Feb 17th/2011
Dear readers,
You guys are truly amazing. I am grateful and thankful for your support and prayers. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you so much and I hope and pray that God will bless you all.
I will make this brief, this morning my grandmother passed away peacefully in her sleep. She was in a state of coma for only for a day, and then she gave her last breathe pass midnight.
I will still be MIA for awhile because my grandma's last wish was that she wished to be buried next to her husband in her home country. I will be flying on Monday and helping out with the funeral.
Once again- thank you so much for all your prayers and encouragements,
Feb 03/2011
Dear readers,
I don't know what to say or how to say it. I apologize to some of you that PM/reviewed me asking when the next update would be and
why I was MIA for so long. After my board exam, I was job searching/interviewing and couldn't make time to update. After a few days,
I was called by my aunt that my Grandma was in the hospital for Pneumonia, but it turned out that they found out that she had Cancer.
She was already on her fourth stage lung and colon cancer, and she had internal bleeding from her lungs and colon. I flew a few days later,
and took care of her for the past couple of months. I was mostly in the hospital (even sleeping there) to take care of her (the
hospital had no Internet, and my MSword expired so I couldn't really typed). I've been with her and have been taking care of her since then (she underwent chemotherapy and the radiation therapy, and she already had more than 20 units of blood pumped into her). And now...
she just got discharge from the hospital a few days ago because her condition went from Fourth stage to terminal, and so she started on hospice (end of life care) at home right after . I apologize if my writings are all jumbled up, and my grammar is whacked. It has been a roller coaster ride since a few months ago, and until now. I thank God that my mother forced me into nursing, else I wouldn't know what to do. I'm deeply sorry for everything, but I cannot guarantee that I can update soon. Please help me pray for her as well.
Thank you,
PS. I will delete this message in a few days, or else I'll get in trouble for putting up a note.