Yay, Thank you for reviewing! Now here we are Chapter 5. I hope you enjoy!

I don't own Danny Phantom

Chapter 5


"We're finally here!" Sam said excited as she got of the RV to stretch, she then yawned looking up at the tall 300 foot. Resort. The sun reflected off it showing the blue skies...man was this going to be a great vaction or what?

"Come on Sam, we're going to go check in," Danny said as he patted her on the back.

"Okay." she replied turning around to the Fenton family and Tucker.

As they walked into the main lobby Sam sighed turning to Danny and the others. "How about you guys rest and I'll find the check-in desk?"

"Sure, but Danny go with her!" Maddie said as she wave a hand, "Call the Fenton cellphone when you get us checked in!"

"They get a cellphone after that stupid thing in the woods..." Danny let out a sigh then turned to Sam. "What do we need to do?" he asked.

"Well...according to what Mr. Lancer said I have to take this to the check-in desk...it could be anywhere here.." Sam murmured as she looked around. The lobby was tall a beautiful with the mixture colors on dark pink, light blue, and green. Chairs lined up neatly against the wall and three elevators beside one another. Sam looked ahead spotting people in a group talking to a blond haired lady in her mid-twenties. "Let's go ask that lady over there...excuse me!"

The lady turned to Sam and looked down at her, "May I help you?" she asked sweetly; a bit too sweetly.

"Yeah...I was wondering where the check in desk was?" Sam asked holding up her ticket. "I um, won a contest at my school and I need to give this to the check-in lady..."

"Oh I see, so you must be Miss Sam Manson?" questioned the blond-head.

"Um yeah, how did you know that?" Sam asked stepping back beside Danny.

"Everyone here has been expecting you and your friend." She looked over at Danny. "Danny Fenton, right?"

"Um heh heh, yeah." Danny said rubbing the back of his neck smiling sheepishly.

Sam cleared her throat and Danny shook his head. "Anyway...where do we go?" she asked putting her hands onto her hips tapping her foot on the ground waiting on a reply.

The blond-haired lady pointed strait ahead. "The check in desk is that way. Just tell them who you are and what school you're from and they should let you in."

Sam nodded her head and waved a hand, "Thank you mam."

"No problem just doing my job, oh yeah, call me Sarah okay?" Sarah said winking.

"Okay...Thanks Sarah." Sam pulled Danny along with her to the check-in desk. "Come on Danny."

Danny almost tripped over his foot as he was pulled towards the check in desk. "Sam, stop pulling my arm so hard!" Danny said as Sam let go of his arm.

"Well geez...sorry." she said as she continued to the check-in desk. "Sarah said is was strait ahead." she glanced to her right spotting a light silver and gold desk with the words 'Check-in' on it. "There it is." Sam said pointing strait at the desk she began running towards it. "Come on Danny!" she said as he ran after her.

Danny stopped next to Sam looking up at the lady who was currently on the phone and typing on her keyboard at the same time. "Excuse me." Danny said ringing the bell on the table three times before getting the red haired ladies attention. "Excuse me.." Danny said again as she sighed turning to him.

"If you want to know where the bathroom is, it's down the hall to the left." the lady said boredly looking at Danny and Sam sighing.

"No we don't need to go to the bathroom...we want to just get our room keys." Sam said crossing her arms snapping at the lady, Who glared at her.

"Don't you think you're to young?" the lady asked glaring, at them.

"What the heck?" Sam asked blushing red along with Danny. "No! We're here on a vacation with his family!" Sam corrected the lady.

"Well...what's your name then?" she asked looking back at her computer.

"Sam Manson..." Sam answered taking out a letter. "I um, won a contest at my school." she said lifting up her letter with a signed admission for getting into the hotel.

The lady's eyes widened and she stood up quickly taking the letter away from her, "I'm so sorry, Miss. Manson Mr. Fenton." she said handing them there keys. "I hope you enjoy your say here!"

Danny and Sam turned around and began walking back to the lobby.

"That was strange...it's like everyone was expecting us." Sam said to Danny looking at the keys handing Danny one. "Here...this is for Tucker you and your father...I'm sharing a room with your mom and Jazz."

"Thanks." Danny said taking it from her to the key in his hand spotting his family sitting in the lobby. "Room 235."

"And I have Room 238...not that far apart!" Sam said smiling over at Danny as they walked up to the Fenton family and Tucker.

"So I'll meet up with you and Tucker at the pool later." Sam said smiling over at Danny. "In the mean time, I'm going to un-pack then take a nap." she said lifting up a extra hotel key. "Here, just come in later to wake me up."

"Okay then." Danny answered taking the key away from her, "Hopefully their won't be any ghosts that will mess up this vacation."

Sam nodded in reply to him. "Yeah, we can only hope!" she said smiling lifting up the Fenton Thermos. "But just in case there is a ghost that attacks...I'm ready." she put it away then took out her hotel key. "Nothing can ruin this trip."

"Danny? Sam?"

Sam froze and lightly twitched looking over seeing Valerie, and Paulina. Over the school year Paulina and Valerie became friends again, something about 'Money' probably...

"What are you two losers doing here?" Paulina asked in a scuff.

"Paulina be nice..." Valerie scolded her friend glaring from Paulina to Danny and Sam. "I thought you were on a vacation with your family, Danny?" Valerie asked looking over his shoulder at Sam.

"I am! This is the trip I was...um talking about." Danny said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah...so what room are you in?" Valerie asked him.

"Room 235." Danny answered shrugging then sighed. "Well hey...I'll talk you later guys."

Sam snuck around Paulina and Valerie along with Danny. Going into there rooms leaving Valerie and Paulina in the hall alone.

Sam's eye started to twitch for reasons she didn't know. "What are they doing here?" she asked herself out loud.

What ever reason they were there...Sam knew it would start some strange drama.

Another dull chapter!...I'm so ,so sorry for not updating faster! School...bleck. But anyway... Please review and I'll update ASAP!

-♪Karen Kano