London Tipton grabbed Maddie Fitzpatrick's ear while she was ranting and raving. Just then Zack Martin walked up to get some candy from the Candy Counter.
Maddie got a kind of dazed look on her face, "I love you, Zack."
Suddenly Zack went all dreamy eyed. Maddie was still on the floor where she had fell but recovered enough to understand what was going on.
"I love you too, Maddie. With all my heart and I'm so glad you realized that age difference doesn't matter anymore!" Zack said with a big dopey smile on his face.
Maddie finally got up with a shocked expression on her face. 'Oh my God. He actually sounded and looked like he really meant that when he said it, but he is only thirteen. How can he know for sure if he loves me or not?'
"Zack, I'm really sorry but I don't love you like that, I only said that because of that stupid yoga spell London put on me."
He just stood there with a heartbroken look on his face. Suddenly his eyes got red, his face flushed, and his mouth got all twisted up.
"Um, its okay. I-I gotta go!" he said as he ran to the elevator.
"Zack, wait!" she yelled but it was too late. The elevator doors had already closed. "Thanks a lot, London! Now look what you've done! You made Zack cry! Zack notCody! Zack never cries!"
"Actually, Maddie, you made him cry by taking back your feelings that you know are true," London said smiling.
"No they're not!" Maddie said. 'Although, he was very cute today!'
"You never would have said you loved him if you didn't Maddie, even I know that," she said smartly. She then walked away leaving Maddie with her thoughts. 'She finally admitted that she loved him! Now I wonder if she'll pay me for this if they get together!'
Zack collapsed in the elevator sobbing. 'I'm so stupid; of course she wouldn't love me. I should have known that.' He quickly wiped away his tears hoping that no one would notice he had been crying. He stood up as the doors opened and stepped out. Just then Cody Martin, his twin brother, walked by.
"Hey, Zack! Guess what! Wait… what's wrong?" Cody asked worried about his twin. It took a lot to make Zack cry and from the looks of it that had been exactly what he had been doing.
"Nothing," Zack answered dully.
"Yeah right, now what happened?" Cody asked. When he got no response he started guessing. "You got beat up?" no response. "Somebody made fun of you?" no response. "A girl?"
"Leave me alone!" Zack shouted.
"It is a girl isn't it," Cody said. "Okay, now who?" no response. "Okay I'll go back to the guessing game. Max?" no response. "Maddie?"
"I don't want to talk about it okay!" he yelled.
"So it's about Maddie," Cody said. "Zack what happened?"
"Well we were down in the lobby and London h-had put that Yoga thing on M-Ma-Maddie that she put on us." Zack paused to let out a small sob. "Anyway, she told me she loved me and then took it back. Listen, I know you mean well Cody but I'd rather be alone now if you don't mind tell mom I'm in my room and please don't mess with me."
"Okay, I will," Cody said reluctantly.
"Thanks, Cody," Zack whispered and walked to their room.
Maddie fell on the floor. 'I don't love him. I don't. Then why am I beginning to get butterflies in my stomach when I see him?' She couldn't com up with any answer but that she did love him no matter what the age difference was.
She got up off the floor put the CLOSED sign on the Candy Counter and went to find Zack.
Cody was watching the National Geographic Channel when his mom came in.
"Hey Cody! Where's Zack?" Carrie asked.
"He's in our bedroom, he told me to tell you not to mess with him."
"What's wrong?" Carrie asked, worried for her eldest twin son.
So Cody told the whole story about London's Yoga trick and Maddie saying she loved Zack and taking it back. By the time he got through they heard somebody knocking on the door.
"I'll get it," Carrie said. She got up and answered the door." Hey Maddie. What are you doing here?"
"I want to talk to Zack!" Maddie shouted. "Please, Carrie, I have to tell him something very important," she said ready to get down on her hands and knees to beg.
"Okay," Carrie relented seeing the desperation on the blonde teens face, "he's in his bedroom."
"Thanks!" Maddie smiled and then said bye to Cody who was going to the lobby. After that she ran into Zack and Cody's bedroom. "Hey Zack. "Maddie said quietly.
Zack sat up in his bed. "What do you want?" he asked with an angry expression on his face.
"I wanted to tell you I didn't mean it," she said looking at the ground while sitting beside him on his bed.
"Yeah, you made that pretty clear. Now why did you come up here to tell me something I already know," Zack asked wondering when Maddie had gotten so mean. 'Does she not think I heard her the first time!' he thought angrily.
"No, I mean I didn't mean it when I said I didn't love you," she said, looking him straight in the eye.
"Huh?" Zack asked making sure she had just said what he thought she said.
"I love you Zack Martin, and not just the as a friend either. I love you like my friend Ellen and her boyfriend love each other," she said hoping he still felt the same way after what she said to him.
"I love you too Maddie with all my heart, like I told you this morning," Zack said happily.
Suddenly they both got a dazed look on their face and leaned in to kiss and were a centimeter apart when Cody opened the door.
"Maddie Mo- wait what are you two doing?" Cody asked suspiciously.
"Nothing!" Zack and Maddie said at the same time. Cody looked at them weirdly and was about to make a comment on how close they were sitting to each other when Maddie interrupted him.
"When you came in here you said my name, was there something you needed to tell me?" she asked, hoping it would get his mind off the fact that he saw them about to kiss.
"Oh yeah, Mr. Moseby is having a fit because closed the Cand Counter without his permission," Cody said remembering Moseby yelling at him that if he didn't tell Maddie to get down there this instant he would make his life a living nightmare.
"Okay, tell him I'll be there in a minute, Cody, thanks," Maddy said smiling.
"Okay see you later, Maddie," Cody said and walked back down to the lobby to tell Mr. Moseby.
"Zack, I gotta go. Come down to the lobby in thirty minutes and we'll talk, okay?" Maddie asked.
"Okay, I'll be in the video arcade until then. That way maybe Cody won't ask about what we were doing," Zack said, although both of them were blushing thinking about what they were fixing to do.
"See you later, Zack," Maddie said.
"Yeah, you too," Zack said as he watched her get up and leave. He couldn't wait until the thirty minutes were up.
Like it? Chapter 2 will be out in a couple of days.
Don't worry I will update my other stories it's just I have writers block on them. Although I have the 1st two paragraphs of the next BMW chapter done.
So what will they do when they meet? When will they ever get that first kiss? Find out in Chapter 2.
Love it hate it? Tell me in a review.