Hiya its Serenity here, I've never written about Serena, Darien and the Sailor Scouts before but have been totally addicted to the Eternal love and the adventure and amazing friendship that they represent. So here it goes. This is set at the time in the series when the dark moon family and Reni appear from the future and when Darien has meanly dumped Serena.

I do not own sailor moon.

Dark Serenity

Serena Walked home from school, slowly dragging her school bag along the floor behind her, her mom was going to kill her. She had flunked another test and had gotten detention for the third time this week. Serena sighed loudly, her shoulders slumped in defeat, she had even studied for this test with Amy and yet she had still failed. Serena sighed again more loudly, she was so grounded when she got home.

Serena was late but couldn't bring herself to hurry. She felt reluctant to go to the scout meeting. The scouts would want to know how she had done and Rei would demand to know how she had failed the test and would call her a ditz and a flake. It wasn't her fault she wasn't good at algebra. As she turned at the corner she bumped into a person walking in the opposite direction and fell hard on her bottom.

"Do you ever watch where you're going Meatball head?" said a voice Serena instantly recognised as Darien's.

Serena leaped up and threw herself into Darien's arms. Snuggled against him, Serena missed the look of pain cross Darien's face before he pushed her away and said "I've told you already Serena. I don't love you anymore!"

Serena looked down at the pavement "But Darien…" she began to say. "No Serena it's over!" And with that Darien walked away.

Serena watched him until he disappeared around the corner before finishing "… I love you"

"What do you mean you failed?" Rei screeched at the top of her lungs towering over Serena. "You revised with Amy yesterday all night; you're such as flake Serena."

Serena looked up at Rei.

"Do you think that's why Darien doesn't love me anymore?" Serena asked quietly, tears forming in her eyes. "Because I keep failing tests."

Rei glared at Serena "For God sake Serena. Get over him already; he dumped you over a month ago!"

Serena flinched at the painful reminder. "But we are destined to be together"

"No Serena you were together in the past!"

Serena sighed she knew that none of the scouts could remember their past lives on the moon so they couldn't understand why she couldn't get over Darien but she still longed for them to understand. She felt so alone. No one understood the pain she was feeling. A tear fell from Serena's baby blue eyes and rolled down her flawless skin.

"Stop your snivelling Serena. We are supposed to be concentrating on the Negamoon family, not on your personal life!" Rei shouted at Serena.

"Yeah Serena get over him already, I know plenty of lads that would go out with you" Lita said

Amy looked at Serena and said "Rei's right Serena we need to concentrate on the negamoon family they're way stronger than anyone we have faced before"

Serena looked down at the floor and nodded not wanting the scouts to see her still crying. Why did everything all ways have to be about the bad guys? Why couldn't they just once do things that normal girls do and talk about food and boys?

The scouts began talking about the negamoon and how powerful they were however Serena continued to stare at the floor, tears still falling down her checks. Oh Darrien why are you doing this? What did I do wrong? Why don't you love me anymore? Is it because I'm not like Serenity? The pain of Darrien's rejection was slowly destroying her. It was worse than when Queen Barrel turned Darrien to her side and when Darrien couldn't remember her and all they ment to each other.

"Hello earth to Serena" Serena looked up into Rei's angry face. "Have you even been listening to anything we have said?"

"Your ment to be our leader Serena but how can you lead us if you don't even play attention at meetings!" Asked Mina

"Sorry guys" Serena mumbled looking back down at the floor.

"Sorry' isn't good enough, we need you to fight these creeps but you keep turning up late for battles and now you're not playing attention at meetings Serena. We can't go on like this." Rei shouted "We get are asses kicked every battle until you turn up!"

"You're supposed to be our leader Serena but over the last month you haven't even been bothered to turn up on time for battles or meetings!" Mina told Serena.

Serena looked around at her friend's angry faces.

"I can't deal with this right now" Serena cried quickly standing up, grabbing her bag and running out of the temple away from her friends who didn't understand her. Tears fall freely from her eyes as she ran. Serena didn't really know where she was going she just knew she had to get away from everything and everyone.

Hope that was ok, Please tell me what u thought. Thanks