Author's Note: Miss Finn here. I finished Currently Without a Name a while ago, a Tapeworm-centered fiction. I'd like to say I do not own The Suite Life or any of the characters, and I do not own some songs I mention in this, like Lifehouse's You and Me, or the Pillsbury dough boy. I suggest that you read Currently Without a Name before you read this fiction, however—it will be easier to grasp the concepts of this story, which happens to be the sequel. I was prompted to write a sequel by some of my reviewers, so here it is. In this fiction, there will be some abuse again, so I have rated it T. Also, Tapeworm falls in love, and must learn to deal with keeping Cody stable and managing to keep himself stable from the feelings he has about the girl he loves and how much he misses his father. So I hope you enjoy, please read and review.

Chapter 1: Red Smears and Bleeding Hearts

"Come on, Cody!" Zack's calling to his twin brother, Cody, who happens to be my best friend as well. Cody looks up at Zack, still busy stuffing his face with pizza. One thing Cody can eat extremely intensely is pizza. He only eats cheese pizza though, seeing that he's a vegetarian, and he doesn't exactly care for vegetarian pizza. (If you've heard of his pet duck Itchy, you'd know why. I'm too lazy to explain it).

Who am I? Well, you may remember me from this thing I wrote awhile ago, called Currently Without a Name, if you read it Yeah, I just wrote it down for this creative writing project thing—nothing big. Just something to do to get out of Reformation English. I did pretty well on it too; I guess Mrs. Bolter felt bad for me when she read about the whole dad and paint thing.

My name's Tapeworm—or actually, Sean Axle. I was dubbed Tapeworm after I ate twenty hotdogs in under two minutes. I love hotdogs, I really do. I have brown hair and brown eyes, and I also have three sisters, but they're all grown up and have moved away by now. I have OCD, or obsessive compulsive disorder, but I'm really only affected by the whole "even numbers" thing, unless I get an idea, which sticks in my head and refuses to get out.

Right now, I'm living with my mom, and I'm perfectly fine with that, seeing that I hate my dad's guts. I admit that sometimes I miss him, but I really think I'm better off without him—sort of like Zack and Cody, who live with their mom in this snazzy hotel called the Tipton. I don't know if you've ever heard of London Tipton, but her father owns that hotel.

You would know all of this if you've read Currently Without a Name, which I really suggest you read, so I don't have to explain this all again.

Anyway, for those of you who have, Zack's still dating Max. Zack and Cody are getting perfectly fine now, even after that whole paint incident where Zack tried to drown Cody and me in paint. Zack is now even closer to Cody than I am—I'm sort of jealous, I'll admit. I wish I could have someone depend on me like that, and someone I could depend on all the time. I still have this weird quirky thing for hotdogs, and we're sophomores now. Cody and I are still in the whole advanced placement—Trigonometry now—and Agnes still likes Cody. A lot of girls like Cody now, actually. His rather short frame has grown a little, and he's more lanky now. Not as lanky as me of course. Call me Mr. Super Lanky Man. Anyway, he's grown out his hair a little, so it sort of curves over his face in this sidebang thing, and his eyes are the same. Girls like Cody—not as many girls as Zack has after him—but they like Cody. Besides, Zack's not single. He's with Max.

Me? I'm currently single—not interested in girls though. I have too many things to worry about right now—like, learn not to explode when the volleyball team loses and keep up in Social Studies. Some girls like me—especially this one really annoying girl named Kailey, but it's all good. I don't like anybody, usually nobody wants to go out with me. I went to prom though—I took this girl named Emma. It was cool.

Cody still stinks at sports, with his asthmatic self, but he's found that he can actually swim pretty well. So he's on the swim team. Me? Well, I've found out how to do my homework more quickly and not get distracted, so I've picked up a sport too.

That'd be volleyball—this boy's volleyball team that our school just set up. Call me a dork, but I love it. And I'm actually good at it, so I'm sticking with that.

Zack, of course, is still Mr. Big-shot Basketball Boy.

Just kidding. He still plays basketball, but Zack and I are pretty tight now, ever since he learned how to control his actions and not hang around with Drew anymore. Well, not as tight as I am with Cody, but pretty close. Zack would be one of my best friends. His best friend, besides Cody, is still definitely Bob though. Ah, someone I can't stand now is Bob. He looks so stupid when he smiles, his eyes all squinting up and his freckled face looking so dumb.

Yes, I'm still Tapeworm—I haven't changed at all for a year. Well, except for appearance.

No, don't worry. I still have the crazy hair. I've grown a lot though. I grew like five inches since last year, and I'm 6'1". That's pretty tall, don't you think—last year I was still pretty tall, but I guess I'm a lot taller now. My height really helps when I need to spike that volleyball.


Whoops, reality check for you.

Cody's still eating, and Zack's still yelling. Sorry if I blabbered for such a long time.

"I'm hungry," Cody's stressing, looking at his brother with his brown eyes. "I haven't been able to eat pizza for awhile, seeing that you always order pepperoni. You know I don't eat meat—ever since," he shudders, "Itchy."

Yeah, Cody's still got those puppy eyes that force you to do everything even if you want nothing less than to do them. And he actually cared a whole lot about Itchy. It was a pet duck, you've got to admit that's pretty cool.

Zack falls for them too. It's impossible not to fall for those puppy eyes.

"Yeah, ok. I'll go outside. But I'm not becoming vegetarian, just because of you," he mutters, and takes off through the doors.

See, we're at a pizza place, sort of celebrating because Cody's whole swim team thing is going to the championships, if you even have championships for swimming. Ah, call me a hypocrite.

Anyway, Zack organized the whole thing—just for us guys—well, that's me, Cody, Zack, Bob, Warren, and Jeremy. (And Max, if she's included as a "guy." Well, she's always been kind of a tomboy, but she's changed. We all have). That actually sort of surprised me. Zack's never really been ambitious or anything, and all the sudden he just jumps to give Cody something. I guess he feels he owes it to his brother, since Cody's always so nice to everybody, and he finally has something to celebrate for that's not academics. (Cody's a straight A student, as you probably should know—I get A's in math… anything besides that, I get B's or below. I failed Social Studies last trimester, so Cody's tutoring me again. He doesn't want me to fail—that would not be good).

I decide to stay with Cody, seeing that I owe him at least that. He had to watch me eat six hotdogs, flinching as I ate each one—messiness and all. Cody's vegetarianess has been increasing a lot in intensity—he gives me a lecture on how meat can clog up my arteries like every day, and how I'll die at a young age if I keep eating so many hotdogs. That's something that's gotten a bit more annoying about Cody. He should learn to leave my hotdogs alone. They didn't do anything. But I admit, things get pretty messy, and Cody—who's supreme neat freak—has to go through that too. He also has to go through my OCD quirks… well, the basic short answer is that Cody has to watch me do a lot of nasty things, and I owe him at least sitting with him in this pathetic pizza parlor that sells the crummiest hotdogs I've ever tasted. And trust me, I've tried a lot of hotdogs in my lifetime.

Warren, Jeremy, Bob, and Max don't seem to care about Cody as much as I do. They follow Zack out the door, leaving Cody and I sitting alone.

The pizza at this place is nasty. Just watching Cody eating it makes me want to puke, but that happens a lot, so it's not surprising. The cheese is all oozing, and the surface is oily… ugh.

I don't say anything though. Cody looks like he wants to puke everytime I eat a hotdog. Yesterday he asked me, "When are you going to stop eating those things? You know, your arteries can clog up and you can die."

I just looked at him. 'So what?"

"So you'll never get to take Isabelle to prom."

That's when I considered even giving up hotdogs. Call me crazy.

Ok… so, do you know what I said about now liking any girls?

That's not completely true.

Call me a liar, I'm know. I'm sorry.

There's this one girl. Isabelle. And our lovely, young Tapeworm has fallen "head over heels" in love with her. Literally.

Every single time I see her, I mess up—trip, something. The first time I saw her, I fell down a whole flight of stairs because I was so busy looking at her. The second time I saw her, I dropped all my backpack on Cody's foot. The third time I saw her, I dropped all four of my hotdogs—and you know how much I love hotdogs. The fourth time… well, you get the idea now.

I don't know. Isabelle? She's not someone you'd label beautiful. She's not even cute or pretty. What does she look like?

Well, she has sort of short, shiny black hair that's layered, and straight, even teeth. There's this way that she moves that's sort of this weird ripple, even when she walks. Her eyes are brown, and they're constantly excited looking, like every day she lives is an adventure.

Why do I like her? I honestly don't know.

It's just that everytime I see her, it feels like I'm the Pillsbury Dough Boy and someone's poking my stomach. Everytime she talks to me, it's like my throat's closed up and I can't talk, like squeezing a tube of toothpaste and watching as it squeezes up. Just pretend that's my neck—that's saying something, because you all know how much I love to talk. Everytime I look at her, I notice the way her chin curves, or the way she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

I don't know.

But everything she does seems perfect to me, like in You and Me by Lifehouse—that verse where they say, "Everything she does, is beautiful. And everything she does is right."

I wouldn't just fall for anybody.

Some statistics? Well, Isabelle—she's… she's not popular, you couldn't say that. But she's confident, and she's got a strong self-esteem. She doesn't get pressured into things easily, and she's definitely a leader. She doesn't care what people think about her, only about what she thinks of herself. She laughs when she wants too, even if nobody else thinks something's funny. She's always helping out those kids who need it...

She's so nice to everybody. It's almost impossible to be that nice to everyone, I think. She's not mean to anybody—I don't think she's aware of hate… I mean…

I don't know.

I just know that I've fallen for her, and nobody else has. I just know that I love her, but she doesn't know, or I don't think so. I just know that I've fallen head over heels in love with her, and I want her to know, but I'm dodging around and hiding it from her instead.

I used to think love was stupid. Honestly, I didn't get the whole idea of hiding who you liked. If you liked somebody, I thought, you might as well tell them. The worst they could do was just say that they didn't like you the same way or something.

That was until I fell in love myself. Now I'm afraid to talk to her, because I think I'll do something wrong. I'm afraid to tell her, because she'll reject me and leave me with my heart torn out, bleeding…

I'm afraid, because even though I've never experienced it, I've heard that love hurts. A lot. And you know she must be something special, because Tapeworm fell for her, after all.


Cody's voice brings me back to reality.

"Dude, I've been calling you for the last five minutes, and you didn't say anything. Come on, I'm done! Let's go!"

Ok, forget Isabelle for a few seconds. I'm going outside with Cody, and I don't want to think about her, or else I'll crash into a door. That's what happened last time, anyway.

We step outside, and Cody shivers. It's pretty cold outside after all.

"Hey, where's Zack?" Cody asks me.

I just shrug. I don't know.

That's when we hear a scuffle from the other side of the building. "Help!"

Cody and I run over there—which is probably not the smartest thing to do, but when have I been smart? Cody should be smarter, I think.

Anyway, there's red smears on the ground, and Zack's moaning because someone's got their arm around his neck and is pulling hard against his throat, and he almost can't gasp for help. "Help! Cody!"

And there's red stuff everywhere.

I'm sorry if it's a bit repetitive. Please review for more.
