I do not own Pokemon, any of the Pokemon species Team Rocket, Giovanni, Ash, Misty, Brock, or Professor Oak. Maya and Jet are my characters though.

Thank you reviewers! Now then, on with the chapter!

Little Angel: Chapter 30


Maya watched Nurse Joy as she came out of the emergency room. The young nurse looked tired, which Maya could understand since it was about they'd arrived at the Pokemon-Center at about 10:00pm. It was now 12:30am, and the nurse had been in the operating room for two and a half hours. Still, Maya wasn't thinking about that. Right now, she was more interested in how Mewtwo was doing. Though she would never admit it, she was truly worried, even frightened, that the psychic-type wouldn't make it through the surgery that Nurse Joy had performed to remove the bullet in his chest.

"Is my brother going to ok?" Rain asked before Maya could say anything.

"Well, I was able to remove the bullet, but he lost a great deal of blood…I think he'll make it though." the young nurse said, wiping a bit of sweat of her forehead with her hand. "All we can really do is wait…"

"Great, so we're supposed to just sit around and wait till he wakes up…" Jet muttered in annoyance.

Maya couldn't help but smile a bit. Jet was had the patience of a Tauros getting ready to charge a red cape, and absolutely hated sitting in one place for to long, unless it was to sleep. Maya looked over at Rain, and frowned. The little psychic-type looked wore a worried expression on her face, obviously frightened for her older brother's safety.

"Until we figure things out, I suggest that you all get some sleep." Joy told them, snapping Maya out of her thoughts. "I'm guessing that you three have had a long journey."

"Longer then you'll ever know…" Maya thought to herself.

The nurse led the group to some rooms down a hall leading out of the waiting room. She led them to two rooms, one for Jet to stay in, and one for Maya and Rain. Once in their room, Rain quickly fell asleep, and Maya changed into a blue gown that she wore whenever she actually got to sleep in a room. She then turned off the light, and climbed into her own bed. Instead of falling asleep though, she ended up staring up at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. She was truly worried about Mewtwo. What if something went wrong and he died? How would she break it to Rain if that were to happen? She suddenly felt something wet slide down her cheek. She wiped it away, only to see that it was a tear.

"Great, now I'm crying…" she thought in annoyance as she felt her eyes fill with tears. "Jeez, why am I crying? I didn't cry when Jet ran away…so why is it happening now?"

Frustrated, she wiped the tears out of her eyes again, and forced herself to stop them from coming back. After a few more minutes, she finally fell asleep…

To be continued…

Ok, sorry it took so long! The computer wasn't letting me update...well, seeya for now!