Luna sat on the end of Serena's bed and watched as she slept. Throughout the night Serena had been calling out for Darien and begging the scouts to understand her. The pain in her voice made Luna's heart ache. This is not what Queen serenity had envisioned when she sent her Daughter and her court to Earth to be reborn. She had wanted them to have a normal happy life. Nothing had happened like it should have. Beryl awakening, Darien being brain washed, Serena remembering the past while the scouts remain ignorant and now the Negamoon Family and Darien breaking up with Serena. Luna sighed, she needed to wake up Serena she was already late for school.

"Serena, Serena wake up you're late" Luna called trying to wake up Serena.

"Five more minutes Luna" Serena mumbled sleepily, snuggling deeper into the blanket.

"No Serena you need to get up now" Shouted Luna, pulling off the blanket with her mouth.

"I don't want to go to school Luna." Serena whispered. "I can't face the Scout's. Rei's resentment , Amy's constant disappointment that I am failing everything at school. Mina's resentment that I am not the leader I should be and Lita constantly telling me I need to grow up and get over Darien. They are supposed to be my friends, my scouts and my court. The Scouts don't respect me and Darrien, My Endymion he no longer loves me. Everything I once was is lost."

"Oh Serena" Luna cried. "Darien loves you."

"No Luna Endymion loves Serenity. Darien does not love me, Serena." Serena's voice broke as she began to silently sob.

As Serena cried Luna could see a dark energy emanating from Serena. Without warning a blinding golden light glowed from Serena and Luna was forced to look away until the light faded. Princess serenity was hovering above the bed.

"Princess Serenity"

"It has been a long time Luna." Princess serenity spoke softly.

"Princess Serenity, how are you here, I don't understand."

"I have been here all along." Princess serenity sat down on the bed and smiled sadly at her old friend. "From the moment the Silver Imperium Crystal was reformed I have been with Serena."

"But Serena is still…" Luna began to say.

"Serena is still herself" Serenity said softly. "Serena is everything I wanted to be. On the Moon it was expected of me to behave in the manner of a princess. But here on earth I can be myself, I can be Serena." Serenity smiled fondly.

"I always was a clumsy child" Serenity laughed softly. "I thought you and Artemis would realise I was within Serena. But then no one but Endymion and I remember what once was." A tear slid down Serenity's cheek.

"Darien has Endymion's memories, Princess" Luna asked shocked. If Darien could remember the Moon Kingdom and their past lives how could he have broken up with Serena? "Are you sure princess?"

"I am sure Luna, I can feel Endymion's presence within Darien just Endymion can feel my presence within Serena. Darien believes that great harm will come to Serena if they are together. He has been having terrible nightmares in which Serena dies or the world is destroyed" Serenity said.

"But if both the Prince and yourself are here then why. "

"Why have we not taken over Serena and Darien" Asked Serenity interrupting Luna. "Serena is not ready for us to fully merge into one person yet. Thought the process is almost complete, my most important qualities which make me princess serenity are already within Serena. As Serena grows older she will quire the grace and remember the lessons Queen Serenity taught to me"

"Why have the Scout's not regained their memories" Luna asked the Princess.

"Just as Serenity and I are different, the Scouts and their past selves are different. They are not yet ready to merge with their past selves and become who they are destined to be." Serenity sighed "I miss my friends Luna."

"The scouts are causing Serena great pain and the heartbreak of losing Darien has caused Serena to abandon hope. She is too deep in despair. I gave up my life to be together with Endymion in death. We have been reborn but are still apart. There is a dark energy taking place in Serena heart and I am struggling to keep it from taking over completely." Princess serenity told Luna gravely.