Lyrics Copyright- The Cure


Eiri held his young lover to his chest as he watched the pink-haired boy snooze contently curled up next to him. He sighed. He never did understand how the smallest bits of affection could excite him so much.

He remembered the first time they went on a date Shuichi practically melted into a puddle right there on the floor. It was things like that that had drawn him to the younger boy in the first place.

However far away...

He let go of him and pulled away as slowly as he could. He didn't want to wake him. He felt that he'd never be able if Shuichi was awake and pleading not to. He always had a hard time saying no to him.

I will always love you.

…but this was just something that he had to do.

However long I stay...

Eiri dressed quickly and stopped at the door to take a final look at his lover.

I will always love you.

He had never really told Shuichi the effect that he had on him. Eiri had always returned the affections with scornful words and a cool disposition. It wasn't that he didn't care, he just.. Didn't know how to express himself. He wasn't used letting people get so close.

Whatever words I say...

Truth be told, Eiri didn't hate the brat as much as he let on. Hell, he didn't hate him at all.

He tore his eyes away from him.. He didn't have the time to stare at him any longer.

I will always love you.

Shuichi looked so…angelic with his hair all tousled like that. His bare shoulders glistening in the moonlight, making him look as if he had been touched by god.

Holding back another sigh, Eiri walked out of the door without any hesitation.

I will always love you.