Chapter 24 - Larva

Chapter 24 - Larva

How does one know when they are ready to be parents?

I'm not sure I'm ready to be a father.

You watch other people have children, watch them swoon over the little chubby bundles that are their baby. You figure they look rather silly….and wonder why every person says their child is the cutest, most wonderful baby in the world. You figure it must be the hormones going to their head; that they are just exaggerating.

But it's true; your baby really is the most beautiful baby in the world.

These of course were the first words to come from my mouth when I looked at our son, lying there in Kaho's arms, that late January day in the Konoha hospital.

We didn't talk much about what we would name him. Kaho suggested a name, which seemed to be rather close to mine own, but she said she liked it and figured naming him somewhat after me would be appropriate, considering he is the clan heir. I said it didn't matter, and that I just liked the ring of it, so we agreed.

And so we named him Shino.

He's just a wriggling little larva right now…but he has a long way to go.

I can't wait to see what kind of butterfly he becomes.


Wow, it's really complete! :3

But don't worry, it's not really over. ;)

Because as Shibi and Kaho's back-story may be ending, Shino's will just be starting….but that's for a separate fic. :D

Aburame Ichizoku 2 , Ready and available for reading if you check out my other fanfics. :)

And of course Yusuro, Tesuro, and Yesetteru also have growing up to do, and the rest of the clan still has many stories to tell! There are new faces. ;) Not to mention Shibi and Kaho now have to deal with baby Shino, oh noes! X3

Thanks so much to my readers. I am happy for how many fans this fic has seemed to have gathered (for such an obscure Naruto topic). I'm glad others out there enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it, and hearing that from you in emails and reviews means a lot to me. (If you made it this far please at least leave a review to tell me you read it all, as I will give you much mental high fives for your commendable Aburame-tardness. XDD )

Rock on kikaichu lovers, and thank you for reading. I hope you check out Aburame Ichizoku 2 and enjoy it as much as I hope you did this.

Till next fic!