A/N: I've written other stories before but they were on a different account that I'm still going to keep but this will be my first fic on this account. Please go easy on me, seeing that my other stories weren't soo... good. They were really bad so I'm going to try to make this one good. Enjoy and R&R please!
Disclaimer: I'm only saying this once, I do not own the Lion King. I only own the characters that I made up.
The Lion King III: Path of Kings
"Kiara!" A golden lion called. He had a reddish-orange mane and deep red eyes. He was standing majestically on top of a pointed rock. A light creamy colored lioness ran up to him and nuzzled him.
"Yes Daddy?" Kiara asked her father, Simba.
"I want to talk to you. In private." He stated, looking at Kovu as the brown lion walked out of the den. He turned around and started to walk off, but stopped and looked back, "Are you coming?"
"Yes Daddy, I'm on my way!" Kiara yelled back at him. She nuzzled her mate and whispered, "Should I tell him now or later?"
"Now will be fine," Kovu whispered back to her. He watched as she ran to catch up to the king. 'I hope he won't be angry about it...' he thought to himself and turned around and walked back into the den.
"What did you want to talk about?" Kiara inquired from her father. She looked up at him questioningly.
"I wanted to talk to you about Kovu," Simba said looking down, "and about having cubs."
"What about it, Daddy?" Kiara asked kind of suspiciously.
"Well...," Simba started, "I don't want you to have cubs."
"WHAT!" Kiara screamed, sending birds flying. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO US! HE LOVES ME, AND I LOVE HIM!"
"Kiara, It's for your own good." Simba tried to explain. "It's only until everything is settled."
"I don't care!" Kiara yelled at her father. "You can't stop us from having cubs. You can't because I'm already pregnant!" Kiara turned and ran, tears streaming down her face. Kovu looked up and saw her running towards Pride Rock crying.
"What's wrong Kiara?" Kovu asked concerned. "What did he say?"
"He said..." Kiara said slowly through tears. "He said.. we can't have... cubs." She finally let out bursting into more tears.
"He what!" Kovu said alarmingly. "He said we can't have cubs?" Kovu's face looked completely shocked, "but, why?"
"He... said only until things were settled." Kiara said still crying but only less. "I.. I just don't understand it."
"What should we do, Kiara?" Kovu asked his mate.
"I... I just want to run away..." Kiara said looking down. "I just want to be alone to think. The my daddy that. Don't come looking for me, I'll be fine. Just please, let me go on my own."
"Okay." Kovu said concerned. "I'll tell your father that. Just be careful, remember there isn't just one of you. You have a cub too."
"I know, I'll be extra careful. Don't worry, I'll be fine." Kiara said looking back up at Kovu. She nuzzled him and licked him on the cheek and then took off running towards the dessert.
"I hope so.." Kovu muttered to himself under his breath. He turned away only to see Simba staring at him. "Simba... Kiara wanted me to tell you.."
"Save it. I heard and I'm going to look for her. You stay here." Simba growled. "You've caused enough trouble already."
"Yes Sir." Kovu said looking down until he knew Simba was gone. Then he walked towards his sister, Vitani. "Vitani, I need you to tell Nala that Simba, Kiara and I will be gone a while, but make up an excuse as to why. Please, for me."
"Okay, but on one condition." Vitani said and Kovu nodded. "I go with you, I know where Kiara's going. She told me her favorite place to sit and think."
"Okay, but first tell Nala, I'll be waiting for you at the water hole." Kovu said to his sister then turned and left.
A/N: R&R please! I hope you enjoyed it.