bTitle/b: Speechless
bAuthor:/b Lauren ([email protected])
bFeedback:/b If the PTB are willing...and I know they are.
bDistribution:/b Too Precious for Hell... Forbidden Fruit, You want it? It's yours.
bSpoilers:/b "Blind Date" (kinda my alternate universe)
bContent:/b Lindsey/Cordelia
bRating:/b PG-13 to R
bDisclaimer:/b Joss Wheadon and many others own the characters of BtVS (lucky bastards).
But there are a few original minor characters that belong to me.
bSummary:/b While hiding out from Wolfram and Hart, a romance blossoms between Lindsey and
Cordelia. But W and H aren't about to let Lindsey get away so easily. They'll get him,
even if it means involving Cordy. To what extent will Lindsey go
to save the woman he loves?
bNote:/b This is my version of what should have happened if Lindsey didn't go back to W&H.
I've kinda changed a few small things from the actual episode so it would be a better match
for my story.
bLength:/b As of now, there are 13 parts, plus the Preface and Epilouge but you never muse might pay me a last minute visit.


Preface::Asking Is Tough
Rating: PG

Lindsey's breath grew heavier as his footsteps grew closer and closer to the door. He wasn't
looking forward to the next few moments. In the back of his mind, he was questioning whether
he was even going to see the outside.

A car drove by, filled with drunk teenagers screaming and blasting their music at the highest
volume. The sudden noise made Lindsey jump one step backwards from the door.

He somehow wished he were in the car. No trouble, no worries. Just being young and
stupid and being allowed to make stupid mistakes.

But that wasn't the case now. He wasn't allowed to make mistakes. If he did, it
could cost him life. That was half the reason why he was where he was. For that, and
to help those kids who couldn't help themselves.

When that reason ran through his mind, that's when he knew. He knew why he was there and why
to step inside and accept what was about to happen to him.

Lindsey swallowed hard and quickly walked to the door and opened it. He had to do it quickly
just to make sure he didn't chicken out.

For the most part, the office was empty and dark except for the few desk lamps that lit up
behind closed doors. He looked towards the back of the office and saw that the light in the
office was particularly bright. Once again, Lindsey swallowed and stepped lightly to the back
door. He placed the palm of his hand on the knob to a quick turn.

Angel lifted his head to see Lindsey standing there with a scared and worried look upon his
face. "Lindsey?" Almost unwilling to believe who he was seeing before him.

"I need your help." He muttered in his low voice. "I want out."

Angel still stood there looking over Lindsey, with a perplexed look on his face. He lifted
his hand to his head and scratched as if it would help his mind to make sense of what was in
front of him.

Lindsey stood there. He knew Angel was a live wire, able to snap at any moment. He cowered to
the wall, his hand behind his back on the doorknob, ready for a quick escape if need be.

Angel rethought the situation. One of his enemies was standing before him. Not just an enemy
but THE enemy. This person was responsible for Vanessa Brewer being free, where her reign of
terror could hurt and kill more. The confusion had been replaced by anger as he growled. "What
do you mean you want out?"

"I want out of Wolfram & Hart." He answered bluntly. Lindsey thought it best to let everything
that he was thinking out at once, to save time. "They're hurting people and I don't want to be
apart of it anymore."

"Who woke you up there, Sherlock? You're responsible for so many "

"They're going after children." Lindsey interrupted, the stern and frightened look still on
his face.

"Kids?" Angel asked, as he felt the breath catch in his throat.

"Yeah." Lindsey looked at the floor as he tried to think of what to say next. "I have to save
them." He looked up and stared straight into Angel's eyes. "*We* have to save them."

Angel weighed the situation in his head. Here was his enemy, asking him to help save children.
He thought about his own sister, who was only a child when he killed her. But then he realized
the unlikely hood of the conversation and situation.

"Help me. To help them." Lindsey interrupted Angel's train of thought.


"No?" Lindsey answer was full of shock. He had just used up all his courage to come here to
be shot down at the first attempt to save his soul. "Why not? Aren't you here to help the

"Because, Lindsey. Doesn't there seem to be something odd about the situation we're in right
now? You're standing here before me, begging for help for some kids?" Angel chuckled slightly.
"Don't make me laugh."

Lindsey frustration grew. He smacked his hand on the top of Angel's desk, causing all the
objects on it to vibrate. "You think this is a joke?"

"No. I think it's a setup. One that I'm not falling for."

"This isn't a joke, Angel! Those kids are going to die if someone doesn't save them
and I *can't* do it alone." Lindsey licked his dry lips as the words spilled from his lips.
"I need you to help me."

"Why? What makes this kids so special? What makes them different then anyone from anyone
that you've hurt...or killed?" Angel's anger flared as he listened to the apology of the lost
soul before him.

"They aren't." Lindsey felt his heart sink. "But I can't stand to see another person *DIE*
because of me."

Angel could now hear the sincerity in the voice of the person in front of him. The voice
of a person who had started to accept his own destiny.

"Please. Help me." Lindsey managed to sputter out.

Although Angel was positive of Lindsey's sincerity, the motives were left in a dark place.
Lindsey could care about the kids, but it wouldn't have changed the fact that they were just
bait. Bait to lure Angel. "I'll help you, Lindsey." Angel said with harshness. "But I don't
care what you're here for. You're still the enemy. You are *still* the enemy to me and my

Angel opened his office door and left leaving Lindsey before his desk, still staring in
disbelief that Angel was going to help. With their past, he thought there was no possibility
for him to get the assistance he needed.

"You are low." A voice said.

Lindsey turned around to see Cordelia holding a stack of folders and staring down the relieved

"What?" He played innocent.

"You probably knew he had a soft spot for kids. You damn lawyers know everything about him.
Why can't you leave him alone?" Anger flared in the woman's voice, as she pushed a few loose
hairs behind her head.

"I'm not here for that. I'mI really want to save them."

"Yeah, right." Cordy shrugged off Lindsey's comment. She turned away from Angel's office
and headed back to her desk in the corner. Lindsey hadn't even noticed her open door when he
had come in before.

He chased after from Angel's office and grabbed her arm. She squeaked a frightened sound as
some of the folders she was carrying fell to the floor.

"Why don't you believe me? Why don't any of you believe me?"

Cordelia struggled free from Lindsey's grip and bent down to pick up the files. She stood up
again and stared straight into Lindsey's blue eyes with sternness. "Because you're one of them.
And you can't be trusted."

She turned away again and headed to her open office door. Her heels clicked on the linoleum as
she moved quickly away from Lindsey.

"Will you ever change your mind?" He called after her.

Her body turned towards him. She looked at him, and twisted his lips in deep thought. "Nope."
She answered with a childlike frankness. Cordy returned to her office and began to shut the
door. "Not unless something drastic happens." The door slammed shut, leaving Lindsey hung with
the answer he had received.