This is the third and possibly final installment of my time traveling series. It starts shortly after the ending of Past Present Future.
Disclaimer- I don't own Code Lyoko.
Xi, Odd jr, Angela, Ulrich and Yumi were at the train station waiting for Xi's train to arrive. Today Xi was leaving. He was boarding a train and going to college an hour away. His clothes were sent to his dorm already, so he was traveling light. Only carrying his backpack over his shoulder. In his bag were a few belongings, like his ipod, a book, a crossword puzzle, and a little black box. He also had a bag of gummy bears to eat for the hour trip on the train.
Hearing the train start to come in everyone stood up. Xi hugged his mother, who hugged him back tightly. Shaking his fathers hand, he then hugged his friend. Moving to his girlfriend, he looked at her. He didn't want to leave her. In less than two months he was going to be a father. Angela was past seven months pregnant, her stomach was large and swollen now. He didn't want to leave her, but he had to.
Wrapping his arms around her, he held her in a tight, but loose hug. She was pregnant and he needed to be careful. Angela did the same and for a few seconds, they stood there holding each other. The train stopped at the station and people began to walk in and out of the carts. Pulling away, he kept his hands on her back then kissed her. " I love you," Angela said to him, before she had to let him go. Xi smiled weakly. He didn't want to leave her, but he had to.
" Love you too," he said letting her go. Walking to his father he said, " Sorry for not going to Germany." For seven generations in the Stern family they had attended a well known university in Berlin. Xi was the first in the last one hundred years in the Stern family to not go. He felt like he was letting them down, but he couldn't leave Angela. And now that he gotten her pregnant, he'd feel like a bastard if he did.
" I'd be mad if you did," Ulrich said to his son, who looked up at him. " I think even if I wasn't going to be a grandfather, you still would of stayed. You love her that much." Xi turned around at Angela and realized he would of. She was worth breaking a hundred year legacy. " Like father like son."
" Sadly yes," Xi said, referring to his older sister being born when his father was his age.
" If the next one isn't planned, I'll kick your ass," His father said. Xi smiled then realized his father wasn't joking. Xi nodded then shook his fathers hand, kissed Angela one more time then boarded the train. Taking a window seat he looked at everyone as they waved him goodbye, Angela with one hand on her stomach.
Xi sighed as the train rolled out of the station. Looking back at his friends and family till he couldn't see them. Resting against the seat he placed his head phones in his ears and pressed play. Next stop college.
Thirty minutes into the ride, the train began to slow down. Xi listened as he heard the next stop wasn't his, so stayed put. Turning a page on the book he was reading he closed it because something was on his mind. Opening his backpack he pulled out the little black box and opened it. Inside was an engagement ring. ' Why didn't I ask her?' Xi thought to himself. Over the summer Xi had been saving for two things. The baby, and the engagement ring. He felt since he had gotten her pregnant, he could at least marry her. But he wanted to marry her because he wanted to, not because he had to, so that's why he felt he hesitated, and didn't ask.
The train stopped at the next stop as some people got off and others got on. A red haired girl was saying bye to her mother and two older sisters. One of who was standing over her niece who was sleeping soundly in her baby walker, the middle one who was only twenty five. Kissing her niece on the cheek she hugged her mother once more then boarded the train. The train started to move again as she began to look for a seat. Seeing only one was left, which was next to Xi she walked over and asked, " Is this seat taken?" Xi lifted his head up. " Xi."
" Hey Carla. Where you heading?" Xi asked, wondering why his best friends ex girlfriend was here. Odd jr and Carla Solovieff had broke up in the summer for which seemed to the others as no reason at all. Xi moved over to give Carla room to sit down, who sat down and placed her backpack between her legs. " How was summer?"
" Good. My sister had her baby," Carla said to Xi.
" Boy or girl?" Xi asked, wondering.
" Girl. She named her Michele. The father bailed on her though. So my moms helping her out." Xi hated the fact that in an unexpected pregnancy, the father usually runs. He wasn't going to. That thought never crossing his mind.
" So, where you going?" Xi asked again.
" College. Going to Franklin on the other side of the city. You?"
" Franklin. Same as you. I thought you were going to Paris?" Xi asked, remembering her bragging about that.
" Yeah, I was. Then my sister and what not. So I let my mom lower my college costs, so Paris was no longer in my price range." Carla said a little disappointed. She was glad to help her sister, but she could of at least kept her pants on. " My mom says I was stupid for breaking up with Odd."
" Why. I know she likes him," he said, knowing that Milly Solovieff, Carla's mother didn't mind Odd jr dating her. She felt like she already knew him. Which she did, just didn't remember it. After Xi's first adventure with going back in time to save his parents, Odd and Angela and him were never remembered when they went back. History had changed, so did everyone's view on it. Milly didn't remember any of them, though when they were there she was hanging out with Odd jr a lot. When he left and she didn't remember him, or anything, when she met him again thirty years later as her third daughters boy friend, she felt a bit of deja vu.
" She liked him yeah. But she said I was crazy for breaking up with a billionaire's son." Xi smiled then shook his head.
" Your mom isn't like that."
" Well my family is poor," Carla said, though her family wasn't poor, just not wealthy. Milly had gotten pregnant at eighteen, and never went to college. She worked a decent job, two of the kids out of the house, one moving back in with her baby, and Carla in college. She had been married and divorced three times, never finding someone she tolerated long enough to stay with. Each of her three daughters had a different father, and Carla was the only one born when her father and mother were still married. Carla, like her oldest sister went or is going to college. The middle skipping it to work.
The only reason they were able to afford Carla's college was because of Odd senior who had given Milly a job with his company. Milly didn't expect her old friend to own such a large business but didn't mind the job. It had helped them through a few hard times. Opening a savings account they managed to get enough for Carla's college, which was demoted to a community college instead of a university.
" How's Angela doing?" She asked, remembering her friend was pregnant and expected fairly soon.
" Good. The baby's due on the tenth of October. So a little less than two months. We did the ultra sound last week again. It's going to be a boy." Carla smiled. Xi a daddy.
" Congratulations, though your timing could of been better." Xi nodded then reached into his bag and pulled out a bag of gunny bears. Ripping the bag open, he offered some to Carla who took a few. " I love gummy bears." Xi smiled, so did he.
The train came to a stop half an hour later. Pulling into the station the driver announced that it was Xi and Carla's stop. Picking up their bags the two left the train and began to walk through the station, reading the signs to find their way. Xi looked up at the signs and sighed. It was on in french, the language he ironically didn't know living in France his entire life. Xi was taught, German, Japanese and English. He knew some French, but couldn't read it.
" Wonderful," Xi said to himself. " The one language I can't speak."
Carla smiled then read the sign aloud. " Franklin this way. I can't believe you don't know French."
" Never seemed important to learn," Xi said walking in the way Carla directed. Carla giggled, knowing he was joking. Living in France was important enough. Walking up the stairs they stepped onto the street and began to look around. Looking down the street they saw a large building that had a wall partly around it. After another few minutes of walking they were standing at the entrance of open gate. Above was a sign that said, ' Franklin Community College.' written in French and English so Xi could actually read it.
" Here we are," Carla said taking the first step into the campus grounds. For a community college, it didn't look half bad. Large campus ground that was mostly grass. College students were there reading under trees, playing frisbee or soccer, and eating lunch on blankets. The new semester started tomorrow so everyone was getting ready for their year stay here. Xi would only spend weekdays here, weekends would be spent with Angela who had with the help of her mother moved into an apartment. Angela's father had cut off her, not liking the fact she was pregnant. Neither did her mother, but she was a little more understanding.
The two walked toward the main building, passing people on bikes and kids running laps around the school. Xi would be joining them soon. He was on a track team his entire life and that was what most of his scholarship was. An athletic scholarship for track. The other part was an academic scholarship for straight A's since third grade. In his freshman through senior, he took all honors, which he could of actually left Kadic two years early, but he decided to stay. For Angela.
Entering the building the two walked to a woman at a desk. She was reading a book when she lowered it to look at them. " Name?" She asked, to get their schedules and dorm rooms.
" Xi Stern," Xi said to her. The woman typed it in and a moment later a piece of paper printed next to her computer. Pulling it out she read it and began to take books out from under her desk. Placing out a book for physics, chemistry, and trig. Xi signed his name in the books and she handed him his schedule. Taking Carla's name she did the same thing, except her books were sociology, physics, and creative writing. After they signed their books they left the building and began to move toward the dorm building.
Xi and Carla slit up half way up the stairs. Carla was on the second floor and Xi was on the third. Walking down the hallway he read the numbers as he walked by. His room was C twelve. On his left were the even numbers so he followed them. His room was the sixth on the left so when he arrived he took out the key he was given at the main building. Seeing it was already unlocked, he walked in. His roommate was absent and had forgotten to lock the door, but at least nothing was stolen.
Throwing his backpack on the bed he sat next to it and opened one of his suit cases that was on the ground. Digging around in it he pulled out a picture of Angela and placed it on his nightstand. Beginning to unpack he found another picture that made him smile. It was the ultra sound that she had taken last week on her check up. A boy. They knew what it was going to be, but still hadn't decided on his name. They had decided to wait on that until he was born, thinking that might help the process.
He finished unpacking fairly quickly, so decided to call Angela. He already missed her.