A/N: Warning – this is unbetaed as I had to post it quickly as I'm leaving the country for a holiday and thought I should update first!

Dedicated to TanyaPotter for being the first to review the last chapter! Thanks to everyone who reviewed! I would give you all cookies but I eat them all so maybe next time : ) but only if you review again!

Chapter 6: What was and what may yet be

"English/Common tongue"


"Mind speech"


The day after Harry's second awakening Galadriel, Celeborn and most of the Lorien elves save for Haldir, who on the Lord and Lady's request would stay to help train Emrys for Galadriel said he would need it; came to bid him farewell. Aragorn and Arwen also bid their farewells once again.

"Goodbye Emrys," Arwen said hugging him tightly.

"We will see each other soon I'm sure," Aragorn said smiling at his nephew, "and perhaps next time you will meet your cousins." Aragorn and Arwen had four children, the oldest a son named Marcellus who was eighteen, their second child was their daughter Elenath who was sixteen, then came twin boys named Actaeon and Calhoun who were twelve.


It was the day after they all had left that Harry was finally able to break free of the most terrible and highest guarded of prisons. He quickly made it into the safety of his secrete tunnels and from there he made his way to his room to get changed and then, via tunnels once again, he made his way to the stables to see Sei.

"Hey boy," Harry said as he stroked Sei, Harry loved the horse though no-one else really did as Sei had a habit of biting anyone who wasn't Harry, his favourite target was the twins.

The horse snorted in reply and butted Harry with its head.

Harry laughed, "How have they been treating you?" he asked as he entered Sei's stall. Sei snorted again though it was different this time. "Is that so?" Harry asked grinning and Sei bobbed his head eyes sparkling with mirth.

Harry had recently found out that he and Sei could clearly communicate with each other, how he didn't know, he couldn't do it with any other horse just Sei.

"I thought I'd find you here," Elrohir said as he approached Sei's stall, staying far enough away that Sei wouldn't be able to bite him, "Ada is furious you know?"

"I'm fine, and I didn't want to stay in that damn white room anymore!" Harry growled.

Elrohir chuckled, "You really hate white don't you."

"I despise it!" said Harry before he grinned, "you and Dan haven't pulled any pranks lately, what's up?"

Elrohir grinned as well, his eyes twinkling in away that terrified Rivendell's inhabitants, "Well little nephew if you'd come out of the stall with that beast of a thing you call a horse I shall proceed to tell you."

Harry frowned at the comment against Sei but it was quickly replaced with an evil grin as he hugged Sei goodbye and climbed out of Sei's stall to talk with his Uncle.


Over the next few months Harry spent nearly all his time between learning and practicing the skills he was taught, whether that was weaponry, history, language or pranking; which his Uncles had proceeded to teach him despite the many warnings not to. But it was now time for two of his instructors to leave, Legolas and Haldir had stayed to teach him but it was now time for them to return to their homelands as he had now a basic mastery in the subjects they taught him.

Standing on the wall next to his Uncle, Harry watched as the party of elves including two of his teachers disappear from sight when the world around him turned black.

He looked around but all he could see was black.

Was he floating? Standing? Sitting? He didn't know.

Nothing existed in this void.

Suddenly he felt a great pull and then he was standing in the middle of a grassy field that stretch as far as he could see. He stood still but the world around him was moving, morphing.

He was in a forest clearing.

The world changed once more and he was standing on a field covered with dead. He was moving across the field; numbly he gazed down at the bodies. He choked back a cried of distress as he noticed a familiar body. Arwen, his mother's sister, his Aunt, lay dead her once beautiful eyes now stared lifelessly up at the red sky. Looking around again he noted that all the dead were either: elderly, women, or children. Where were the men, the soldiers?

The world span again he was standing on another battlefield, the ground soaked with blood, the bodies of hundreds of soldiers littered the ground, in among those of their enemies. He drifted slowly through the corpses and couldn't restrain a cry as his eyes fell upon the body of Aragorn and what must be his sons. Averting his eyes from the sight he caught sight of something that made him grow cold. He tried to stop as his body began to move toward it but was unable to do anything but close his eyes. He felt himself stop, opening his eyes he stared ahead, his body completely numb. He stood on the top of a hill below him held the dead bodies of thousands, tens of thousands. Men lying among Dwalves, Hobbits, Ents, and the once immortal race of elves, this battle field along with that of the women and children held the last remanence of Middle Earth. As he stood there the blood red sky glowed and suddenly he was in the void again.

Middle Earth was no more.

"That is one possible future," a voice spoke to him, "One which you have a chance to prevent," it continued.

Silence hang in the air for what felt like years, "What must I do?" Harry asked in an emotionless voice.

"The future you witnessed is what would have happened if you had not come," The voice told him, "While your coming has altered it slightly it has not changed enough that it would save Arda,"

"What must I do?" Harry repeated in the same tone.

"You must find the path on your own," the voice answered unhelpfully, "there is great power, great strength that lies within you, you must learn to harness it, learn to use it, but first you must find it," the voice continued almost sadly, "You must learn to live again my child and only then will you find that which you seek,"

As Harry returned to consciousness he found himself being held by one of the twins who seemed to be having a hurried conversation with someone.

"…house of healing," was about all Harry made out of their conversation, but it was enough to wake him up quickly.

"I'm fine," he told them which caused them to turn to him quickly.

"You're awake!" Elladan said with some relief.

"Yep, and perfectly fine so I'll be in my room if anyone needs me," Harry said as he proceeded to stand only to be grabbed by Elladan again.

"Oh and you just always go around collapsing," he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No," Harry glared at him, "And I didn't collapse," he told him in an annoyed tone.

"Oh, then what happened?" Elladan asked all the while not releasing his hold.

"I didn't collapse, I…" 'got sent a vision of the future in which you and everyone you care about is dead, then got told I was the only one who could stop it. No pressure or anything,' "I didn't collapse," he finished not about to tell him that he'd had a vision because that would bring up questions about what he saw and he didn't want them or anyone to know.

"Riiight," Elladan agreed concern shining in his eyes.

"And I'm fine!" Harry added firmly.

"Yes well let's let Ada decide," Elladan countered as he stood up still holding Harry.

Harry glared but knew there was no way to get out of this one, "I can walk you know," Harry told him, as he twisted his body trying to get free of his Uncles arms and back onto his own feet.

Elladan hummed his agreement but didn't put him down, as he held Harry firmly but gently, "and you know no matter how much you struggle you're not getting down," Elladan countered.

Harry huffed but gave up his struggles; the truth is he didn't know if his legs would hold him at the moment. Anyway the sooner the check up the sooner he could be alone, and while the images he had witnessed hadn't yet made it passed numbness he knew they would eventually and when that time came he needed to be alone.

"What happened this time?" Elrond asked as his son entered the healing room with his glaring grandson in his arms.

"Nothing," Harry replied quickly but firmly, "I'm fine,"

Elrond raised an eyebrow at that but knew better then to trust his word; really if his arm were chopped of his grandson would still claim to be fine. Looking to his son for an explanation he didn't have to wait long.

"We where standing on the wall watching the departure when Emrys collapsed, I checked him over but couldn't find anything wrong, other then the fact he was unconscious. Just as I was about to bring him here he woke," Elladan told his farther, worry clearly heard in his voice.

Elrond frowned in concern and motioned for Elladan to put Harry down on one of the beds.

As Elrond began the 'check up' Harry noted that his hands where shacking so to hide it he crossed his arms and pouted, though he would probably kill anyone who said that.

"I'm fine you know," Harry said after the silence began bugging him.

"Stand up then," Elrond told him.

Harry eyed him suspiciously, before moving to comply only to find his legs had decided to choose that moment in time to go on strike. He would have fallen if Elrond hadn't of been ready to catch him.

"Fine huh?" Elladan asked.

Harry glared at him before going back to pouting, "tither pen what happened?" Elrond ask with a frown.

Harry shrugged, "I don't know exactly, one moment I was standing on the wall with 'Dan watching the departure, the next I'm waking up in 'Dans arms," Harry said, well it was the truth only with the middle bit missing.

"Is he alright ada?" Elladan asked.

"He is suffering from a mild dose of shock, so with a bit of rest he should be fine. You don't remember anything that could have caused this?" Elrond asked.

Harry shook his head but inside he scoffed slightly 'yeah how about seeing the end of the world and then being told the fate of the world once again rests on your shoulders?'

Elrond sighed sadly, "Alright well you'll stay here tonight and we'll see how you are tomorrow," Elrond told him with a stern look that told him no matter how he argued he was going to stay here.

Harry sighed and allowed himself to be carried into one of the many rooms in the house of healing, with only one thought 'tonight's going to be a long night'.


The night passed slowly with Harry finally managing to get to sleep at midnight only to be hunted by the dead, of both Middle Earth and Earth. When he finally jerked awake at around three in the morning he found that he was mercifully alone. A quick glance around to confirm it, he slipped from his bed and only just managed to catch himself before he ended up on the floor. After his legs steadied he made his way to the door which he opened a bare millimetre, just far enough that he could see through. The Healer on duty thankfully had his back to Harry's door and was busy working on some healing salve, so Harry easily managed to slip passed him. Once out of the Healing house Harry entered his passages and made his way to his room where he changed into more appropriate clothes before making his way to the stables.

"Sei?" Harry whispered as he approached his horses stall, Sei poked his head out and looked at Harry for a moment before bringing it back in, almost as if inviting Harry in. Harry took this invitation and quickly slipped into Sei's stall, "Sei I don't think we can stay here much longer," Harry confided, "I-I think I'm getting to attached to…" Harry shook his head; "besides I can't do what I have to do if I stay here…" again Harry trailed of as he stared ahead as if seeing something no one else could see, "Sei I think I made a mistake… A big one…" Harry whispered as he sat in the back corner of Sei's stall, "I should never have come here, or at lest made sure no one found out about me… I'm going to hurt them aren't I? When I leave?" here Harry sighed again.

Sei butted Harry with his head as if to say cheer up, and then lay down allowing Harry to curl up with him. For hours the two stayed like this, both content to lay in silence with the other, it was as the sun began to rise that Harry broke this.

Softly at first Harry began to hum, slowly it rose in volume, never getting very loud, and then he began to sing:

"Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone
But there's nothing I can say to change
the things I've done
Of all the things I hid from you
I cannot hide the shame
And I pray someone, something will come
to take away the pain

There's no way out of this dark place
No hope, no future
I know I can't be free
But I can't see another way
I can't face another day

Tell me where, did I go wrong
Everyone I loved, they're all gone
I'd do everything differently
but I can't turn back the time
There's no shelter from the storm
inside of me

There's no way out of this dark place
No hope, no future
I know I can't be free
But I can't see another way
I can't face another day" (1) Harry trailed off slowly tears running down his cheeks as he remembered those on earth he had lost.

"Emrys?" Harry tensed as he heard the sound of his Uncles voice, but other then that he made no move, "What are you doing in here? Ada is furious," Elladan, continued in a soft concerned voice, still Harry made no move to acknowledge his presents.

Sighing Elladan slipped cautiously into the stall keeping one eye on Sei who enjoyed biting Elladan and Elrohir as well as practically everyone other then his master, but the house just eyed him and let him be. Kneeling down next to where Harry lay Elladan reached out and touched his shoulder. Gently turning Harry to face him Elladan was surprised to see tears streaming down his nephews face. Harry stared at his Uncle for a moment before falling into his arms as he sobbed.

"Hush tether pen," Elladan spoke softly as he held Harry's shaking form.

Harry eventually calmed and lay still in his Uncles arms, his mind felt foggy and his body was sore and stiff. Elladan ran a hand gently along Harry's cheek and his eyes widened at temperature.

"Tether pen you are not well," Elladan whispered softly as he lifted the childe and began his way back to the house of Healing where he knew his father would be.

"Ah you found him, the stables I assume," Elrohir stated as he approached.

"He was in the stables," Elladan conceded, "And he is now running a temperature, which will allow him to forgo ada's lecture, for a little while at lest," Elladan confided in his brother his voice a mix of concern and amusement.

"What is this?" Elrond asked as they entered the room.

"Emrys has a temperature ada," Elladan told his father.

Elrond sighed and gestured for Elladan to deposit Harry on the bed, Elladan went to comply on to find Harry had attached himself rather firmly to Elladan, "mmfine," Harry mumbled, receiving a roll of the eyes from both the twins and an exasperated look from Elrond.

"You most certainly are not tither pen," Elrond told him sternly before smiling gently and smoothing Harry's hair in a comforting manner, "go to sleep tither pen we will talk when you wake,"

For a minute it looked like Harry was going to comply before he sat up quickly and tightened his hold on Elladan, "no please," Harry whimpered in a panicked voice, "Please," he begged.

Elrond moved so that he was seated next to Harry with Elladan on Harry's other side, "Tither pen?" Elrond asked.

"Please, I don't want too, don't make me," Harry begged as tears began to flow down his cheeks again.

"Make you what?" Elrohir asked.

"I don't want to sleep, I don't want to see it anymore," Harry whispered softly as he buried his head into Elladan's chest.

Elladan and Elrohir exchanged confused glances while Elrond frowned in thought, "Emrys," Elrond gently pulled Harry up so he could look at his face, "Did you have a vision yesterday?" Elrond asked, and the twin's eyes widened as they caught onto what their father was thinking.

Harry stared at his grandfather, somewhere in his mind he knew he didn't want Elrond or anyone to know, but with his mind this foggy he had know idea why so he merely lowered his head.

Elrond sighed sadly and pulled Harry into his lap, Harry transferred his death grip from Elladan to Elrond. Elrond ran his hand up and down Harry's back trying to sooth him, "Tither pen," Elrond whispered softly, "What did you see?" Harry shook his head and didn't say anything, "I can not help you if I do not know," Elrond told him.

Again Harry shook his head but this time he said in a small voice that even with their elvan hearing they could barely make out, "There's so much blood," before curling up tighter.

Elrond sighed and ran a hand through Harry's hair comfortingly, "Go to sleep tither pen, I will watch over you," he whispered before he began to softly hum an old lullaby he used to sing to all his children after they had had a bad dream,

"May it be an evening star

Shines down upon you

May it be when darkness falls

Your heart will be true

You walk a lonely road

Oh! How far you are from home" Harry's body slowly relaxed as he listened to the only lullaby that he ever remembered being sung to him.

"Mornie utulie

Believe and you will find your way

Mornie alantie

A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadow's call

Will fly away

May it be you journey on

To light the day

When the night is overcome

You may rise to find the sun" Harry's breathing evened out as he fell into an easy sleep, his grandfathers voice drifting over and through him like a warm blanket that kept the cold away.

"Mornie utulie

Believe and you will find your way

Mornie alantie

A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now…" (2) Elrond trailed off slowly, the twins had left just after he began to sing and Elrond couldn't help but cherish the quite time he spent watching his grandson sleep.


(1) Song is unfortunately NOT mine; it is called 'No Way out' by Phil Collins.

(2) This song is also NOT mine; it is called 'May it be' and is by Enya.

Why is it that Harry always seems to have break downs and always ends up in the house of Healing? Well I don't rightly know… It just happens I sware! I just start writing and there it is, I never really plan it to happen. Actually this is the second version of chapter 6, the first one I did was totally different and rather funny if I do say so myself, much lighter too, but I got stuck so I had to start again and this is what happened, though I may add bits of the deleted chapter in future chapters because I like some of the stuff I wrote.

Any way a HUGE thanks to EVERYONE who reviewed and a big Mrs Weasley HUG; and a smaller thanks to everyone who read my story without a review.

I'd like to thank you all for being patient with my slow updates and also add that I just finished this chapter when I was supposed to be doing my English Issue Analysis.

Hmm this is a long author note so I guess I'll leave it here, bye until next time!

P.S. Please don't forget to review or I'll get all sad and might cry!