Title: Bodies

Author: Spazoid

Summary: To Yakushi Kabuto, a body was nothing more then a body.

To Yakushi Kabuto, a body was just a body. It didn't matter if it was alive or if it was dead- it was still fundamentally the same. Kabuto had seen many bodies in his line of work; alive, dead, whole, dismembered, grossly overweight and painfully malnourished. In the end, no matter what their state, they were all made of the same things.

The Sound Medic cared little about appearance as well. He understood the classifications of a person's appearance, of course but pretty couldn't save you from a kunai across your throat and ugly didn't make you impervious to steel. Inside, all the organs looked the same, neatly organized within the body.

Kabuto was aware that many would consider the woman lying next to him beautiful, at the very least pretty. Hyuuga Hinata had matured far past her Genin years of 'cute', her form now that of gentle curves and lean muscle. Dark hair had grown, now spilling down to her mid-back and though her eyes were closed, they were sill the same pure white that marked her as being of the Hyuuga clan.

But it was still just a body, no matter how pretty; it was still something Kabuto could use.

When Sound Nin had captured Hinata, disorientated with the Curse Seal freshly stamped on her forehead, Kabuto had been pleased, even if the Byakugan was out of his reach; there were other uses for the girl. He had been even more pleased when it was revealed that, despite her weak resistance, Hinata was wonderfully vulnerable. Starved of affection and deprived of attention, she was easy to mold to Kabuto's specifications.

If he had been a man who felt empathy, he might have pitied her.

Carefully, but surely, Kabuto had gained the girl's trust. Affection may have been false, but it was so well executed that the woman eagerly latched onto him. The 'relationship' had easily grown, with Hinata becoming solely dependent on him and she even became an asset to Sound itself.

But Kabuto had more in mind then just gaining her unwavering loyalty.

It had been easy to get the infatuated Hinata to come to bed with him. She had followed him trustingly, letting the more 'experienced' of the pair lead. He head shown her care and affection during the act... but in the end, it was just an act; a show for her, nothing more then the act of copulation to him. To her it had been everything and to him it had been nothing.

If Kabuto had interpreted his data correctly, and he had gone over it quite extensively, of course, if Hinata bore a child from this, it would have the Byakugan.

And there would be no pesky seal to stop him on that child's forehead.

The young woman next to the Sound Medic sighed softly in her sleep, shifting just slightly on the bed next to him.

Trailing fingers along Hinata's hip, Kabuto smirked.

Beauty was a well laid plan bearing fruit.