Poison Revelations
Author: Uriel Falcon
Rating: M
Contains: Eventual CS, don't read if you don't like it. I don't need people describing how they hated it because of the couple.
Blurry, obscure, and quiet. Those were the only words she could use to describe where she was. She tried to feel around as to where she was, but couldn't quite pinpoint it, for her motor functions weren't working properly. She didn't even bother to attempt to open her eyes, for she knew that she would only be greeted by some sort of bright light or loud noise. All she wanted to do was sleep, but who was she? Ah yes, now she remembered, her name was Sara Sidle, and she needed to get up and go to work soon. Her alarm would soon go off, and Sara hated that bloody thing. She had never really used it, her internal alarm worked better than any mechanical thing.
She began to slide open her eyes, pushing up on the hard floor and looking around her apartment. Many bottles of beer were scattered along a black coffee table, with black couch and book cases matching with it. Sara stood up, and stumbled towards the bathroom. She struggled with her vision, but managed to awaken herself out of her hangover, slipping into a burning hot shower to awaken her fuzzy mind. When she got out, she changed into a faded gray sleeveless and an old pair of black jeans. It was casual Friday, after all. Sara retreated to the couch afterwards, a towel over her shoulder and a beer in her hand. She knew she had to go to work soon, a most likely stressful night.
Another graveyard shift, as usual. Today, she decided, would not be a double shift day. Too much work to handle when one is ever so hungover. Sara rubbed her eyes, letting out a groan at the light. Her furniture was modest... A black sofa, a long coffee table set in front of a huge stereo system not often found in an apartment. She also had an electric guitar in the corner, with the amp hooked into the massive stereo, with at least three 5'5 tall CD organizers along the wall. There were probably 14 or 15 frames with different parts of a large painting of hands playing a guitar with different weird things around it for a background hung on the wall opposite the window. It leads out to a balcony, with some hanging plants and other things.
Breakfast... She reminded herself, clicking on the stereo and walking towards her old toaster. Loud rock music boomed from the system, which was probably the reason that she took egg cartons and covered her walls, spray painting them black and white like a chessboard. The walls were almost as confusing as she was. She sang loudly to the music, doing very well. Of course, she'd never sing this loudly anywhere else, so taking the advantage while dancing and making toast was like practicing for something that would never be broadcast. And that was good enough for her.
A few minutes and a bit of peanut butter later and Sara was back on the couch, feet up on the coffee table. She looked at the beer bottles littering the room. I'll clean those up in a little while... After I finish my toast, She thought to herself as she finished up her toast. And then there came the clean up, bottle after bottle going back in the empty cases for returns. She stashed them in the corner of the room. There was a single mirror on the other wall, and Sara caught a glimpse of herself in it. Not half bad, doesn't even look like I'm hungover. After I brush my teeth, it's off to work. Sara recited in her head, walking towards the bathroom. After the morning, or should we say nightly, ritual, Sara was pulling on her army boots and an old, worn out leather jacket. Her kit was ready and by the door. Just as she was about to grab it, her cell phone began to ring. She picked up.
"Sidle." Sara spoke out, clicking off her stereo with a remote. It wasn't what the voice on the other end said that shocked her, but it was who the voice was.
"Hi, Sara? Sorry to bother you... It's me, Catherine. Listen, my car broke down, can I hitch a ride with you to work tonight?" Catherine asked, sounding slightly desperate. That was a different tone than what Sara was used to hearing from her.
"Sure, no problem. I'll see you in a few minutes." Sara agreed, and grabbed her keys. She heard a huge sigh of relief from the other line.
"Thank you so much, Sara, you've saved my ass." Catherine hung up. Sara laughed to herself, taking her kit and locking her door, walking down the stairs to her car. It must have been so awkward for Catherine to call Sara, as they weren't exactly the best of buddies. Sara began to drive to Catherine's house, turning up the radio as it blasted another chunk of metal music. She tapped on her steering wheel to the beat, humming along.
Sara began to think of exactly why Catherine and her were not so close. Her secretive lifestyle and cold exterior seemed to keep people and co-workers away. While it kept Sara safe, it also left her very much alone, which didn't bother her very much because that was just the lifestyle she had become accustomed to. She snapped out of her thinking pattern and pulled into the driveway, getting out of her car and leaning on it. She knew Catherine had seen her, because there was movement behind the stained glass entrance. Sara didn't believe she should go into her home... They may be co-workers, but she felt that entering would overstep the boundaries. Catherine came out of her home, locked the door and scuttled over towards Sara's car.
"Sorry, I didn't know you would be here so quickly." Catherine greeted, getting into the car. Sara joined her, revving up the engine.
"It's no problem, I was already on my way out. What's you car dying from?" Sara asked, beginning to exit the driveway. Catherine groaned.
"I have no idea, I don't work with cars often and this particular car is giving me issues..." Catherine mumbled, sighing at her lack of luck that day. Sara thought for a moment.
"If you aren't too busy after shift, I can take a look at it for you." She offered, turning a corner and slowing to a stop at a red light. Catherine suddenly perked up.
"That'd be great, I didn't know you were a mechanic!" Catherine adjusted her posture, suddenly very interested in learning something new about her mysterious co-worker. Sara shrugged nonchalantly.
"It used to be a side job I had while I was in school. Not a bad pay, I did the work and the boss made the fees. Put me through my entry university year." Sara explained, a tiny smile on her face while she was in the comfort zone of auto mechanics. Catherine noticed that tiny smile, something that didn't appear very often. She studied it for a second. It was a cute smile, she concluded as they started going again from the red light. They stayed relatively quiet, though Sara was humming along with the radio.
As they pulled into the parking lot, Sara had composed herself into the frozen detective she was. Hopefully, there wouldn't be any domestic cases. Then again, when was she ever lucky?
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