Author's Note: Okay, I know it's late for an April fools' day fic, but I thought of this and couldn't stop laughing. I will try to have another chapter or two of Detective Eames Looks at Forty up later this week. This is a one-shot.

AN2: I have been trying to post this little drabble since Friday.

Disclaimer: I don't own them. Oh the things I would do if I did. Thank you.

Title: April Fools

By: Marion

April 1, 2006 10:00 AM

One Police Plaza

M.C.S. 11th Floor

Alex Eames knocked on the door to Captain Deakins' office.

"Come in," said the Captain.

She opened the door. "Bobby and I need to talk to you, Captain," she said. Bobby appeared at her side.

"All right," said Deakins. "Come in. Shut the door." He looked from one of his detectives to the other. They looked nervous. "Have a seat," he said. Eames sat in a chair in front of his desk. Goren paced a little before taking up residence in his usual corner.

Silence reigned in the office. "Detectives, you have work to do. You said you needed to talk to me. Now talk."

Eames and Goren looked at each other, then back to their Captain. Goren swallowed and took a deep breath. "Captain, last night," he began. "Eames … Alex and I … we …"

"We were talking over pizza and beer," said Eames. "It had been a long day and we'd gone back to my place for dinner."

Deakins looked from one to the other. "And?"

"And," Bobby repeated. "One thing led to another …"

Deakins face fell.

"We … um … made love," said Alex, the last coming out as little more than a squeak.

"We were pretty drunk," said Bobby.

"We thought we should tell you right away," said Alex quickly.

Deakins rubbed a hand over his face tiredly. "I could throttle both of you," he said softly. "I was afraid something like this was going to happen one day."

"You were?" Bobby looked genuinely surprised.

"Undoubtedly you've heard the rumors about yourselves," said Deakins. "Half the building thinks you've been carrying on a torrid affair for yeas."

"They do?" Alex asked, blushing.

Deakins groaned and stood up, pacing. "Are you telling me it was an accident? A one time thing?"

"I-I don't know," said Bobby.

"I need to know if this is going to continue," said Deakins.

"I can't promise that it'll never happen again," said Alex. "I wish I could."

Deakins sighed theatrically. "You two are my best team. I don't want to split you up. Besides the fact we all know that it'd be useless to try to find Bobby a new partner." His voice was raised now.

Bobby and Alex had the grace to look embarrassed and apologetic.

Deakins slammed a fist down on his desk. "I'll take care of this," he said, limply dropping back into his chair. "Keep it out of the office and I'll keep it from touching your careers. I'm not going to ruin my squad because a couple of my detectives got drunk and horny." He rubbed the bridge of his nose miserably. "Get out of my sight."

Goren and Eames got up and headed for the door. Then they turned back to their captain.

"Captain," said Eames.


Bobby and Alex grinned. "April fools," said Bobby.

They ran out of his office and shut the door just in time as Deakins' stapler hit the back of his door. They fell against each other, laughing.

"What did you guys do?" asked Logan. "I get the feeling I might owe you guys drinks."


"You know," said Bobby as he and Alex were leaving for the day. "We know how he would react now."

Alex raised her eyebrows at him. "Yeah, I suppose we do."

"Can I buy you dinner?"

"Bobby," she said. "Ask me again when it's not April fools' day."

He smiled broadly. "Tomorrow then," he said. "Good night, Eames."

"Good night, Goren."

The End

Author's note: I just had to write this silly little bit of fluff. I hope you like it.