I shan't write a long ramble this week, as I need to go back to revising for my exams which start... err, tomorrow. Scary. Wish me luck!

Disclaimer: Still don't own them.

Title: Exaltation
Rating: G
Words: 100
Prompt: Upward (af100)
Synopsis: At last the humans and fairies may be together on the surface. Or so Holly had hoped.


All around her, Holly could hear shouts of joy from the other fairies. They were gamboling, skipping, rushing to the surface. The war was over.

Once, Holly had dreamed of a day when the humans and fairies would live together, up above. There had once been someone waiting for her. But war had come, with all its hardships and intense situations, and all those did to humans. Something had happened. He wasn't waiting any more.

As a tide of other people's happiness swept Holly towards the surface at last, she thought bitterly about the irony. He had already gone upward.