Here is my 3rd story. Please review. i love input, negativeand postive. It really boosts the updating.

The woman stepped inside, sliding the door closed. The mat felt rough against her bare feet and she wished once again she wasn't here, but in the comfort of her own home.

"Well," She spun around, an eyebrow raised. Time to become someone new. That was her specialty, turning into a different person, and this was a regular character.

"Well what, sir. I know why I am here, do you? Because you don't expect me to do all the work? A little thing like me, I some help," the young woman swayed her hips slightly, striding carefully to him. His body lay half up, half down on the bed, still and composed. All she needed was an opening, unfortunately he was smart, and seemed to just want to get what he paid for, nothing else.

"Come here already, you're wasting time,"

"My apologies, sir," she knelt by the bed and ran a hand up and down his knee. Again she wished she could see the man's face. God damn, this was going to take a lot of acting. Slowly she raised her body up and crept slowly up his body, sliding her hands around his torso and up to his face. She took the smooth face in her hands and brought her own face to meet his. Gently she pushed pale pink lips against the costumers. Met with a push, she began crawling on top, laying her body over his. Seeming to be comfortable, the female deepened the kiss. Making him moan under her. His rough lips felt strange but good against her soft angelic ones. Soon she was lost, only concentrating on his lips, gliding against her. A tongue came out and licked his lower lip, begging for an entrance. Slowly he obliged and the girl smirked as the white, glass bottle, roped on the top of her mouth, came open. The man beneath her didn't notice as he attempted to get into her mouth. Moving her jaw she managed to get the bottle loose. His hand s were crawling over her body, pushing at the numerous robes she wore. This was the part she hated, when they tried to feel her body. Those large, cold hands groping at her breasts and legs. Grotesque, she hated it.

As his warm hands slid under her robe and traced below a open breast, the female moaned softly.

'No, pay attention. Remember what you're supposed to be doing," gently she moved the bottle so the grainy, blue powder inside was about to poor out. Pushing his hands down, the woman lifted up her mouth, keeping his open partly, before ducking her head, causing the powder to pour out and into his parted lips. Oh how the woman wished she could see the terror in his ugly, droopy eyes. Or maybe hey were beady, rat like. Cat shaped, or some bright blue or green. Whatever they were, she knew that in the dark, they were confused and angry. She moved fast, clenching his laws together as the man began to squirm beneath her. With incredible strength her body was kicked off him, flying against the wall and slinking down. She smirked and retrieved the bottle form her mouth, closing it as so the poison would not get into her body. She was skilled to be able to poison him with a kiss, and her stay unharmed. Nobody had the skill, it was her and only her, that's why she was so valued.

"Whore! What did you put in my mouth!" the mans husky, deep voice rang out as he jumped up, tangled in the sheets. The female let out a low, cold laugh.

"If only we had a room with a window, or a few lit lamps. My favorite parts are when they thrash around, unsure what is happening to them. So let me 'help' as you helped me so early enter the drug. You are an S-class ninja and as so, on Konaha's most wanted list. The dry, course powder you feel in your throat is poison. Soon it will spread into your lungs, causing your air way to swell up, and you will seize to breathe. Wonderful things poison, so easily used, on such stupid men," he howled and charged to her, fist curled. In the dark she moved back.

'What's going on? By now he should be having breathing problems. Why is he resisting to the poison so well," she leapt back, searching for the door handle. Strong as she was, this man was to powerful for even her. She was smart, and a good actor. But when it came to brute force, she lacked. A spy and assassin, that was her game, and he was trouble. Forthing the door open, the woman stepped into the back hallway of the brothel, searching with her eyes for a exscape. It took 5 minutes at most to make the airway close, so she had about 4 minutes until he was dead. The woman ran down the hallway, listening to the moans and crys of the other costemers and whores. She hated when she was to be a prostitue,. The places all smelled the same. Of cum, alechol and cheap perfume. It was almost to much for her senses. Behind her came the man, tall and strong, running at her, although his breathing was heavy, still fully operational. She ran faster, anger flushed in her face as she turned a corner, opening the door to a room.

It was another working room, a bed already set up. It was larger, and proably for the best whores to receive there guests. Candles lay everywhere, unlit and there was a pile of rags along with sex toys at the food of the bed. She drew back in disgust. The only window had bars, and the strong bluelight that seeped in only lit half the room. Outside she heard him, heavy breathing, feet paceing, looking for the whore who had poisned him. She sunk back into the dark part of the room, clinging to the wall. She could fight him. But that would be a wasteof strength. Just a few more minutes, that's how long she had to wait. The door's handle turned and the woman bit her cheek hard. Inside he came, the dark image entered quietly. She shrank down.

'I'll be fine. Remember when you killed that war lord, he was ten times bigger, fat, and tall. You beat him bad, even before the poison completely killed him. This guys no different,' standing the female walked into partly into the light. He tightened on seeing the familiar faded robes. Her face hidden still hidden, he growled.

"Why did you poison me, you whore,"

"I wouldn't waste breath on those kind of words, sir. You only half 3 minutes to live, I would pray to god to be forgiven for all the murders and crimes you've committed," he moved forward, breathing angry and deep.

"Why would you do this, who are you!" She only laughed and leaned back against the bed.

"I'm not going to leave. Instead I am going to stay and watch you die. How about that, you won't die alone. Then I will take your dead, lifeless body and burn it," she smirked and he walked fully into the moonlight, his blood red eyes gleaming angrily form beneath a mess of raven hair.

"Answer my question prostitute!" she yelled. She just sat her breathing suddenly tired and dull. He clicked his tongue. "Don't have another wise ass comment to say! Listen to me, you will die before I do!" her reached out, expecting her to move, but she stayed still. Gripping her arms he pulled the female off the bed and onto the floor, so her pink hair shone in the light. He grabbed her head and forced her to look up. His eyes widened as her sea-foam green eyes, lined with tears, looked into his. They stayed liek that, both suprised and hurt. Sasuke's lip curlded and he let go of her. Sakura stood up nad looked him in the eyes.

"Forgive me Sasuke. I did not know it was you," she mouthed faintly. He stepped back and ground his teeth together before feeling his chest tighten, lungs pulse outward. and body fall. He hit the floor hard and felt no air in his nose. He looked up and at the shivering woman who bit her lip hard as she stood over him. No tears fell as she stood over his body.

"Listen to me. I did my job. I'm sorry but I do what I'm instructed by my superiors. Good-by Sasuke. I'm happy we saw each other before your death," she then shut his eyes, as she felt his chakra become weak and non-existence.

The dark, colorful flames of the fire ate away at the leaves. Sasuke moaned slightly, attempting to breath in deep. His throat burned and a panic swept into his body quickly. His gaze returned to the fire. Heat was licking at his body. It was so hot, but his body stayed cold and barren. Sweat trickled down his face, leaving a wet trail all the way down his cheek. Anger quickly formed in his chest as the events of his last memories swarmed in his head. How long ago had that been?

'Didn't I die? I felt death. Like fire, except not like this. It was a cold fire. So bitterly cold, like a sword piercing your skin. I couldn't feel anything, because I was dead. I don't remember thinking. I was just, not alive. There was no white gate, or red hell. I know though, I was dead. Dead because of that whore. She, she was," realization hit him as her face entered his mind. Sakura. Sakura. The woman he hadn't seen sense their days as a 3-man cell. They had been in there early teens when he had left. 8 years. That was how long they had been absent from each other. Of course Sasuke had slightly missed her, but it was the same longing for Kakashi and Naurto. His, his abstract family. That was long ago, things had changed, he had changed, they must have forgotten about him. Sakura obviously had. What was she doing in a brothel? Let alone, seducing and then killing men.

His head burned as these thoughts began over lapping each other. Soon the image of the fire hurt his eyes and he slammed them close. Where was he. Shouldn't he be dead? Sasuke tried to sit up, but his body failed him. For some reason, he felt almost disconnected from it. As if, although his conscious was inside is body, he had less control over his actions.

"Sasuke. Are you awake?" a small voice asked, hopeful but hesitant.

"Yes. It hurts," "I know. Don't try to talk, or move. Best thing for you to do is go back to sleep. Your body is still to weak. Please. You can ask questions later. Just, just keep breathing, don't stop, no matter what the pain," her voice faded and Sasuke struggled to open his eyes. Instead of seeing the small cooking fire this time. He saw Sakura.

Hair drawn back into a messy bun, with bangs and loose strands of pink hair flying everywere. Her body was crouched down, and the baggy black training pants and tight red shirt that fell above her navel, still made her body desirable. Her face, now thinned and very pretty was turned red in the reflection of the flames. As she moved and her pale skin became seeable, Sasuke felt a pang of, of something. On her arm was a scar. It wasn't large, or ugly, it was just a faint scar that ran from her wrist to elbow. It was noticeable and Sakura hastily pulled on her black and red arm warmers. A grim face turned to meet his half conscious one.

"Didn't I tell you to sleep. Listen to me. It's the only way you'll recover. Questions when you feel better, sleep now!" she turned away and Sasuke closed his eyes, attempting to sleep while listening to the noisy forest above him. Birds sang out although it was night, and the wind blew faintly at the campsite, causing the fire to flicker out.