S e a s o n s.
– "you are the seasons of my life…" –
(Just so you don't get confused, this ficlet is in Naminè's POV. She is talking about Sora.)
With you, every evening sky is an invitation; an invitation to trace a pattern with the stars that float above our heads and glisten through out the night. And early in July, a celebration for freedom that is ours is held; filled with patriotism and love. But out of everyone, I notice you in children's games with those who watch them from the shade provided by that huge old oak tree that's been growing since my mother's mother was three. I watch as the kids play but mostly I observe you. But when every drop of sun is full of enchantment and wonder…
you are summer.
With you, even when the trees have just surrendered their selves to the harvest time, even when they forfeit their leaves in late September, I still notice you, even when everything forces us inside. It's hard to even think about staying inside when everything outside is so beautiful. But even when change begins, and I am braced for winds that are colder than usual, I will offer thanks for what has been and what's to come…
you are autumn.
With you, everything in time and below heaven finally falls into a peaceful sleep. Wrapped in colorless blankets, all creation shivers underneath. But still I notice you when all of the tree's branches snap and in my warm breath on frosted glass, even when you're aren't with me, you open doors for all life to enter…
you are winter.
With you, everything that's new has fearlessly and bravely emerged, teaching us to breathe beautifully. What was frozen through is newly purposed, turning all things lusciously green. So it is with you and how you make me perfect with every seasons change. And so it will be as you are always re-creating me…
summer, autumn, winter… spring.
A/N: Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it. It was based on a lovely song called, "Every Season" by Nicole Nordeman.
Kingdom Hearts & Kingdom Hearts ll © Square Enix and Disney.
Every Season © Nicole Nordeman.