Disclaimer: The only character I OWN is Slash!

Demyx Has An Apostrophe

It was mid-morning around 2:30 at the latest, when Demyx awoke with a sudden thought, one that would not leave him alone. He glanced at the clock, 2:29 AM, and with that he jumped out of his bed. Demyx entered the gleaming white hallways which even at night were still bright. He ran down to Axel's room, and pounded loudly on the door. "Who the hell is that?" Axel said gruffly, glancing at the clock he groaned. "WHAT!" He bellowed, only to find little Demyx at his door. "Demyx, didn't we have a talk about…" Axel started. Then, making a circle with his fingers he added, "Personal space?" Demyx stood there, like every word Axel said went through one ear and out the other. Suddenly, Axel started to hear crickets. He glanced down and saw a blue cricket, Demyx's pet cricket. Axel squatted down and picked up the insect, held it up to Demyx's eye level and squished it. "Aaaah, Axey jr.! What have you done!" Demyx wailed. "'Axey' jr.?" Axel said flatly. Axel shrugged, he went inside his room and tried to pick up his new "Demyx Shocker 5000", but instead grabbed a lamp, his favorite lamp.

Axel took the lamp and threw it at Demyx, not realizing it was the lamp Slash had given him for a Christmas present. When Axel heard the CRASH, his eyes widened, just realizing what he had thrown. When Demyx stood up, Axel's door hit him in the face. "Argh!" Demyx groaned. "I know, Slash could help!" Demyx ran down the hallway again to Slash's room. He was about to knock when he noticed the door wasn't locked. Quietly, Demyx opened the door and crept into Slash's room, were, he found her sleeping like a rock. He turned on a light. It illuminated her long, dark red hair. She always had her hair fashioned almost like Axel's, but in a girl's style. Slash was a tomboy, and she always acted like a boy. Unlike the other members of Organization XIII, she did exist. It happened so long ago, that every member treated her like she was a Nobody. When she was a baby, her parents left her to die. They laid her tiny, 3-year-old body near the entrance to Organization XIII's stronghold. About a few hours later, Xemnas found her, sleeping in a tiny basket. He looked around for her parents, but found none, so he took care of her. Growing up, she felt as if Axel, Roxas, and Demyx were her brothers. Even now she acts as if they were siblings, but deep inside of her she has true affection for Axel…Feelings, she never wants to expose to him.

Demyx crept up on the 15-year-old and gently shook her. "Doner and Blitzen!" She wailed out the names of two of Santa Claus's reindeer. "Wha?" Demyx stammered. "Should I know about those two!" He demanded. "AAAAH! DEMYX! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" Slash shouted at the top of her lungs, pulling the sheets closer to her body. "Quiet, do you really want Axe—?" Demyx started before Axel barely broke the door down. "Axel, do me a favor would you…and….GET THIS MORON OUT OF MY ROOM?" Slash yelled. "It would be my pleasure!" Axel said happily. Black lines lined his arms turning into his charkrams. "No, I didn't mean 'kill him' I meant 'GET HIM OUT' of my room." Slash squealed, pulling Axel's arm away from Demyx so his charkrams wouldn't cut off his head. "Aw man, than what's the fun of it?" Axel groaned, putting his weapons away. "Demyx, before I do let Axel kill you, what do you want?" Slash muttered, rubbing her temples. "Weeeeell, I need you to answer something for me." Demyx replied. "What." Slash said flatly. "You're the only one here that could tell me…So…umm…What is—life and death?" Demyx replied.

Sora: Okay, I know that was short, but trust me the next chapter is funny.

Demyx: Hey, why did you make me get hit in the head with a lamp?

Sora: I was going to make Axel hit you in the head with a shoe, but I changed my mind.

Demyx: …

Axel: Why couldn't it have been a dung bell, or a weight from my weight set?

Demyx: You lift weights?

Axel: nods head

Demyx: chuckling Then—why are your arms so skinny!

Axel: Leave my arms alone!

Sora: Would you two stop it!

Axel and Demyx: ….