
Yet another chapter….it's my second story with more than one chapter…whoot!

Disclaimer: Me No Own

Cloud's breath came out in short gasps, his heart pounded in his ears blocking all outside noise, save for the heavy breathing coming from the man in his arm's. His muscled arms ached to drop the weighted object, yet his mind was set on getting this man back to his house safely.

His mind was set on getting them both back to his house safely.

It was overwhelming…this sudden dilemma…it had started without warning.

One moment he'd been walking home, perfectly content in listening to his music, then BAM! Cloud had been thrown into an uncontrollable whirlwind.

The stranger had been in a terrible condition. Burns and bloody wounds marred his flesh; the man had passed out for Gods sake!

Cloud reasoned, he'd been sent to Destiny Islands to protect, and protect he would.

Cloud practically ran up his front steps and stopped at the front door. His keys rested in the bottom of his pocket and neither of his hands were currently free. Furrowing his brows in frustration Cloud came to only one conclusion.

Taking one step back he shifted his balance onto his left side, rearing his other foot upward, and kicked in the door. It splintered in, crumbling at some points, while staying intact in others. However there was still enough damage to the door to allow it to swing open on its own. Cloud rushed inside making a mental note to fix his door at a later time.

It was hot. So very hot. The air in the tiny room was thick and smelled of ash.

Leon's eyes danced lazily around the room. Everywhere…it was everywhere. The flames seemed to go on forever, building upwards the farther away they got. Golden slivers danced across his jacket and pants, trying to pry into his clothes to the flesh beneath.

Fire was powerful…more powerful than he. And defiantly more powerful than the building it was now consuming.

Large beams cackled and moaned in protest only to be pulled to the floor by the strong fire. Hot ash rose in response to the fall, causing Leon's eyes to sting. He blinked, turning his head away.

There was nothing more for him to live for…so why live?


Looking up Leon met eyes with his creator Ansem the Wise…Ansem. His 'creator' was currently bent over coughing, slowly trying to make his way over to Leon.

Leon stood, unmoved by the human that would soon be dead. After all, it served him right, taking away his happiness.

He was supposed to be dead, not some lab experiment that should be thankful for a second chance at life as Ansem put it. No…he wanted his freedom. The freedom that had been ripped from his grasp only days prior.

He wanted to see Zell, Quistis, and even Selphie (who at sometimes, could be quite annoying)…but the person he really wanted to see was Rinoa.

Leon's gray eyes slowly opened blinking sleepily at his surroundings. Feeling his tired body protest he once again shut his eyes fully intent on going back to sleep. And he would have too, had it not been for the Blonde haired angel standing by his bedside. Leon's eyes flew open faster than an elf on crack. Sitting bolt upright Leon gasped in pain, hands flying upward to grip his throbbing head. Searing pain ripped through his brain blurring his vision and making him want to vomit.

"Hey…easy there." The blonde angel softly grabs a hold of Leon's shoulders and eases him back into the bed. "You shouldn't get up so fast...take it easy." Cloud smiled reassuringly.

Leon only grunted in response.

Cloud sits down on the side of the bed folding his hands in his lap. His head was turned forward as he tried to come up with a conversation. He fidgeted a bit, looking around the room hoping for an answer, if the room knew, it wasn't telling him.

Luckily Cloud didn't have to think for long, because Leon's raspy voice broke the silence.

"Where am I?"

Cloud blinked in surprise not expecting the stranger to speak first. "Well, you're in my house."

Leon seemed to think this over a moment before another question popped into his head. "Where's 'your house'?"

Now Cloud was confused. Surely this stranger knew he was on destiny islands. He'd been in one of Destiny Island's many alleyways; people didn't just wander in from nowhere. It was an island in the middle of nowhere for gods sake!

"Don't you know?"

Cloud was greeted with a head shake no.

"Common…aren't you from around here?" Surely this man was kidding, this was just too weird.

At this point Leon was getting angry. This once blonde haired angel was turning out to be an annoying dumb blonde. Why the hell couldn't he just answer his question? Was there a problem with where he was? Was he not supposed to know where he'd been dumped? Sometimes he thought the world was out to get him.

"Look." Leon sat up slower this time, a scowl in place. "I won't know if I'm from around 'anywhere' until I know where 'anywhere' is!"

Taken aback by the stranger's sudden outburst Cloud backed away from the angered stranger. What was his problem? Suddenly he was being yelled at for being curious? The man should be grateful he'd found him! He didn't have to take this! Wait…he didn't have to take this.

Pushing up from his sitting position Cloud made his way to the door without even looking back at Leon. Pausing only for a moment at the door he turned his head. In a low monotone voice he said. "When you're ready to have a civilized conversation…I'll be out here." With that Cloud was gone.

Leon's eyes were still on the empty doorframe; even long after Cloud had disappeared. He could barely hear the huff that came from the blonde and the squeak of the (what he assumed to be) leather couch (in which he assumed the blonde had sat).

Taking three deep breaths Leon closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. Why had he just up and left? It wasn't like he'd been rude. This man, this blonde, should have just told him where he was in the first place! He deserved to know where he was! The blonde had no right at all in withholding information.

Pulling back the crisp white sheets Leon sat up putting his feet on the floor in front of him. Looking down at his clothes Leon noticed he'd been changed. A baggy light blue T hung around his neck (one just a bit to big) and solid black pajama bottoms tied around his waist. A blush threatened to stain his cheeks at the thought of the blonde man seeing him naked.

Pushing up to his feet Leon followed in the blonde's footsteps, intent on finding out where the heck he was!

Huffing Cloud threw himself down on the couch. Crossing his arms over his chest he let a scowl cover his face.

So far what he'd seen from this stranger hadn't been very promising. Joking around with him about where he was! That was rude, and uncalled for! Then again…what if he wasn't joking….what if-


Looking up Blue met steal gray. Leon stood in the middle of his living room waiting for Cloud to speak.

"Are you ready to stop joking around?"

Leon sighed closing his eyes and moving to rub the bridge of his nose. "I'm not joking around. How hard is it to grasp that, maybe I'm not from around here?"

"This is an ISLAND! It's hundreds of miles from the nearest mainland! People don't just pop out of no where around here!"

Steel eyes flashed open, locking with Cloud's. "That's where you're wrong."

Cloud sat staring at his eyes. Speechless. "B-but…"

"But nothing." Leon interrupted. "I'm telling you the truth…I have no clue where I am…or who you are…"

This stranger seemed sincere. His eyes…they weren't lying, Cloud knew how to read people, and all the signs of lying weren't present. Maybe…maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe he had just popped out of nowhere.

Sighing Cloud looked down at his hands. Now what. He had someone he didn't even know standing in his living room. He couldn't just tell him to leave Destiny Islands...Not with the androids…but he couldn't very well stay. Where would he live? Cloud had been fortunate enough that the locals accepted him, an outsider, and given him their consent to stay. New people weren't welcome here…maybe…

"You're on Destiny Islands…and I'm Cloud."

The stranger Smiled. "Leon."

…Maybe…just maybe…this Leon, well, maybe he could live here in this house…with him.

Well, what'dya think? Lemme know review.