Pirate Universe Part I

By: Jackie

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. Pretty much a duh.

Jackie's Note:Written for the April RT Challenge Ficathon... It ended up being my last story to post. :( Unintentionally... I misread the prompt and though it said something about Pirates, but by then, the idea had already been formed. :)

Pirate Universe

The sun was peeping cautiously out of the clouds after the sudden rain shower they had just endured as Tonks peered through the curtains of her daughter's room to view the damp outside. Water clung in droplets to the window and leaves of trees, pooled in puddles on the street and created messy muddy pits.

Closing the curtains together, she turned to study her daughter. Little Lilly was fast asleep clutching onto her teddy bear completely oblivious to her mother's presence. On the dresser was laid her current favorite tale: Peter Pan. In light of the storm, the little girl had begged her mother to read it to her to put her at ease so she could take her nap, and Tonks had been only too willing to oblige the five-year-old.

Leaning down, she gently brushed the stray hairs from the girl's face and placed a soft kiss on the crown of her head. She left with uncharacteristic grace and silence, closing the door behind her leaving it partially cracked. She then turned and padded down the hall in search of her husband.

He was probably in the study turned office: her favorite place to see him, so she headed there. It was full of mostly books but also odd ends and trinkets he had acquired mostly through thoughtful gifts from the people whose lives he had touched.

Contrary to its usual neat and tidy layout, it was cluttered with papers everywhere. She was confused, but when she spotted him, she stood in the door leaning against its frame and simply watched, a dreamy expression taking over her features.

He was dressed casually in a billowing, unbuttoned, white shirt, the cotton undershirtpartly visible,bare feet showing, and arms stretched over his head resting on the replica of Godric Gryffindor's sword he had across his shoulders. The wind teased his graying hair as he stood in the opened doorway to the balcony, eyes trained on the retreating cobalt blue storm clouds. The color made the green earth stand our starkly in contrast, and she loved the way it complimented his simple figure.

Freshly cleaned air from the passing storm fluttered in through the opening throwing the loose papers into little whirlwinds about the office, their sounds of shuffling the only disturbance to the absolute silence.

Deciding that she was no longer content to merely watch him, she pushed herself from her relaxing stance against wall and took a step towards him, but something tugged at her pant leg and already caught up in the inertia of her forward motion, she fell with a quiet ripping sound. As Remus turned to see what the commotion was, the replica falling to rest at his side, Tonks flailed for something to grasp to prevent her from hitting the ground. She found the nearest bookshelf, but it up-ended and flipped all its contents onto the floor. She landed with a soft thud and muffled grunt.

"Dora…" he immediately moved from his place at the window.

"No, No! – Oh, shoot!" she frowned at him, "Get back over there!"

He paused in his strides, "What? Why?"

"Because you looked bl---- sexy! That's why!"

He grinned at her as he shook his head sadly and changed his path to take him to his trinket-covered desk upon which he took a seat, "Fine. I won't help you."

Standing up, she let out an irritated sigh as the reason for her fall became clear: the right pant leg of her pajama bottoms were torn right down the seam. Turning in confusion, her eyes found a nail just barely jutting out of the door frame where she had been standing.

Remus frowned, "I've been meaning to take care of that. Somehow, it didn't go in straight…" He placed the replica behind him and retrieved his wand. "Accio nail," he said with an airy flick of his wrist. The nail shot out of the wall, but it took with it a small chunk of wood. He glanced sheepishly at her as she approached him, and he plucked the nail out of the air and dropped it into the trash bin behind his work area.

"Are you all right?" he asked concernedly as she reached him.

"I'll live." She motioned to the distressed state of his office, "What's all this?"

"This," he said settling his hands on her waist and pulling her closer, "Is me being lazy." She rested her forehead against his. "Actually," he continued, "I just wanted some fresh air, but I wasn't astute enough to put my papers in order before opening the doors."

"A me moment, then."

"After all these years, you've finally rubbed off on me. I think I put up a good fight, though."

She poked his ribcage but met his eyes levelly, "You most certainly did."

He creased his brows together, "That wasn't a good fight."

"It turned out for the better," she said softly, "Because when it was all over, I loved you more than I ever though possible."

"I was stupid."

"Yes, you were."

Their lips met in a soft but decidedly chaste kiss.

When they broke apart, he was playful again, his eyes straying to the skin exposed by the torn cloth of her bottoms. "What did you mean," he began looking back to her face, "When you said I looked sexy?"

She giggled as she snaked her arms around his neck, rubbing his shoulders in the process, "You're going to think I'm silly."

"That's normal."

Scrunching up her face, she took advantage of her position and tugged at the hairs at the base of his neck.

He leaned his head back to accommodate the momentary strain, but said nothing.

"You looked like a pirate," she said in a low voice.

He raised an eyebrow, "Really? And am I supposed to assume that pirates are sexy?" His hand left her waist.

"Very sexy… Especially if you're the pirate."

"Mmm… It was the shirt and the sword?"

"And the hair… Bare feet, too. – And probably the story I read to Lilly."

"Peter Pan again?"

"Of course."

He smiled softly as he planted a ghost of a kiss against her jaw. "Well, I'm rather fond of these trousers you're sporting…" he husked into her ear. He parted the curtain of cloth and gently brushed the skin of her leg.

"Shall I wear them more often?"

"I just want to rip them off you right now," he pulled her closer.

"Lilly's asleep," she murmured breathlessly.

"Good," he replied before covering her mouth with his.

Worried at first about the possibility of disturbing their daughter's sleep, she carefully held back. – Until he ran his tongue along her top lip encouraging her to open to him at which point she gave in and participated in full.

He gripped onto her exposed upper thigh and pulled her into his lap and allowed his other hand to become caught up in her hair, cradling her head closer.

A strong gust of wind blew into the room and slammed the door to the office shut thoroughly startling Remus and Tonks. She moved immediately to check on Lilly, but Remus held her close and shook his head, "It's better that way. She can't see us now, and we'll hear if she comes."

"Remus…" she began in hesitation.

"We haven't done this in a long while, and I'm not about to let you go," he muttered and kissed her again.

She couldn't prevent herself from grinning against him at his confession, and she deepened the kiss in which they were already engaged. He turned slightly, perching Tonks more on the desk than himself and freed his hand from her hair. With a lazy swipe, he shoved a portion of the instruments and papers off the table. They landed on the floor in loud bangs that no doubt resounded through the entire house.

"We have wands…" she began.

He nuzzled her neck, "Can you think of any spells right now?"

"No," she admitted.

"Neither can I."

She captured his lips in another passionate exchange as he continued to clear the desk of obstacles. Dropping the last of his books off the edge, Remus stretched Tonks atop the cleared desk and -

"Mum! Dad!" The high-pitched voice and subsequent stomping across the hall announced the arrival of their daughter, and they sprung apart panting slightly, looking disheveled as the door flung open.


JN: And tomorrow, it will take a completely unexpected turn... I guarantee that you can't anticipate this one.