Silence in the Mist

By Angelus Eros Weiss
Sorry if I get OOC

Disclaimer : I do not own Naruto

Rated : T

Warning : Foul Language

Genre : Action/Adventure / General

Summary : Naruto was in a mission when he gets taken by no other than Hoshigaki Kisame. Now as the two spend more time with each other Kisame starts to see himself in Naruto.

Angelus Eros Weiss back with another fic. I love the rumor about Kisame having a Bijuu (tailed beast) contained in him, the three-tailed shark, Isonade. That is why I am placing it here in my fic. Anyway, this does not have yaoi or Shounen ai in it.

Yaoi / Shounen ai fan girls : NOOOOO!

-cough- Yeah, gomen. If there comes a part you feel like it's gay… you're misunderstanding it (but if you Shounen ai/yaoi fan girls wanna think of it that way, fine with me!). Now RRE!(Read, review and enjoy!)

Chapter I : Kidnap


Team 7 was currently doing a mission, sent to the far reaches of the east of fire country's forest, just to pick herbs there. All that trouble to head there just to pick some herbs for a young woman who has been researching them. Though it is not just some everyday herb, she was looking for, so it was not actually a simple task. Kakashi ordered the team to split up to cover more ground in search for that certain type of herb. Leaving our hero Uzumaki Naruto alone with no one to be able to protect him from the dangers that come about, ready to strike.

Naruto looked from left to right trying to find the item they wished to seek. He even had to make clones of himself to no avail; it was nowhere. Naruto started to get annoyed, he should have gotten a more challenging mission than just picking herbs, yeah, this is challenging but this was not what he meant. I leaped towards the ground, landing safely on the soft grass. He heard some rustling in the bushes, making him turn around and take out a kunai. When suddenly there came out a little white rabbit that just looked straight at him with its eyes, the blonde gave out a sigh of relief when suddenly the rabbit ran in fear.

Naruto wondered of what could have made the rabbit run away like that when suddenly he felt a strong hit at the back of his head making him pass out. When he woke up, he was tied up and being carried away by some man. When he looked up, he knew who it was, it was Hoshigaki Kisame, like before, there was something that made Naruto stare at Kisame and I mean just stare at him.

Kisame noticed what Naruto was doing and gave out a snarl, "You know, you're annoying me." he said as he looked straight ahead and continued on walking. Kisame hated it when people stared at him and Naruto was no exception. Still, Naruto just looked at him and never took his eyes off Kisame. As they went farther away from the location where Team 7 was supposed to be, Kisame just grew more and more annoyed of Naruto and so threw him on to the ground.

This made Naruto snap out of his trance, "What was that for?" he yelled out, as he felt the pain when he landed on his butt on to the ground. He had a hard fall there and it hurt.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare?" Kisame growled, sitting down at the bottom of the tree and placing his sword to his side. He was alone this time Itachi was not with him. Meaning, he had to go get Naruto by himself and it was a pure success. Now, he had to get Naruto back to their base but before that, he had to stop for a little rest, especially when Naruto would not stop on staring at him.

The kitsune tried to get out of the ropes tied around him but he could not, not even a budge. It was that tight. It was already getting dark meaning that he had been unconscious for quite some time. When suddenly Naruto heard Sakura's voice calling him, saying that they have already found the flower and that he should already show up.

Naruto was about to yell back when suddenly Kisame grabbed his Samehada and pointed it at him. "Yell, I promise, I will find her…" Kisame threatened, glaring at Naruto, "and when I do, I will make sure she dies slowly."

Silence and only the voice of Sakura starting to fade away into the distance, he did not really expect that the Akatsuki in this mission would capture him. He is going to die and he could not even do anything about it. He started to tremble no one will be able to help him now, he was going to die, Kisame just snickered, withdrew his sword and asked, "Scared?"

Naruto shook his head in denial, even though most of him answered "yes". The blue-skinned ninja laughed at the younger one's pathetic attempt to act brave. "Now I have this one question to ask you." Kisame continued, leaning back on the tree behind him, "Why are you so scared?"

Naruto has not heard that much about Akatsuki, but what he heard contained sayings that they were an evil organization. In addition, he had heard from Jiraiya that they have been extracting Bijuus out from jinchuurikis, making them die in the process. "You can't take the Kyuubi out of me!" he yelled out somehow surprising Kisame, making the demon shark drop his sword. "I can't die until I become Hokage!"

Kisame just gave out a sigh when he heard Naruto's words, making the little boy wonder. He stood up and came near the younger one as he placed his sword on his back. He then kneeled down, very much close to the kitsune. He knew what the younger one was thinking. "What do you know about good or evil anyway?"

What do you think? I hope you read the next chapter!