Hi Phil fans. This took me a little longer to finish than I thought, but, finally, here's the conclusion to School's Out For Summer. I hope you like it…and I hope it's not confusing. Thanks to everyone who's been reading and reviewing. Makes me feel so happy to know people like to read what I write. I love reading all of your stuff, too!

Chapter 15

"This Is Only the Beginning"

When Phil called Keely, it went straight to voicemail, so he tried the Teslows' home number.

"Hello?" Mandy Teslow answered on the first ring. She always did that and it never failed to startle Phil.

"Hi, Mrs. Teslow, it's Phil," Phil said, feeling a little jumpy. He wondered if Keely had told her anything and prayed that she hadn't.

"Hi, Phil," Mandy said. "Keely's in her room, I think. Hang on." Phil heard her cover up the phone and yell Keely's name. There was a muffled sound and a clunk, and then Mrs. Teslow came back on. "Phil, Keely's going to have to call you back, sweetie. She's resting. Is that okay?"

Resting? "Oh, sure," Phil said. "Just tell her I'm home." She's not avoiding me, is she? he thought.

"I will, sweetie," Mandy said, then she added, "Was Keely feeling okay last night, Phil?'

"Um, sure, Mrs. Teslow, uh she seemed fine to me," Phil said. She was more than fine. She was incredible…he thought. He hoped she didn't know about what he and her daughter had been up to. It was one thing for Phil's mother to know, but Keely's? "Is she okay?"

"Well, she just seems a little, I don't know, sad. Like she's kind of distracted," Mrs. Teslow said. "You know Keely, Phil. She's normally so bubbly and happy. I was just curious. I thought maybe you'd know."

"Well, um, she's probably just tired or something. We, um, had a long weekend, you know? I'll try and come over cheer her up," Phil said, wracking his brain for "cheering up" ideas.

"That's sweet of you, Phil. You're such a good friend to Keely," said Mrs. Teslow said. "She lucky to have you."

Good friend, thought Phil. She doesn't know. "Okay, well, uh, I'll stop by this afternoon, Mrs. Teslow," Phil said.

Phil went to find his mother after he hung up the phone.

"Mom, got a question," Phil said. Barb was reading on the back porch.

"Sure, Phil," Barb said, setting down her book. "Lemonade?" she asked, pouring herself a glass from a pitcher on the table.

"Sure," Phil said, sitting down next to his mother, and taking the glass she offered.

"Now, what's your question?" Barb asked. She had a feeling it was Keely again.

"So, you know Keely," Phil said.

"Keely?" Barb asked, smiling. "Yes, Phil, I know a Keely. Cute as a button, blond hair, green eyes, your new girlfriend…"

"That's the one. I called over there but Keely was resting and her mom said she's sad and distracted, and did I know anything," Phil said. "You think this about me?"

"Phil, honey," Barb said. "A lot has happened to you two over the last few days… Can you blame her for being a little, what do you kids always say? Freaked out?"

"You're right," Phil said. "I just hope it's not me… We haven't had a chance to really discuss everything that's happened... I thought maybe I'd stop over there and you know, see how she is."

"Well, Phil, you've known Keely for four years," Barb said, putting her arm around his shoulders. "I'm sure you'll think of something."

"Yeah, I'll think of something…" Phil said. He wandered back into the house, deep in thought.

Barb watched him go. Sometimes she thought of him as an adult, but sometimes, like in that moment, he was still just a kid who needed his mother's advice. However, Barb Diffy was hoping to stay out of the way as far as Keely was concerned. Barb knew more than she let on about Phil and Keely, and it was becoming more and more difficult to contain it. When the Diffys had first seen Keely that day four years ago, in 2004, walking along the sidewalk eating an ice cream cone, lost in her thoughts, something about the girl felt familiar to Barb. So familiar, in fact, that as soon as she was able to, Barb went to the Giggle. In just a few minutes she found the entry she'd been looking for: On the day she had learned she was pregnant with Phil, back in 2106, Barb had set aside her grandmother's engagement ring to give her son, when he was grown, so that he might perhaps give it to his bride. One day, a few years later, when Phil and Pim were still small, Barb was surfing the Giggle, looking for information on her 21st-century ancestors, when she discovered a photograph from a Pickford Times engagement announcement. On the finger of the pretty young woman in the photograph was Barb's grandmother's ring.

At the time, Barb had not thought too much about it. The year on the newspaper clipping was 2013. Barb had no idea that her family would one day get stranded in 2004. She just thought it was a coincidence. The ring was an antique, after all. But when she first laid eyes on spunky, pretty, 14-year-old Keely Teslow, she knew the truth. The day the Diffys landed, Barb realized that her son, Phil, would eventually meet that very same schoolgirl, fall in love with her, give her the ring, and marry her. And when the two classmates became such close friends within days of the Diffys' arrival, Barb was sure it would all come to pass. What Barb didn't know, was that Phil and Keely had seen the ring for themselves on the future Keely's hand in the Giggle, although neither of them realized its significance.

"Phil, wait," Barb called to Phil.

"Yeah, Mom," Phil said.

"Can I show you something real quick?" Barb asked. "Do you have a second?"

"Sure. I think I'll stop by Pickford Floral and get Keels some daisies. She loves those. She says they're 'happy' flowers," Phil said. Barb beamed at her son.

"Sweetie, that's a wonderful idea," Barb said. "Just come upstairs for a second." They walked into Phil's parents' bedroom. Phil sat on the bed and Barb went to her closet and came out with a small wooden chest, about the size of a shoebox. She sat next to Phil. "When I found out I was pregnant with you, Phil, and I knew you were a boy, I put this away so that you'd have it some day…" Barb opened the box and pulled out a small black velvet pouch. She opened the pouch and the ring, a sparkling diamond solitaire, slid into her palm. "This ring belonged to your great-grandmother. It was her engagement ring."

Phil picked the ring up and brought it to his eyes. His heart leapt inside his chest. "Mom," he whispered. "I've seen this ring before." He looked at his mother.

"You have?" Barb asked. "Where? I've never showed it to you kids. I always knew I'd give it to you, but I was thinking about it today after our talk, and thought you might like to see it now, you know, a little preview…"

"Mom, I saw it…" Phil took a deep breath. He couldn't believe this was really happening. "I saw it in the Giggle. Three years ago," Phil's face broke into a smile as he fully remembered. "Wow…" he said, examining the ring. "It sparkled in the Giggle, but not like this. I wanted to know who but…"

"Three years ago?" Barb asked him.

"Yeah," Phil said. "Messerschmitt's history test." He couldn't control his smile. It was off the charts. "Keely's Popstar pants." He chuckled, remembering the whole ordeal.

"Popstar pants? Phil, can you fill me in?" Barb asked. He doesn't know… Does he?

"I don't know, Mom," Phil said. He stood and handed the ring back to her. "It'll spoil the surprise. But hang on to it for me, okay? I'll need it in a few years." He winked at his mother and ran out of the room, Barb smiling after him. He wanted to see Keely. He'd never tell her, of course, what the world had in store for them; he just wanted to see her. He wanted to hold her and whisper that he loved her.

Phil knocked on the Teslows' door. He had showered, shaved, and dressed in a hurry so he could get to Pickford Floral before it closed. The clerk at the flower shop helped him choose a bunch of white and yellow daisies, and he tied them together with a pale pink bow. "For your girlfriend?" the clerk had asked Phil. "Yeah," Phil said, smiling, "They're for my girlfriend. My best friend."

His hair was still wet. No one answered, so he tried the doorknob. It was open. "Keely?" he called. No answer. "Keely? It's just me." Still no answer. Phil walked down the hall toward Keely's bedroom. The door was closed. Phil put his ear to the door. Nothing. He opened it a crack. Keely was asleep on her bed. Phil pushed the door open and slipped inside the room. Keely didn't stir. Phil sat on the edge of her bed and touched her shoulder. "Keels?" he whispered. Keely opened her eyes.

"Hey," she said. "I didn't mean to fall asleep…" She pulled herself up onto the pillows, yawning.

"Well, sleepyhead, I brought you something," Phil said, smiling. He handed her the flowers.

"Aw, Phil, happy flowers. Thanks," Keely said, holding the flowers out to admire them. "You didn't have to do that."

"I know I didn't," Phil said. "But I wanted to make you happy. Your mom said you were feeling a little sad."

"I was… I guess," Keely said, her grin fading momentarily. "I didn't mean to do all that crying, Phil. I… I don't know why I did… I just kind of felt like crying. Does that ever happen to you?" She looked at Phil hopefully.

"Well, it never had until today," he said. "I was sad 'cause you were sad." Phil wrinkled his forehead. "You're sure it wasn't about, you know"—Phil cleared his throat—"what happened last night?"

"I still can't believe what happened actually happened…" Keely said, looking down at the flowers.

"Me neither…" Phil said, trying to look into Keely's eyes. She avoided his gaze. "And I want to be sure that you wanted it to happen, Keely. That you don't think it was a mistake."

"Phil… I," Keely started. She glanced up at him quickly then back down again.

"Keels, if you think it was a mistake, we'll slow down, you know, and start from scratch. I can do that…" Phil said. Keely didn't speak so he continued. "I understand, you know, that we got caught up in the heat of the moment and all… But Keels, making love to you felt… I don't know. It felt like something that was meant to be."

Keely looked into Phil's eyes. She didn't know what to say. She had felt it, too. Felt that it was right and it was meant to be. She was scared, though. Not scared of Phil or even of sex. Keely was scared that somehow she'd lose him. Like her mother had lost her father when she was little. Keely had been afraid of losing Phil ever since she fell in love with him. "I just don't want to ever be without you," she whispered.

"You never will be Keels. I promise," Phil said.

"But how can you be sure?" Keely asked.

Phil thought of telling her about the ring. "I know, Keels, that we'll be together for a very long time. You have to trust me. Today, here, us… This is only the beginning."

"You know more than you're telling me, Phil," Keely said, looking at him suspiciously.

"Maybe… but I know how much you like surprises, Keely, and I don't want to this spoil one. It's big," Phil said, grinning.

"Can you give me a hint?" Keely asked.

"Nope, Teslow. No hints," Phil said.

"Well how long till I find out what it is?" she asked, batting her eyelashes.

"Not telling. I don't really know, anyway. That is still to be determined," Phil said.

"Please, Phil—" Keely whined.

"Nope. I'm really not budging on this one. No matter how cute you are," Phil said, leaning down to kiss her lips.

"What's the point of being cute if I can't use it to my advantage?" Keeling asked, pouting and turning her head so Phil kissed her ear.

"Okay. I'll give you a hint," Phil said. "If you let me kiss you." Phil tried to think of a hint that wouldn't divulge too much information.

"Okay," Keely said.

"Hmm," Phil mumbled. "Let's see… Okay, got it. Popstar pants."

"Popstar pants?" Keely said. "That's my hint?"

"That's your hint. Now where's my kiss?" Phil asked. He was certain she'd never guess it. Keely referred to her Popstar pants almost daily. She was looking rather thoughtful, though, when he finally planted a loud kiss on her pert mouth with a smack.

"Popstar pants," Keely whispered. "Hmmm."

Phil rolled his eyes and kissed her again. She paid him no attention. He kissed her neck and her ear and her lips. "Keely. You're not gonna figure it out," he whispered. She looked at him. Their faces were so close that he felt her eyelashes when she blinked.

"Yes, I am," Keely said. "Smarty McSmartster." She stuck out her tongue.

"Dontcha want to fool around a little, Keels?" Phil said, now lying practically on top of her.

Keely exhaled. "Come on Phil," she said. "My mom's around somewhere."

"Did you tell her anything?" Phil whispered, kissing her forehead. "You know, about us?"

"Not yet…" Keely said. This time she kissed Phil's mouth. And at that exact moment, Mandy Teslow was standing in the doorway. Keely saw her through the corner of her eye. She stopped kissing Phil.

"What?" Phil asked. "Come on, Keels. Kiss me." Then Phil noticed Keely looking over his shoulder. Phil turned his head, saw Keely's mother, and in a flash was off the bed and standing across the room, cheeks flaming. "Um…" was all he could say.

"Am I interrupting?" Mandy said. She tried not to smile. "Phil do you have something to tell me?"

Phil panicked. He looked at Keely. Keely looked back at him. She shrugged. "I, uh, brought some flowers," he mumbled, pointing at the flowers on Keely's bed, then added, "I'm in love with her," he said, nodding rapidly. He swallowed and wiped his forehead with his sleeve.

"You're in love with Keely?" Mandy asked him. Phil nodded again. "You came over here to tell her that?"

"Well, I…" Phil said. "I told her on Saturday."

"On Saturday?" Mandy asked.

"At movie night. And when you said she was feeling sad, I thought I could make her happy so I brought flowers," Phil said. He looked at Keely. She still hadn't moved. Mandy walked to Keely's bed and sat down on the edge. She leaned down and hugged her daughter. Keely looked over her mother's shoulder at Phil. Phil shrugged.

"Oh Keely, I'm so happy," Mandy said. "Come here Phil." She motioned with her hand for Phil to come over to the bed. Phil walked to her and sat down. Mandy hugged him. "Phil, I've wanted you and Keely to get together practically since the first day I met you."

"Mom," Keely said.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Mandy asked.

"Um, so, maybe we could have a minute?" Keely asked. Phil just sat there feeling more awkward than ever.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You two probably want some time alone, huh?" she said. "I'll scoot. Phil, so wonderful to see you. You are just adorable. I can see why Keely's so crazy about you!"

"Thanks, Mrs. Teslow," Phil said as Mandy walked out of the room.

"Well, I guess she knows," Keely said.

"And I guess that whole roadtrip across America is officially not happening," Phil said. "I'm grounded anyway, so I guess it was out of the question regardless."

"Why are you grounded?" Keely asked.

"Drinking at Owen's," Phil said. Keely reached out and held his hand. They sat still for a second in silence. "Not gonna do that again."

"You look so cute, Phil," Keely said, noticing Phil's pale pink polo shirt. "I love that shirt."

"Well, you gave it to me," Phil said.

"I told you pink was in for guys," she said. "Plus it's my favorite color."

"I know," Phil said. "I love it when you wear green though."

"Green? Really?" Keely said.

"Yeah, you know, your eyes... they're so pretty and sparkly. And when you wear green it makes them, I don't know, prettier and sparklier," Phil said. It felt so funny finally telling Keely how beautiful he thought she was. For years he'd tried not to comment on what she wore because he was too shy. But now everything was different. He could finally just be with her and say what he wanted. Keely smiled.

"No boy has ever said anything to me like that, Phil," she said.

"Well, no girl has ever been as pretty as you," Phil said.

"Phil…" Keely said. She was a little embarrassed.

"No girl has. Keels, I can't believe how lucky I am to be able to see your face every day for the rest of my life," Phil said. He was being bold. They'd both seen the ring in the Giggle and wondered about it plenty, but only Phil knew that it was back at his house. In his mother's closet. And that it would be his to give Keely. "I know the last couple of days have been intense, to say the least… But I wouldn't change them for anything. Maybe you're overwhelmed. Maybe I am a little bit. But when I look at you, Keely, I feel amazing. When I look at you and I realize how much you mean to me… I'll do anything for you. I'll spend the rest of my life making you happy."

Keely grinned and hugged Phil, fighting back tears. "You've already made me happier than you can imagine, Phil," she said. Then she suddenly thought of the Popstar pants she'd seen her 25-year-old-self wearing in the Giggle a few years ago. Then she remembered that sparkling diamond ring. Keely looked into Phil's brown eyes, realizing what his hint had meant. "Popstar pants, Phil?" she asked. "That was way too easy."

Phil just smiled and kissed her.

The End