Author's notes:

This is an Obidala of course. Hell, I almost cried at the end of RotS. So, it's kind of a missing moment, or better, a few missing moments at the end of Episode III.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. It's all Georges...

Where There Is Darkness, There Is Light


At the beginning there was light. There was a little innocent boy who was meant to save the galaxy. Meant to be the Chosen One. Meant to bring balance to the Force. Willing to learn the powers of the light side. And he grew up and became a powerful Jedi Knight. He fought for justice with the blue blade of his Jedi weapon. And he did well. His master was his best friend. His brother. And they learned from one another. But one day, the young man fell in love with a galactic senator.

A Jedi shall not know love.

He ignored the rule of attachment. He married the senator. And they kept it a secret. No one knew about their marriage. Except the Jedi's master. He knew. He had always known and never told anyone. To protect his friends, hoping it would turn out to a happy ending.

But the young Jedi's love turned out to be an obsession. He was jealous because his wife trusted his master much more than she trusted him. He was angry because his master also was a part of her life.

A Jedi should not know anger.

In the end, he fought against his master and almost killed his wife although he wanted to save her so badly, that he had fallen and turned to the dark side. There was jealousy. There was fear. He was afraid his love could be taken away from him by his best friend. His brother. The master won the struggle. But his apprentice was still alive. And so it came that the young man went on living in hatred.

A Jedi shall not know hatred.

In the end there was darkness. And the galaxy fell into it, just like the young Sith lord, who had used to be an innocent boy, a talented Jedi and a hero, and now was, where he had started from. A tortured creature in slavery and moreover, was not able to feel anything anymore. Damned to exist in the prison that was his own tortured body.

His master returned to the fallen hero's wife to save at least one of his beloved ones.

And this is where this story begins…