A/N: Hey everybody, new story! This is part of my series, but u have to read it from the beginning to get this story, cause if u do, u'll be so lost! But u can just read the last one if u want now that I think about it, because that'll get u up to date on things, but just a bit. Read plz!

P.S. This is going to be a really long first chapter, but trust me, it's worth reading 


Chapter 1: The Dream

Violet was sleeping, but it wasn't a peaceful sleep, she was tossing and turning, she was dreaming about something that was bothering her.

Dream Sequence

A little girl, about eight years old was sitting at a desk coloring when her teacher spoke up "Boys and girls, I would like you to give a warm welcome to your new classmate Anthony Rydinger."

The little girl looked up and her eyes went huge, the guy had aurban hair, he had a polo shirt on with jeans, he was carrying a book in his hand. Even though the girl was a third grader, young love comes at any age.

"Well Anthony…"

Anthony interrupted the teacher "Please miss, call me Tony."

"Well, Tony, how would you like to go sit next by Ms. Parr over there?" The lady pointed over next to the little girl.

Tony nodded his head "Sure."

Tony walked over to where the teacher pointed and sat down next to the little girl, he turned to her "Hi, I'm Tony, what's your name?"

The little girl stared at him for a few seconds "V…Violet."

"Hi Violet," he looked down at the picture he was drawing "I like your picture."

Violet got out of her trance and noticed that he was asking her a question "you do?"

"Yeah, I like to draw?"

"You do?"

"Yeah. Hey, I can draw a picture for you if you want!"


"Yeah, I'll have it to you by recess."

Violet smiled and went back to drawing her picture.

When recess came along, she was playing on the swings when she saw Tony coming toward her; she jumped off the swings "Hey Tony"

"Hey Violet, I made you the picture that I said I would make."


"Well, I made it."

Tony handed her the picture, it had some field with animals all around, Violet smiled "Thanks Tony!"

Tony leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Violet blushed.


3 years later…

A girl with long black hair and half of it covered her left eye; she walked around with her head down and a sad look on her face.

People looked and whispered to each other crude stuff about the girl that was walking past them.

She ignored them but wasn't paying attention enough and ran straight into a locker door and landed on the floor.

Everybody started laughing and she kept her head down. She saw a hand in front of her face "Need help?"

The boy who was helping her up had strawberry blonde hair 'Where have I seen him before?' "Thanks."

"No problem. The name's Tony Rydinger by the way. What's yours?"

The girl's mouth dropped 'Oh my god! That's where I've seen him before; he was the new kid in my third grade class the day we moved away!' "V…Violet Parr."

Tony was silent for a minute "Violet, sounds familiar. Well Violet, I'll see you around."

Violet just nodded her head as he went to go catch up with his friends who looked popular 'Of course, somebody that cute couldn't be a nerd or a loser. He'll never notice me.'

Violet smiled to herself…

…maybe middle school wouldn't be so bad after all.


2 years later…

Violet was hiding behind the steps of the school doorway; she put her hair behind her head right when Tony Rydinger came out. Her mouth dropped at the sight of him.

Of course, instantly his friends started crowding him. When he was right next to her on the other side of the steps, she instantly turned invisible. Tony looked around as if he saw somebody, he shrugged and walked off.

Violet rematerialized and landed on the floor "He looked at me."

All of a sudden she heard a honk, she looked up and saw her mom and her brothers "Come on Violet!" screamed her little brother

She ran off towards the car and got in.


That night…

"I'm not hungry for meatloaf." Said Violet

"Well, it is leftover night. We have steak, pasta, what are you hungry for?" Helen asked

"Tony Rydinger." Dash mocked

"Shut-up!" snapped Violet

"Well you are!" Dash snapped back

"I said SHUT-UP you little insect!"

"Well she is!"

"Do NOT shout at the table! Honey!" Helen yelled

"Kids, listen to your mother!" yelled Bob from the other room

Dash took his cup and pretended to be drinking out of it, but said something only Violet could hear "She'd eat if we were having Tony loaf!"

"THAT'S IT!" screamed Violet. She jumped from her chair and over the table, tackling Dash while being invisible so that way Dash couldn't see her punches.

Unfortunately Dash got out of her grasp and started running around the table. That was until Violet threw a force field at him. She laughed.

"HEY NO FORCE FIELDS!" Dash screamed

"You started it!" Violet screamed


Tony was walking down the bleachers when he spotted two girls talking to each other.

"I mean, do we have to have cheerleaders at the track meet? I mean, what is that all about?"

"Well, I always thought…"

Tony interrupted the girl and turned to the other girl who had long black hair which was pulled back by a pink headband "Hey"

"Hey" she replied back

"See ya Vi." The other girl said

"Y…You're Violet, right?" Tony asked

"That's me!"

"You… you l…look different."

"I feel different, is different okay?"

"D…different's great." He cleared his throat "W… would you… uh… uh…"


"D…Do you think maybe…"


"You know, do you?"

Violet put her index finger over his lips "Shh, I like movies, I'll buy the popcorn, okay?"

"Uh, movies, yeah, yeah! So, um, Friday?"



It was Friday night, and Violet was getting ready for her first date.

"Violet, are you out yet?" Helen asked her daughter "I still need to do your hair!"

"Just a second mom!" Violet came out of the bathroom dressed in a black spaghetti strap t-shirt, a jean skirt, and high heeled sandals "Do I look okay?"

Helen walked up to her "You look wonderful!"

Violet smiled "Thanks mom."

"Are you nervous?"

Violet took a seep breath "Kind of, kind of excited."

"Don't worry, I was too on my first date, you should've seen me with your father."

"I know mom, you tell me every year."

Helen chuckled and grabbed the curling iron.

Later on Helen walked downstairs with a smile on her face "Oh my gosh Bob, I'm so excited! My baby's first date!" Bob just grumbled "What's the matter with you?" she thought hard for a minute then before he could answer, she smiled "Oh, I get it! The usual father doesn't want her daughter to grow up when she goes on her first date."

"Is it that obvious?"

"You should've seen my father on my first date."

"I think she's too young."

"I went out on my first date at fourteen."

"Yeah, well that's you."

Helen gave him a glare, all of a sudden the doorbell rang "Oh, that must be Tony!"

Both parents ran to the door, opened it and saw Tony standing there looking very formal "Hi Tony."

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Parr, is Violet ready yet?"

"No she's not ready yet Tony would you like to come in?" Helen asked

"Sure Mrs. Parr, thank you."

Tony walked inside the house and sat down. Bob sat on the chair next to him and stared at him for a second till he finally spoke up "So you're interested in my daughter huh?"

"Yes sir"

"Good, good, so let me get this straight Andy…"

"Uh, it's Tony sir."

"Yes, of course Willie." Bob corrected himself "Well, I just have only a few words to say, if you make my daughter cry, I will make you cry. If you touch her in any way that I don't approve, I will be the last person you see. You got it?"

Tony gulped at this father's harsh words "Y… yes sir."

"Good, good."

Violet came downstairs wearing her hair back in a bun, with a black spaghetti strap with a jean jacket over it, she was wearing a jean skirt with heel sandals.

Tony stood up and walked over to her and gave her a bouquet of violet roses "You looked beautiful."

Violet smiled and blushed and took them "You look very handsome yourself."

Helen smiled widely, Bob tried his hardest not to smile, and Dash was making gagging noises.

"Well, shall we go?" Tony asked

Violet nodded and Tony led her out of the door while bidding a farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Parr.


Violet and Tony walked up to the front steps of Violet's house.

"I had a great time tonight Tony."

"S…so did I."

All of a sudden there was a breeze and a stray hair blew in front of Violet's face and Tony took his hand and put it behind her ear. They looked into each other's eyes for a moment and Tony leaned down and gave her a kiss. Violet took note of this immediately and kissed him back.

When they let go they stared into each other's eyes for a minute then they heard a grumble in the background. They turned around and came face to face with Bob Parr.

Tony jumped and turned to Violet "I had a great time tonight; we should go out again, see you at school!"

Tony went down the steps, not running, but in a fast haste.

Violet turned to her dad; he was the first one to speak up "So how was your date?"

Violet smiled "It was so awesome!"

Violet rambled and rambled on about her date for hours on end.


Violet's sixteen birthday came and they went to Florida to celebrate it, so they took Tony with them. Bob had a suspicion that something was going to happen to them, but Helen just thought he was overreacting.

But of course, when Violet and Tony hadn't done anything yet, and it was getting closer to the end, when everybody stopped getting suspicious, something always happen.

Violet and Tony were on the beach and dancing to the music which was playing on top of a picnic blanket.

Violet leaned her head on top of Tony's shoulder and spoke up "I love you."

Tony kissed her on the top of her head "I love you too."

Violet and Tony kissed passionately and Tony grabbed her and they landed on top of the blanket.

The next morning…

Violet woke up to Tony stoking her hair, the first thing that came out of her mouth was "What time is it?"

Tony looked at his watch and his eyes went wide "CRAP, WE'VE GOT TO GET GOING!"

Violet looked at his watch and she started scrambling around, gathering her stuff and everything and ran up to the beach house they were staying at and got inside, only to be greeted by the entire Parr family, minus Violet of course.

Helen ran over to them instantly "Oh my god! We were so worried! Where were you guys?"

Tony and Violet looked at each other nervously "We fell asleep on the beach."

Helen sighed "You could've called though!"

"Sorry mom."

"Sorry Mrs. Parr."

Bob looked at them suspiciously, he knew something was up, and he was going to find out!

Bob went over to Tony's bag and carefully opened the bag, and to his surprise he found…


Violet was still talking but Tony turned around to see a flaming Mr. Parr "Um, Violet."

"What?" Violet turned around and saw her dad holding a pack of condoms in his hand, her eyes went wide "Oh shit!"

Helen gasped

Jack-Jack looked around confused at the silence

"EWWWWWW!" screamed Dash "Why would anybody do it with my sister?"

Bob came towards them slowly. Violet and Tony looked down. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Bob spoke up "What on earth were you thinking?" Violet bursts into tears and Tony just kept silent "ANSWER ME!"



"I'm not, we were safe!"


Dash smiled "This is like Christmas!"

Bob turned to Dash "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Dash grunted and walked up the steps

Violet turned to her mom "Mom, help!"

"Nope, you shouldn't have been doing it in the first place!"



"I…I'm sorry Mr. Parr."


"THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU A RIGHT! I'LL DEAL WITH YOU IN A MINUTE!" he turned his attention back to Tony, grabbed him and thrusted him out the door and Tony scrambled away!



Before Bob could say anything, his anger got the best of him and he swung his hand across her face making Violet fly across the room and hitting the wall! Luckily Violet put up her force field before she crashed into the wall!

"BOB!" Helen screamed

Violet got up and touched her cheek which was pounding where her father hit her. She looked up at him, tears now flowing down like a waterfall.

Bob eyes went wide as golf balls, he looked at his hand then back at Violet, then back at his hand "Violet, I…"

Violet got up hastily and ran out…

…leaving a stunned family behind!


Over by the beach…

Violet was sitting and watching the wave's crash in. Tears were still streaming down her face, she had never been hit so hard before, and her cheek was still hurting where her super strong father hit her.

She heard footsteps behind her and she turned around only to see her parents coming towards her. Her father started advancing towards her "STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

"Violet, I just want to talk."


Violet kept backing up till practically both her feet were in the water. Bob just gave a frown and turned to Helen.

Helen walked towards Violet, Violet backed away a little then she realized that her mom wasn't going to do anything, she didn't have that shocked/ashamed look on her face when they were at the house, it looked sincere.

"I…I'm sorry mom."

Helen had her arms crossed and she looked down at Violet who had her head down "But why, why would you do something so stupid?"

"Mom! I love him!"

"I know you do. But you shouldn't have done what you did."

"Why not?"

"Because I know how it feels!"

Violet gave her a look "What do you mean?"

"I've had the same thing happen to me."

Violet looked confused for a minute, then she realized "You mean…"


"So, what happened?"

Helen walked down towards where Violet was and sat down on the sand, Violet followed her "They left me, it hurt, a lot, but all you got to do is learn from your mistakes."

"But Tony won't leave me, I know that."

"I know, Tony is such a sweet kid, I'd hate to see you two break up! I'm just saying to be careful, okay."

"Yeah" Violet leaned over to her mom and gave her a hug, and then she turned back to where her dad was standing.

Helen noticed where she was staring "Don't worry, I talked to him, he really is sorry for what happened, he didn't mean to hit you, his anger got the best of him."

Violet stood up and walked toward her father who looked very upset. They stared at each other for a minute then Violet ran over to him and gave him a hug "I'm sorry Dad!"

"No, it's my fault, I shouldn't of hit you, it was wrong!"

After a few moments, they went searching for Tony, when they found him, the parents talked to him. Then after about ten minutes, Violet was able to see him, Tony and Violet hugged and everything was fine.


A couple years later…

Tony and Violet walked do an outside restaurant; they sat down, and looked at the menu. When Violet was done looking through the menu, Violet looked at Tony, who was staring at her.

"What?" Violet asked

"Nothing," answered Tony, he grabbed Violet's hands "I'm just admiring how beautiful you are."

Violet blushed "Oh Tony, stop it! You're making me blush!"

"No really I mean it!" Tony said "When I first saw you, I thought that you were the most beautiful, kind person I've ever seen. You know why I never went out with those snobby girls, is because they never really were true to themselves, they could care less about other people but themselves."

Violet turned even redder "You mean it?"

"Yes, I do." Answered Tony "Oh, I got your birthday present!"

Tony got down one knee and pulled a ring box out of his pocket "Violet, will you marry me?"

Violet's eyes filled with tears as she stared at the beautiful diamond ring, she smiled a big wide smile "YES!"

She jumped on top of him and gave him a hug, she looked at him, as he put the ring on her finger, then she started to get questionable "But what about college?"

"If marrying you is what I have to wait for, then yes, I will!"

Violet shrieked and kissed him, they turned around and saw the waitress standing above them, they ordered and when they were done, they walked to the park.


Later that night…

Tony looked down his street for Violet, it was pouring down rain, he had a jacket on and an umbrella. He saw Violet walking down the street towards him, her head down, no jacket on, no umbrella, she was soaking wet!

She stopped when she got to Tony, Tony was the first to say something "Hey Violet, are you okay?"

Violet looked up, she was pale and her eyes were red and puffy "Violet, what's wrong?" asked Tony, he noticed she was shivering "You're cold." Tony took off his jacket and put it around Violet.

"Tony, can we go inside and talk about it because I don't feel like talking about it out here."

"Okay, come on, let's get you inside and get some new clothes on and get you warm."

Tony took her inside and into his bedroom where he gave some clothes of his, she changed into them and she went to go join Tony by his huge window, she sat down on the little sitting bar by it.

"Violet, what's wrong?"

Violet sighed and looked down "Nothing."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Violet looked down, she shut her eyes tight and then shook her head fast "No, something terrible has happened!"

Tony pulled her into a tight embrace "What's wrong."

Violet started crying and buried her head in his chest and mumbled something.

"What?" she mumbled something, but this time more clearly, but not clearly enough to understand "Violet, I can't understand you."

She looked up at him "I lost my parents!" Violet said and then started crying harder.

Tony looked shocked "How?"

"They w… got into a car crash and died on the scene!"

Tony was speechless, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, he just kept silent and held her as she cried and cried into his chest, he soon noticed that she had quieted down some and her breathing was slow and steady.

He picked her up; he noticed that she had grabbed a hold of his neck. He opened the covers and laid her down and then climbed into bed next to her, and wrapped her arms around her, he soon fell asleep too.

Violet woke up the next day feeling light headed and like all her energy was lost along with it she felt all weak. Then she remembered what happened last night, she groaned and threw her face into the pillow.

Tony walked out of the bathroom and noticed Violet's head in the pillow. He went over and tapped her on the shoulder, Violet jumped "How are you feeling?"

"Arrg, like shit!"

"That's normal, hey, you want some breakfast?"

"No, what I want is my parents back!"

"Come on, you've got to eat something!" Violet just shook her head "Come on!"

"I'm not hungry, lots of food and birthday cake last night!"

"Violet, you've got to eat something!"

"Tony, I don't want food, I want my parents back! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Violet started to sob "I just want my parents back!"

Tony sighed and wrapped her in a hug "I know you do, but you'll get over it, remember, you have your brothers and you have me."

"I just want the pain to go away!"

"I know honey, I know, but it will get better."

"I hope so."

Tony let go of the embrace and looked at her face, he wiped her tears away with his thumb and kissed the top of her head and then pulled her back into the embrace "I'm here for you."

Violet sniffled and then looked up "Thanks Tony, this means a lot to me."

"No problem, I hate seeing you like this."

"I'm hungry, what's for breakfast?"

Tony laughed and gave Violet her clothes from last night and she changed back into them and they left.


A couple months later…

Tony and Violet were sitting on his couch, it was his last day before he went off to college. They were just lying there, Tony was playing with her hair while Violet had her head on her chest, her eyes were closed as she listened to his heart and steady breathing "Tony?"


"I can't believe this is our last night together!"

"Me neither, I'll miss you greatly."

A stray tear ran down her face "I'll miss you more! I'll miss everything about you, you're scent of cologne, your hair, your eyes, you're touch, the way you can always make me feel better when I'm in your arms, especially when my parents died, your kisses, and especially you."

Tony was truly touched by his fiancées words, but was startled as she started crying "What's wrong honey?"

"Y… y… you're leaving and I'm going to miss you so much! Just don't ever forget about me!"

"How can I for get about my precious Violet?" Tony said as he stroked her cheek "I love you so much, that there's no possible way that I can ever forget about you."


"I promise, nothing will ever tear us apart, I'll still see you, e-mail you everyday, and everything will remind me of you."

Violet giggled and blushed, she leaned up to him and gave him a kiss, and he returned it back.

After a minute or two, Violet broke the kiss and looked up at him "I love you"

"I love you too"

They sat there just looking at each other for several minutes then Violet speaks up "Ready for your ultimate going away present?"

"What is it?"

Violet stood up and helped Tony up, and then she led him up his stairs and into his bedroom.


The next day…

Violet picked up the phone and dialed Tony's cell phone number, it kept on ringing and ringing until he heard Tony's voice on the other end.

But it wasn't Tony, it was his mom that shape shifted into him, she was a villain out to destroy the unbreakable couple, she was the one that put Tony into a deep sleep using Chlorophyll "Hello?"

"Hi Baby!"

"Oh Violet, it's you!"

"What's wrong?"


"Excuse me? I don't understand."

"You're my problem; you've always been my problem!"


"You've always been that annoying little rat that thinks that we can live together, well guess what, we're through! I don't ever want to see your ugly face ever again, you pathetic excuse for a human."

By this time Violet had a flood of tears coming down her face "B…bu… but T… Tony, I thought you love me?"

"I never loved someone as ugly as you!" and with that Mrs. Rydinger/Tony hung up the phone…

Leaving a broken hearted Violet at the other end

Violet was stunned; she had never heard such hurtful words in her life, especially coming from him. Violet dropped the phone which was in her hand and fell back on her pillows as she sobbed uncontrollably, she felt like her heart was ripped into a million pieces and thrown into a volcano where it burnt up, never to be back again. She curled up into a fetal position and rocked back and forth as her pillow left a huge wet spot on it. She was having trouble breathing as she cried.

Meanwhile, Dash was downstairs playing a board game with Jack-Jack when he heard a loud wail coming from upstairs; he looked at Jack-Jack "Hold a second little buddy."

Dash used his super speed to get to Violet's room, when he looked through his doorway, he saw Violet curled up and crying hard, he was shocked, he walked over to her carefully. He put a hand on her shoulder "Violet, what's wrong?"

She didn't say anything, she just kept on sobbing, and Dash asked again "Tell me what's wrong."

"I… I… t…thought he loved me." Mumbled Violet

Even though her mumble was hard for anybody to hear, dash heard "Oh Violet, I'm sorry, is there anything I can do?"

"Get Tony back for me?"

"I don't think I can do that."

Violet sobbed in despair as Dash gave her a hug; she sobbed into his shoulder "Why do I have to loose people that I love Dash? Huh? Why!"

All of a sudden Dash let go "Violet, wake up!" he started to shake her "Violet wake up!"

End Dream sequence

Violet shot up and started breathing very raspy breaths; Dash spoke up "Are you okay?"

Tears started to form in her eyes "He's not coming back, I need him!"

Dash didn't have to ask who it was, he instantly knew who it was, and she had the same problem when he died.

Violet started to cry hard and landed in Dash's arms.


A/N: If you are reading this right now, then you must've really liked it! Sorry, it's really REALLY long, this is the longest chapter and best first chapter I've ever made! Hope you like it though! R&R plz! Till next time…
