I don't own any rights to Inuyasha characters…blah blah… so don't sue me. Thank you

"Look out Inuyasha!" screamed Kagome as Naraku aimed a beam of dark energy from his hand towards her beloved dog demons heart.

"Is that all you've got?" shouted a cocky Inuyasha as he successfully dodged the attack.

The battle had begun days earlier. He, Kagome, Shippo, Sango, and Miroku had been resting at Kaede's home when Naraku had surprised them. With his new strength increased with the aide of the sacred jewel, he had been able to enter the area without Inuyasha scenting him as well as cause the hut to explode. Currently, Sango had taken Kilala to search for Sesshomaru who would be more than happy to destroy either half demon. Shippo took off in search of Kouga to obtain his aide. Inuyasha didn't like the thought of teaming up with his enemies but any help they could lend to destroy Naraku once and for all would be helpful.

"Shame on you Inuyasha. Always thinking of yourself, never of anyone else,"

"What-"cried out the confused Inuyasha as he turned to see Kagome falling to the ground. "KAGOME!"

Her body glowed a bright blue as her soul, which mirrored her own appearance, ascended from her body. Turning her sorrow filled eyes upon him and him and caused his heart to stop beating. She can survive that. My Kagome is a strong wench. She'll be fine. Miraku can do so kind of healing thing and save her.

"Inuyasha!" shouted Miroku who had been focusing on creating a spell to attack Naraku. Inuyasha turned to find Kouga attacking Naraku. The wolf demon used the jewel shards in his legs to drive fierce some blows to the enemy. Inuyasha sensed most of the power derived from his emotions.

"Inuyasha," came the heavenly voice of his beloved. His ears twitched as he turned to face her once more. Miroku was knelt over her body chanting some kind of healing spell but Kagome's body only grew worse. Not a single seemed to be melting away. He immediately fell to her side immediately.


"Ssssh my Inuyasha. I will always love you,"

He tried to grab her hands as he shouted, "Don't leave me Kagome!" but he only fell through her. He turned to face her as her spirit slowly walked towards Naraku without an ounce of fear. After he threw Kouga a distance away he turned to find the spirit of Kagome entering his body.

"What the-"

A white light glowed around him and soon, his spirit was pushed from his body which collapsed to the ground. "Destroy his body!" shouted Kagome as she used her strength to keep Naraku's spirit from re-entering his own body.

Miraku turned and unwrapped his hand allowing his wind tunnel to absorb the body. Naraku screamed in outrage pushing Kagome out of the way to get back to his body but was unable to do so. He watched as his own body was absorbed into the hand he himself had cursed. Once the body was gone Naraku's spirit began to sink down through the earth towards the hell he was meant for.

"You will not win Inuyasha!" screamed Naraku as his hands latched onto Kagome's ankles and pulled her screaming into hell.

"NOOOO!" shouted Inuyasha as he launched himself toward the spot she had once been barely able to hear Kouga's mournful cry.

Twenty years…

"Miroku," rasped the dying Kaede. "You must get to Inuyasha. Once I am gone he will be reawakened from the tree. That must not come to pass again. The loss of Kagome some how broke the hold he had over his demon side. Not even the Tetsusaiga can tame him. You must reseal him once my spell ends with my death and make sure he doesn't reawaken."

"But Lady Kaede, why is it that the sword does not work? You never would answer that question,"

"Kagome was meant to pull out the sword. It was written that only the mate of Inuyasha would be able to do so. As long as Kagome lived, the sword would keep Inuyasha safe. Her death allowed the demon to escape and take over Inuyasha. Now go and let an old woman die in peace."

Miraku left the hut to find his beautiful wife, Sango, scolding their twelve-year-old son for flirting. He smiled, knowing his son, Akuson, got it from his dear old dad. "Sango." She turned to face him, her eyes sparkling like jewels when she looked at him, making him feel special. " I have to go see Inuyasha. I'll be back as soon as I can."


"Don't worry love,"

The forest was dark from the night sky and only a person who had been through the forest many times could use their memory to maneuver through the dark. He found Inuyasha trapped to the same tree he had been trapped to nearly seventy years ago. Next to his tree was Kagome's grave. He let out a deep sigh seeing the condemned couple. He went over his forehead. Beginning the ritual words that would permanently paralyze his friend, whose features had changed. His fangs had lowered, his cheeks bore two pairs of identical blue markings, his ears had lengthened, and his skin had sprouted white fur. Closing his eyes as he raised his unclothed hands up, he proceeded with the ritual. When he opened them, Inuyasha was gone.

He could smell the scent. He had to find him… the demon Sesshomaru… he had to force his will… force him to give up his sword…his one chance to save her…