A/N This is my very first story, so please be gentle on me, ok?

It's a B/V story, set right after Buu's defeat. First chapter is like a prologue,

hope you enjoy it. Reviews are always welcome, I really hope that I'll get some useful tips!

The entire story's set in Vegeta's POV, enjoy!

The woman's consistent babble is driving me mad. I have endured much worse than this, but somehow her talking seems to upset me.
She keeps going on about the 'great and mighty' Kakarrot; how noble he's been, and how well he defeated Buu. I think I'm about to puke.

Even though I've just admitted that Kakarrot is nr.1, there's no need to rub it in.My son seems to understand, I haven't heard a word from him about my defeat yet. But the woman's unbelievable.

"You know, it was so amazing the way you guys were talking to the people of Earth to gather energy for the spirit bomb!" Oh great, now she's including me.

I'm not sure why, but for some reason it feels as though she doesn't understand what's wrong with me.
She talks inconsistently, she has done that ever since I've been living in her house and on this pathetic mudball, but she has always known when to keep her mouth shut. Until now.

Was she trying to make me jealous? She needn't bother, I sacrificed my life for her and the brat.
I never thought I'd admit it, but I think I might actually care.
So why the fuck won't she shut up?

"Hey Vegeta, I'm really happy that you and Goku are friends now. We're gonna have a lot of fun together!" This was it. The one sentence that made me lose my patience.

"Woman, be quiet! I have had enough! Kakarrot is not someone I wish to be reminded of now! I yelled at her. "Well gosh Vegeta, I'm sorry but if you would have listened to what I was saying, you might have heard that I was talking about you and not Goku". She was lying, I kept hearing the words "noble" and "good heart".
I'm not deaf, nor am I an idiot.

"Woman, I know very well what you've just said, I have no intention of becoming 'friends' with Kakarrot,I will never be friends with Kakarrot, and if you want to see him so badly you might as well leave now and live with him and that pathetic wife of his!"

I had gone too far, I know that. But I needed silence and comfort from my mate.Not the bullshit that she was giving me now. She didn't say anything. She didn't have too.

The tears in her eyes said enough.

A/N I know it seems that Vegeta hates Bulma, but every couple has their bad moments.

What did you think? Like, dislike? Review please, I'd really appreciate the advice!