
Kairi and Sora. Since they started dating, it's all you ever hear about. And now that they've caused public scandal by moving in together, it just never stops. The gossip, I mean. Not that I care. It's not as though I like her or anything. Sure, she's nice, but I'm just not attracted to her. But when those two names are constantly brushing past your ear, it's kind of hard not to care, you know?

I used to think that I liked her. I didn't, though, not really. Besides, she was with Sora. Always with Sora. It was in their fate, or something. They were destined to be together. And after a while, I stopped living that lie. I was just… numb. Didn't want to know, didn't care. But I did know, because people wouldn't stop telling me, wouldn't stop talking.


So she kind of turned up, abruptly, because she had an argument with Sora or something. Kairi, I mean. Who else? But whatever, they'll probably get back together tomorrow or something. But anyway, why is she here? Why isn't she with Selphie or somebody? Why me? This is… weird.

Maybe it's just me, but it feels really stuffy in here. I can barely breathe. She… Kairi, she looks fine, though. "So… uh… what are you doing here?" Oh yeah. Real suave, Roxas.

"Umm… I'm leaving Sora. And, um…" I blinked. What did this have to do with me, anyway? "…And Sora, he gets like… really mad. So since you're a… um, guy, I kind of figured you could… uh…" Oh.My.God. Ohmygod. Ohmygaaaaaaawd. I understood now. Kairi had led me into a death trap. I mean, there was no way I was getting out of this alive.

I looked over at Kairi. Evidently, she had just realized that I understood what she'd done, now. There was this awkward look in her eyes as she said, hoarsely, "I'm… so sorry, Roxas." Then she started to cry… And I had no idea what to do.


He was screaming. He looked… completely insane. Had Kairi done this? Was she the one who had reduced him to this? Yet even though she had the power to do this to Sora, she was scared, cowering in the corner of my room. When Sora saw that, he was suddenly pleading with her. "Kairi, come back. Please, Kai. I love you." But she shook her head…

"No, Sora. I'm not going back. Never."

Something inside of him snapped. His head jerked up and the veins in his neck were sticking out. He was like this raging mass of swirling hormones. Heck, even I was scared. But when I saw what was in my hand; what he was pointing at Kairi, my heart almost stopped beating. What I felt then was beyond fear. It was absolute terror.

"Fuck you, Kairi!" He screamed, beyond reason. Way beyond reason.
Lifting his hand, he pointed the gun at Kairi.

"I hate you! Die, bitch." Cool, pronounced, sinister.

And then he fired…



I never thought I'd take a bullet for her.

Liike... Was this the weirdest thing you've read in a while or what?
No point in lying. I know it was.

So... this is for
C A R B ii E;
who's oh-so coo'.

-- Thanks to Caitlan for checking it over. :D
x.+ Standard disclaimer applies.
Review it, yo. ;D