A/N: I want to apologize for taking this down and then taking forever to continue the rewrite. I spent the last six months working for Disney World and although I loved it, they ran me ragged and all of my writing suffered. And then to top it off me and my beta forgot about it. Forgive me please. Please enjoy and review.
by BoarderKC
Someone was screaming. Someone was always screaming. When he closed his eyes he heard her, wailing; eternally wailing him in and out of sleep. It would rip him from consciousness when he felt it pierce his skin, but it would thrust him back, pushing him away from numbness and in his horror he would wake up whole.
But for now there was just the scream and he was running. There was yelling; there was sobbing, but he couldn't match voices. Darkness clouded his vision and he stumbled over a footstool as he ran blindly. It took half a second to regain his footing. His mind was screaming at him, barking orders, 'just run, just run.' He was running for the front door as gunshots echoed behind him and a wailing grew from the closet by the door. He paused for a fraction of a moment, listening to the silence that had smothered the life of noise after the gunshots, but footsteps made him pale and in a hurry he threw open the closet door.
A figure huddled in the back corner. She looked at him, shaking; already pleading as her big brown eyes filled with tears, but not with understanding. They both froze, acknowledging each other's confusion, but he knew better then to wait and he grabbed her wrist, yanking her from the floor. 'Just run, just run…' His legs moved, driven by some unknown force that fed him energy despite waking only moments ago. The crying of his sister refused to cease as he dragged her. They ran. A scream echoed, ripping through his ears and suddenly he was sitting up in bed, choking on nothing.
He whipped around, eyes adjusting to a brightly lit room that burned his irises and sweat made his clothes cling to his body. It was a dream. Bile rose in his throat, his stomach rolling. Unable to contain himself, he threw himself from his bed, stumbling down the small wood ladder and ran to the bathroom down the hall where he emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet. A headache started behind his temples as he fell away from the bowl, gasping for air that never seemed to come.
A knock on the bathroom door made him jump. Aaron's voice sounded from outside the door, but his words, muffled by wood were incomprehensible. "Hold on," he called as he flushed the toilet and stumbled to the door. Aaron stood on the other side holding out his Digivice. Grasping it, he waited a moment before, "Thanks. What did you say before?" His voice was thick with sleep and raspy from the taste of sick in his mouth.
"You're welcome," the Mexican boy nodded. "You should tie that thing around your neck or something. Never know when I'll be needing conversation." He grinned but there was concern in his eyes that the smile didn't match. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." He rubbed his forehead with his freehand, trying to work away the headache. "What time is it?"
"Nine fifteen."
Opening heavy eyes, Tai looked at Aaron for the first time that morning. "What's with the getup?" he laughed as he eyed the green and gray uniform the other boy was dressed in. He stood in a green shirt that had Oakland A's written in yellow letters across the front. It was tucked into gray pants that stopped just below his knees. Green knee-high socks covered his ankles that disappeared into black cleats.
"I play baseball. This is my uniform." He stepped back from the doorway to allow Tai to step back, his cleats sounding sharp against the wood floor. "Nightmares?" he asked as they began to walk back to the bedroom they shared. Inside Matt and TK were still asleep.
"Yeah, but I'm alright," Tai replied, offense in his voice.
Aaron shrugged and moved to his bed where a green cap was thrown. "Never said you weren't, man." He pulled on the cap and turned back to Tai as the other boy went to the closet.
"You have a game or something?" Tai asked as he grabbed a tee shirt from one of the hangers on his part of the closet.
"Yeah," Aaron's voice called from outside the closet. He spoke low as not to disturbed the sleeping boys. "You ever been to a baseball game? Do they have baseball in Japan?"
Shedding his boxers, Tai felt himself sneer. "Yes, stupid. They have baseball in Japan. There is a huge following of it." He dressed as he spoke.
"Dude, sorry. I don't pride myself in excessive knowledge of Japan. I'm just one more uneducated American." His footsteps echoed around the room, the sharp beat of his cleats breaking the morning silence as Tai finished dressing. "Are you into sports?" he asked as Tai slipped his Digivice into the pocket of his shorts and emerged from the closet.
"Yeah, I played soccer," he answered, his voice pained. "I haven't played in a long time though."
There was a knock at the door and Aaron went to answer it. Tera stood on the other side. "Almost ready?"
"Yeah, I'm just getting my stuff into my bag. I'll meet you downstairs."
"Alright." She looked over his shoulder, catching sight of Tai as he searched for the pair of socks he had been wearing the day before. "Morning Tai."
"Morning," he called back as he found his socks. Tera disappeared from the door and Aaron went to the closet. "Tera's going?"
"Yeah, she's a pretty big baseball freak." He reached just inside the door and picked up a large sports bag. "She plays softball when she can and she helps out a lot with the league. She's going to be working at the snack bar for some cash." He draped the bag over his shoulder. "She never misses any of my games." He started towards the door then paused. "Hey do you want to go to the park with us?"
Tai looked up at him, "What?"
"Do. You." He pointed at Tai, tone dripping with sarcasm. "Want. To. Go." He pointed to the door. "To. My." He pointed to his chest and Tai rolled his eyes. "Game," he finished with a self satisfied look on his face.
"Are you done?" He nodded, the smirk still on his face. "Sure, why not?"
Aaron grinned and clapped Tai playfully on the back. "That's the spirit. Hey, don't sounds so excited!" He laughed as he adjusted the bag on his shoulder. "You can hang out with Tera and maybe make some money in the snack bar."
Tai followed him to the door. "Will Tera mind?"
"I don't see why she would." Tai followed him down the stairs. They walked into the living room where Tera was laying on the couch with her head in Natalie's lap. They were talking quietly, giggling at something that the boys had missed as Natalie affectionately ran her hand through Tera's deep brown hair. "Hey Natalie," Aaron greeted.
"Hi Aaron," she smiled. "How are you this morning?" Her fingers twisted up in Tera's hair.
"I'm fine. Are you coming to my game or just gonna drop us off?"
"Oh she doesn't care about baseball," Tera laughed. "She's too good for such a dirty sport. Might get her nails dirty." She giggled and with a look of feign annoyance Natalie pinched her side. "Ow!" Tera cried out, laughing harder.
"I'm just dropping you off," Natalie answered as she pushed Tera off her lap and the young girl tumbled to the floor. "I have to go do some volunteer work downtown. Otherwise I'd stick around."
"Are you coming, Tai?" Tera asked from the floor. He nodded. "Cool."
Natalie stood. "Come on, guys. I've got to get downtown. Are you ready?" Aaron and Tera nodded and Tai shrugged. "Okay, come on." They followed her out of the front door and to a small and ugly green car. Aaron and Tai took the backseat as the girls took the front.
Tai stared out the window, his forehead pressed against the burning glass. This was the first time he had ventured out of the house since arriving in America. It had been a week stuck in the confines of the house with the four ghosts of people he had once called his friends and the Americans who he didn't fit in with. And now he watched the houses they passed, though few and far between and in the distance he could see high rising buildings and smog.
At his side Aaron was talking to Natalie and Tera, something about baseball or something. Tai wasn't listening. He was tired. The nights of interrupted sleep was wearing on him and the memories of Japan clouded his mind with emotion he couldn't of handled before everything had happened. Now he was like a zombie with those emotions rendering him useless.
The car stopped and Tai looked up. They had entered the parking lot of a park, specifically of a baseball field. Kids and parents were running around in the hot morning sun, multiple uniforms moving around in the sea of people.
Aaron got out and Tera started talking to Natalie as she unhooked her seatbelt. "Pick us up at three, kay?"
"Sure," Natalie agreed, before her voice was cut off by Tai slamming the door shut. He followed Aaron off of the asphalt parking lot and onto the red dirt covered earth that surrounded the ball field. It clung to his shoes instantly.
Tai studied the area. On the field a game was getting ready to start, a red team called the Cardinals on one side of the field while a turquoise team called the Marlins were on the other. The boys looked about ten.
"When's your game?" Tai asked to the other boy as they followed Tera to a small white painted building just off to the left of the field. "No one here is your age."
"Oh, my game isn't for another hour and a half. I umpire for the ten and under games. Here, Tera." He held out the sports bag he was carrying and she took it from him. "I'm gonna go check in." He shot Tai a grin. "You'll be stuck with Tera. I'll check you guys later." He turned and jogged toward the field and Tai turned to Tera.
"Come on, Tai. We're gonna be working in the snack bar." She started heading toward the white building again with Tai trailing her. "We get the best seats in the park."
"Why is that?" He coughed as they walked through a cloud of smoke rising from a barbeque pressed against the side of the building Tera was walking towards.
She grinned as she opened the black screen door and gestured him inside. "Because its air conditioned." He couldn't resist laughing as they slipped inside and Tera let the metal screen door slam shut behind them.
The building, more like one room, was cool inside. It smelled of soda and hamburgers and a hundred other sweet things that made Tai's stomach ache from not eating breakfast that morning. The air hummed with the sound of an air conditioner. A tall woman with long blonde hair greeted them as she scooped ice into a plastic cup. "Morning Tera."
"Good morning, Mrs. Frye," Tera greeted back. "This is Tai. He's gonna help me out this afternoon."
The woman looked him over and smiled wide. "Hello Tai. Great of you to join Tera. The more help the better really. I'm Cathy Frye."
"Nice to meet you," Tai replied politely.
"Well, Tera I have to get to a board meeting for the league so I'm going to let you and Tai just work the snack bar for the afternoon. Daniel will be working the barbeque so that you won't have to." As she spoke she filled the plastic cup she was holding with soda.
"Don't worry, I can handle it."
"I know you can," the woman replied as she took a drink from the soda and glanced at her watch. "Okay, I have to go, but if you have any problems just give me a call." She walked passed them, to the door as she spoke, gathering a purse from a hook by the door. "I will see you in a bit." She slipped out leaving Tai and Tera alone.
"Who was that?" Tai asked, curiously.
"That's the league president. She handles pretty much everything." Tera moved to the windows and pulled it open. "Now we're open for business. Here, you can sit here." She pulled up a stool up to the window before moving to the second window to open it.
"How come you do this?" Tai asked as he sat down on the stool.
"Do what?" Tera replied as she poked her head out the window.
"Get up early and sit in the heat?" Tai groaned pessimistically.
Tera returned from outside of the window and laughed. "Its not that bad here. Its air conditioned and we get lunch free and we get paid." She glanced out the window again and Tai followed her gaze toward the field where Aaron, dressed in a black mask and pads stood behind the plate. "And Aaron and I both get to play ball for free."
People were starting to congregate toward the snack bar and Tera seemed to go on alert as a swarm of kids lined up and began to demand candy. It didn't take long to realize that Tai was mostly useless at the window, having no experience with American money and for forty-five minutes ran around the small space of the bar, gathering items as Tera took and gave money. Every once and a while a young man, looking a year older then himself would walk in with a burger or two to stick under a heat lamp. During slow periods Tera explained the currency to him.
He handed off a soda to a cute blonde girl who smiled sheepishly through the window. A blush tinted her cheeks as their hands brushed and he chuckled uncomfortably. She gave him a quick wave before walking off quickly to a small group of girls who all looked about a year younger then him. They began talking and giggling furiously.
"That was so cute I could have gagged," Tera laughed sarcastically from behind him.
Tai glared at her. A blush mixed into it and she laughed harder. "Shut up." Throughout the morning he had become accustomed to Tera and her good-natured ribbing. "I don't even know her."
"Doesn't mean she didn't have a hot ass." They both turned to the voice to see Aaron coming in the snack bar door, carrying the umpiring equipment under his arm. He was laughing as Tera shot him a look of disdain before getting off her stool to fetch a cup of water for the sweating, red faced boy.
"Here." She thrust the cup into his hands and took the ump gear. "You're gonna end up too dehydrated to pitch and you're gonna pass out and then I am going to have to leave your ass here because I don't want drag you to the car."
He finished off the water in three big gulps and she took it to fill once more. "I'll be fine, mother," he retorted with an eye roll.
She pushed the water at him harder and it splashed onto his uniform. "Whatever, jerk." With a grin he finished it off in a couple gulps once more.
"Thank you, is that better?" He grinned and she glared as he wrapped an arm around her waist to kiss her lightly on the cheek just as the screen door opened. His arm still entrapping the girl, he turned to Tai. "Hey man, how's it going in here?"
Tai shrugged. "Not bad. She's," he gestured to Tera, "is quite a test on one's patience though."
"Ew, you smell and you're sweaty. Its gross!" she giggled as she pushed him away and Tai laughed at the sight of them.
"Hey." A deep voice made them all jump as they realized they weren't alone. Tera and Aaron sprang apart and in the doorway stood Daniel, the boy who had been manning the grill. He stared at them with a sour look as he held a tray of steaming burgers. "Either get to work or I'll tell my mom your slacking off."
Tai noted Tera didn't look at him while Aaron had gave in exasperated sigh. He had noticed it earlier, how she tensed when the boy came in and how they refused to interact. "Fuck, Danny, there isn't even a line." Aaron turned away, growling low in his throat as he moved to retrieve his sports bag and glanced at Tera. "Hey, I gotta go. My team is getting ready to play." She nodded and handed a water bottle off to him before brushing past the other boy with a glare.
When Daniel was gone, having left the tray, Tai turned to Tera confusion on his face. "What the hell was that?"
"He's just a bastard," she replied quietly. He frowned, annoyed his question wasn't answered and opened him mouth to inquire further, but the door opened again, cutting him off.
A woman dressed in a black baseball jersey walked in as she pushed bright red hair into a ponytail. "Afternoon Tera. Your shift is over. I'm here to take over for you."
"Oh thanks, Mrs. Stills," she replied. She looked back at Tai. "Are you hungry? We can grab some food before we go."
She directed him around the small room, taking burgers, fries, sodas and at the other woman's insistence, a pound of candy before they left the snack bar, arms packed. Daniel stood by the door, at the barbeque again, but Tera ignored him and quickened her pace to the bleachers. Tai hesitated for a split second, casting a look toward the sweating boy whose eyes remained affixed on Tera's retreating form before glancing at Tai with a sneer. "Tai," Tera stopped to call back for him. She looked back intently. "Come on, we'll get a seat before the game starts." With a nod, he turned away from Daniel and Tera began moving toward a large set of bleachers again. "We can sit up here," she called to Tai as they climbed up the bleachers and sat. "The game is going to start soon."
They settled with their lunches between them and as they began to eat Tai wanted to ask about Daniel. The boy unnerved him and undoubtedly he unnerved Tera. He wanted to go into leader mode and fix a problem that wasn't his. A pit settled in his empty stomach and violently he shoved as much of his burger into his mouth. Tera laughed, interpreting the gesture wrong, but he didn't correct her.
The game started with Aaron pitching and Tai watched with vague interest. Tera prodded Tai into stiff conversation, forcing him to speak about nothing. The conversation was distracted on both ends, though as they both kept an eye on the game. Tai had never really cared for baseball, but it was interesting now as Tera commentated and cheered while Aaron pitched.
When the game ended the pair abandoned their seats and headed for the dug outs where Aaron was gathering his things and talking to teammates. He looked cocky in his uniform, surrounded by other boys with his bag hanging off his shoulder. Tera beckoned Tai away from the dugout and into the shade of the snack bar's awning and Tai felt relief flood over him. He hadn't realized how hot it was until they had retreated from the sun.
"Aaron will be out soon and Natalie will be picking us up eventually. About twenty minutes," she clarified as she leaned on the snack bar wall, arms crossed across her chest.
"Tera!" The pair both looked up at the sound of Tera's name and Tai could see the blonde woman from the snack bar, Mrs. Frye calling to his companion.
"Oh, I'll be right back Tai."
She pushed herself off the snack bar and left him standing alone, feeling awkward and alone as a crowd of uniformed boys approached the snack bar. Aaron still stood in the middle of the pack of boys and Tai hung back. He didn't know how to react to the swell of boys who may have been his age, but they were completely foreign. Out of the corner of his eye, Aaron glanced at the Japanese boy, but continued to wait in line with his teammates without a word to him. It made him angry, being ignored after the other boy had made such a fuss about him coming. With a huff, he jammed his hands into his pockets and turned away, walking toward an empty playground that sat a few yards behind the snack bar.
The warm metal seared through his shorts as he took a seat on an empty swing and stared blankly at the green field and people before him. So far this had proved to be an interesting morning. Forced out at the hands of Tera and Aaron, two people who remain unknowns for him and yet forced him to enjoy himself in spite of the swirl of complication in his head. Not even his closets friends had achieved that in months.
"Hey," a low voice greeted from above him and Tai tensed ready for a fight. It was instinctive, brought on by a lifetime of fighting battles, to ready himself at the slightest sound. Swinging his eyes upwards he was brought to the sight of the black haired boy who had been working the grill at the snack bar. He towered over Tai as he sat in the swing, but despite instinct, he didn't stand. "Who are you?" the boy asked with accusation in his voice.
Tai didn't like the tone. "None of your business. Who are you?" he growled back and Daniel's eyes narrowed and his lip curled into a snarl.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" the boy demanded and as an after thought, "What's wrong with the way you talk?"
"What? There's nothing wrong with the way I talk?" Tai listened to the words coming out of his mouth, but they sounded normal.
"You sound like a retard." Tai rolled his eyes at the barbs the boy was throwing at him. He turned his head to ignore him, he didn't need the bullshit. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" A truck collided with the side of his face and Tai flew backwards and landed in the sand behind him. Tiny grains crept into every inch of his clothes, scraping his skin and making him itch as stars danced across his eyes. It took a minute for them to clear and when they did he was staring up at a bright blue sky. "I was talking to you, you retard." Tai groaned as he pushed himself to sit up, feeling sand stick to his face and fall from his gigantic hair. "Why are you hanging out with Tera?"
"What?" Tai demanded in a painful groan.
Sand was kicked into his face and he coughed. "Retard, why are you hanging out with Tera?"
Tai pushed himself to his feet, sand falling from every inch of his body. "What does Tera have to do with you beating me up, asshole?"
"Tai!" A new voice shouted his name and both boys looked up to see Aaron running toward them. The Mexican boy, still dressed in his baseball uniform and sweat dripping from his brow, came sliding to a halt at Tai's side. "Hey guys," he breathed hard. "What's going on?"
"Nothing, dipshit," Danny barked. "I was talking to your friend here. So leave, Aaron."
"Well sorry to interrupt, but our ride is here. We gotta go," Aaron replied coolly, unaffected by the insult. Tai brushed dirt from his hair. Aaron grabbed his elbow lightly to pull him toward the parking lot. "Let's go, Natalie is here. She wants to go." Tai gave a nod, still trying to work the sand out of his clothes.
Danny looked even more pissed off and his voice lowered to a dangerous tone. "Why can't you keep to your own business, Aaron?"
Aaron glared back at him. "Why can't you stay out of Tera's?" he replied before tugging Tai away, leaving the other boy glaring at their backs.
Still shaking sand from his hair, Tai pulled his arm from Aaron's hand. "Why did I just get beaten up because of Tera?"
"Well, because of me and Tera." Aaron laughed as they walked towards Natalie's sputtering car sitting in the parking lot with Tera in the front seat. "Honestly, we can't take you out anywhere." He grinned cheekily when Tai looked even more confused before quickening his pace to get into the car.
Tai stared at the twenty dollar bill in his hand. Tera had given it to him when they had gotten back to the house that afternoon, saying that was for helping out today. He wondered how many more hours in that tiny little room it would take until he had enough to get himself back to Japan. With a sigh and a mental slap for thinking about a home that no longer existed, he slipped the note into the back of one of his drawers before turning to the window. Night had fallen and in the darkness of the country, stars twinkled brightly in the thick blackness of the sky. Leaning out the open window, he breathed in the warm air, letting it warm him from the inside.
"Hey." The voice caught him by surprise and as he jumped his head slammed into the windowsill, causing him to curse as he pulled back into the room. No one was in the room with him and as he rubbed the growing knot on the top of his head, he wondered if he had officially lost it. "Tai, out here." Fighting a feeling of silliness, Tai stuck his head out the window again and looked up. Over the edge of the roof Aaron stared down, grinning. "Didn't think you'd be that jumpy. Might want to work on those nerves of steel."
Tai rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the suggestion. What are you doing up there?"
"I was bored. Didn't feel like watching TV and wanted to clear my head a little. Come on up." He offered his hand and Tai took it as he hauled himself onto the roof.
"Thanks," he mumbled as he settled himself down. Underneath his hands he felt dirt from the roof and he wiped his palms on his short as he observed his surrounding. They were pretty high and in the distance he could see the lit city and even further behind it dark mountains. "It's nice here," he noted as words failed him.
"Yeah," Aaron agreed, not quite looking at him. "I think that's why Gennai has us out here. It's nice and quiet." Aaron turned to look at Tai. "Life's cool here." Tai couldn't find a reason to argue, instead just turned back to the landscape below him. In the darkness of the backyard he studied the ground below and noted trees and a swing set, but no fence. Nor could he see a house close by to be a neighbor. Natalie and Elijah were down below, talking as Natalie sat on one of the swings. Tai could see one of Natalie's small hand wrapped in Elijah's.
"Are they dating?" he asked quietly, still watching the pair down below.
Aaron followed his gaze downward. "Natalie and Eli? Yeah, for almost three months now." He chuckled. "It drives Gennai crazy."
Tai looked at him in confusion. "Why?"
"I don't think he particularly like the idea of inter-house dating. If anything were to happen with them, whose to say our home would still be their sanctuary," Aaron explained as he leaned forward to get a better look at the two below. "That and Gennai's a prude," he added with laughter in his voice. Tai couldn't help but laugh as well.
They fell into silence for a moment before Tai spoke. "Do I speak weird?" he asked suddenly, turning his head to the other boy.
Aaron's brow knitted. "What?"
"Do I talk weird?" Tai repeated, slower this time. "That guy Daniel said I talked weird. I don't hear it."
"Oh, of course you don't hear it, you have your digivice. English isn't your native language, man. When you speak your tongue stumbles over your accent."
"It does?" Aaron nodded. "Oh, I guess I will have to learn English on my own."
Aaron nodded again. "Probably. I mean, if your forgot your 'vice on day, you'd be screwed."
"I know," the brunette agreed. "What was with the asshole anyway? He's a freak."
Aaron's lip curled. "Yeah, he really is," Aaron replied sourly. "He's Tera's ex. He gets jealous. He hates me and now that you are hanging out with her, you're a threat. I'd watch weird you step if you come back to the field again. Although, good job at not letting him get to you."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, he got you pretty good across the face, but you kept your cool. Any other guy might have lost his head."
"Oh." Tai replied as he sat back. If only the boy knew the truth, he probably wouldn't be congratulating him. In the backyard down below, light flooded the small area and Tai could see Elijah and Natalie nodding at whoever had opened the backdoor. When the light disappeared, Elijah looked upward.
"Aaron, Tai. Dinner's ready. Let's go."
"Alright," Aaron called back, rising to his feet and stretching. "Come on, Tai. Dinner's ready."
"Yeah, I'll be in in a minute," he replied, pulling his legs in so Aaron could get by. Aaron didn't question his hesitance, just nodded and walked toward the edge of the roof. "Hey, Aaron," Tai called. Aaron stopped and turned back to him. "What did you come up here to clear your head about?"
Aaron shrugged, but in the darkness of the night all Tai could see was a movement of shadow. "Just my nightly therapy. It's better to end the night with a clear head, I find. And in my head, it's a hard feat."
Tai nodded, but not in understanding. He just nodded before turning his eyes skyward. "I'll be in in a minute," he repeated. Aaron nodded in the darkness and dropped off the side of the roof. Tai didn't move from his position. Sitting back, he looked around, gazing at the dark landscape before him. It wasn't like this in Odiaba. In Odiaba it was always bright and the stars barely shown through. His stomach heaved and he felt sick. The only place he saw stars like this was the DigiWorld.