This is a new story idea that has been bugging me. Let me know what y'all think, and if I should continue it. It's been running amuck in my head for quite some time now, and I have plenty of it already planned out in my head, so if I decide to continue it, updates will come rather fast  Enjoy! – chicadoodle


I'm not sure what I should call you, or how much you know. Obviously, your father and I have passed away, and you have been left in the care of your … Guardians. We never wanted to leave you with them, please believe us in that. But you had to be protect, and if there was one thing that Snake cherished, it was his family.

But listen to me, prattling on when there is so much we have to tell you.

Shortly after you were born, there was a prophesy, and we realized that it could only point to two children – you, and a boy named Neville Longbottom, a boy who should be in your class at school. We were so scared, Harry. We didn't know what to do. So we took drastic measures.

We had to hide you away, but we had to do it so nobody would know. I had been friends with Severus Snape in our school days, and I immediately called him to enlist his aide. I didn't agree with his plan, at first, but it was the only one we could come up.

We told no one, not even your godfather, Sirius Black. We didn't know who we could trust anymore, not with the rumors that there was a traitor within the Order, itself. So we made the switch. We gave you up, sent you to another family, and took their child in as our own.

They didn't know. They worried so, when their only child disappeared for a few short hours. As a mother, I could understand how the baby's own mother must have felt, unable to find her son. But it had to be done, Harry. You must believe me. We didn't have any other choice!

It only took a couple of hours, and we returned you to these worried parents. I hated to watch, to watch this child I knew was my own, protected by powerful charms that would mimmick the genes of these two people I barely even knew.

And we took their child, performing the same charms on him, so that he would look just like you once had.

The charms will begin to wear off, Harry. That's why we had to send you this letter, timed in the unfortunate event of our death. You may hate us, for what we had to do to protect you, but never doubt that we love you.

With Love,

Lily and James Potter.

The letter slid from suddenly nerveless hands, and the lone occupant of the room slid to the ground with a thump, breath coming in short, harsh pants, and he clutched the baby blanket to his chest.

He could feel a sob rising to his throat, and he closed his eyes tightly and pressed his lips together, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to overspill.

He sat like for only a few minutes, however, before he rose unsteadily to his feet, hands feeling for the walls and furniture as if he were blind.

He had to find his father. He would now what to do. Father always knew what to do.

Draco Malfoy choked back another sob, stumbling as he ran down the hallway to his father's study.