Title- Finding the LightAuthor- Kim

Summary- What if - Oliver

Queen raised Dick Grayson.

DC owns all characters.

Part 10

Dick looked up as Bruce Wayne entered the room...The tall dark haired man nodded a greeting to Ollie..before approaching Dicks bed.

Ollie stood up and moved away from the bed and went to stand near the window..watching.

"Your looking much better than you were when I last saw you...How are you feeling young man?" Bruce asked.

"Fine thank you Sir...I might be allowed to go home in a couple of days." Dick said.

Bruce smiled at the boy.."I have someone with me I wanted to introduce you to." Bruce said..turning around..he realized Roy had not followed him into the room as he had expected.

Ollie chuckled.."What... you lose your kid somewhere?" he asked, glad to see that even Batman slipped up sometimes.

"He won't be far..he was right behind me a moment ago." said Bruce as he walked back to the door way and looked outside.

"Roy" Bruce snapped. Spotting the red haired teen leaning against a wall in the waiting room, engaged in a conversation with a young blonde girl about the same age as himself.

Roy turned and waved too acknowledge that he had heard Bruce, before turning back the girl.

"Now". Bruce said coldly.

Roy looked back, has smile faultering slightly before turning back and excusing himself from the girl.

Ollie watched smirking as Roy walked casually into the room, hands in pockets, head down an apologetic smile on his lips, glaceing sideways at Bruce as he walked past him.

He actually cackled, when Bruce couldn't resist giving to boy a light smack on the back of the head as he walked by...Ollie had never seen this side to Bruce before...it was a side Ollie had decided he liked.

Bruce cast a quick glare in Ollie's direction before introducing Roy to Dick..He then moved to join the Archer who was now casually leaning against the wall.

Roy sat on the end of Dicks bed. "So you got shot hey?" he asked.

"Yeah...in the shoulder...got some broken ribs too." Dick answered conversationally.

"Yeah...I've never been shot..or even had anything broken..That's way cool." Roy said, obviously impressed with Dicks injuries.

"You think so?" Dick asked, happily.

"Yeah...really cool.." Roy said. Pausing as a nurse walked in to hand Dick some pills.

"What are they for?" Roy asked the nurse.

"Antibiotics sweety." The nurse said before leaving the room.

Dick laughed, "She called you sweety"

"Yeah she was hot."The red headed teen smiled dreamily.

Bruce rolled his eye's...Teenagers!.

"So...You get to live with Green Arrow.?" Roy asked in a whispered voice.

"Yeah." Dick said casting a look at Ollie and giving him a quick smile.

"Man how cool is that...I used to read all about Green Arrow when I lived on the rez...You're so lucky." Roy enthused.

Ollie grinned, this kid had potential...Ollie was cool after all..He tapped Bruce with his elbow.."Great kid you have there." He said quietly.

Bruce opened his mouth to reply...Then paused..before saying,"Yes..I know."

Ollie grinned again...The kid really had potential..not only that..but he had the bat hooked as well...That was going to provide some ammunition for Ollie down the track.

Dick smiled at Roy..."Yeah, he's ok...But you..you get to live with.." he paused, before nodding in Bruce's direction. "Him...Now that's really, really cool" said Dick.

"Yeah he's pretty cool...But you know...we have Bats...real ones." Roy said scrunching up his face.

Dick looked impressed, "You have bats...Wow...That's so...cool." Dick said.

"Okay, okay...enough with the cool already...My heads gonna bust if I hear that word again." Ollie laughed, walking over to ruffle Dicks hair...He was glad the two boy's had hit it off...Dick needed a friend...someone to share his interests with...Good friends lasted a life time.


Ten Years Later

Ollie again found himself sitting by a hospital bed...Dick..as Nighwing , had been injured in a battle between the Titans and Brother Blood...Ollie looked at Dicks pale face, remembering a time.. that seemed not so long ago, when he faced this same situation with his son.

He thought about the man his boy had become...Even the fact that Nightwing rarely, if ever used the bow in his work any more..did nothing to dampen Ollie's pride in the young man...Dick was a product of his upbringing...Dinah had taught him to fight...Bruce had taught him all he knew about detective work..And Dick had taught himself...his acrobatic skills were second to none.

And Dick had taught Ollie...much more than Ollie could ever have imagined...He had taught Ollie responsibility...pride and ..Love. He loved this young man as if he was his own flesh and blood.

Ollie reached out and brushed a stray lock of unruly black hair from Dicks eyes...He could never keep that hair tidy..Ollie smiled at the thought.

Dicks eye's fluttered open, "Hey Ollie." he croaked.

"Hey son. " Ollie replied.

"How long have you been here?" Dick whispered tiredly.

"Since you got here son...I promised I'd never leave you when you needed me." Ollie said softly.

Dick smiled tiredly.."And you never have Ollie...you never have." he said drifting back to sleep.
