dormitory, he would sing me a lullaby, or give me words of encouragement, almost like Father used to. But there was something different about him. He was so mysterious, so dark. And that's what attracted me to him.

You're the only one,

I'd be with till the end

When I come undone

You bring me back again

Back under the star

Back into your arms

I longed to be back into Erik's warm embrace, not Raoul's. We had reached the end of the lake. When Raoul pulled me out, I began to cry. He embraced me again. I told him that I was sorry, and that my heart belonged to someone else. He said that he understood, and that I would always have a place in his heart. I told him the same. Then I turned around and began to wade through the water, in the wedding dress that Erik had made me.

And I don't want to fall to pieces

I just want to sit and stare at you

I don't want to talk about it

And I don't want a conversation

I just want to cry in front of you

I don't want to talk about it

Cause I'm in Love with you.

My heart began to race. This is where I longed to be: Back into my angel's arms.

Want to know who you are

Want to know where to start

I want to know what this means

Want to know how you feel

Want to know what is real

I want to know everything, everything

I had reached the cavern. The mob had already left and destroyed most of what was Erik's home. Then in the center of the room, was Erik, sadly picking up remains of his home. When he turned around he saw me. A look of hope spread on his face once again.

And I don't want to fall to pieces

I just want to sit and stare at you

I don't want to talk about it

And I don't want a conversation

I just want to cry in front of you

I don't want to talk about it

I slowly walked over to him and slid my arms around his waist. He kissed my forehead. I stood on my toes, and kissed him on the lips. We both smiled.

I'm in love with you,

Cause I'm in love with you

I'm in love with you

I'm in love with you

He whispered into my hair, "I love you, Christine."

I responded to him, "I love you too Erik."

Then I took the ring that I gave back to him. It was still clutched in his hands. I slid it back onto my finger. I closed my eyes. Then I said,

"Erik, my soul had taken me where I longed to be."

"And where's that?"

"With you." I said. Then we just kissed again and smiled. It was sheer bliss.