Story Name: Dark of Night
Pen Name: Elena Roan
Disclaimer: Don't own any of them, written purely for enjoyment.
Rating: M
Warnings: very dark
Summary: When Legolas journeys from Mirkwood to Rivendell seeking answers to his unease and troubling dreams, little does he realise what awaits him and his gwador.
Editor: Michelle
Timeline: III 2990 (Aragorn 59 years old)
Note: AragornStriderEstel

Chapter 1: Dark Dreams

He paused as he caught sight of the figure on the balcony and frowned. Late nights were not uncommon for him with the duties he had. For his son, however, they were uncommon except when on a long patrol or outside of their realm. Yet it was unmistakably his son who stood on the highest balcony in the Palace in indoor robes, his hair unbound and streaming around him in the gusting breeze.

"Ion nín (my son)?" he questioned softly, causing the younger elf to turn his head and look at him.

"I am sorry to have disturbed you, adar (father)," Legolas replied just as softly. "Forgive me, I shall go elsewhere."

"You have not disturbed me," Thranduil quickly replied, "but it is not common to see you this late."

He saw his son hesitate for a few moments then shake his head with a small smile that seemed to be directed at himself: "It is nothing, adar (father). Merely my overactive imagination."

"Perhaps it will help to speak of it; it must be troubling indeed to keep you wakeful."

"It is most likely nothing, adar (father). I do not know why I have allowed myself to get so worked up over it."

Thranduil regarded his son for a few moments, then spoke again: "If you were out in the field, would you be second guessing your feeling?"

Legolas' eyes snapped up to meet him and Thranduil knew he had touched on something the younger elf hadn't considered, or hadn't wanted to consider.

"No," Legolas answered with a sigh, seeming to need to force himself to accept the feeling, "no, I would be trying to get to his side whatever it took and whatever stood in the way."

"Who, ion nín (my son)? Estel?" Legolas nodded and Thranduil continued: "What are you sensing?"

"Danger. Darker than the darkest night." Legolas turned troubled eyes on his father. "Would that that was all that has me on edge."

"What else?"

"Troubling dreams have plagued my sleep."

"Dreams of Estel?"

Legolas nodded. "Yes, surrounded by impenetrable darkness."

"Do you know where he is?"

"In his last letter he said he was heading off with the Dùnedain (rangers) again. I have not heard anything since."

"Perhaps Elrond or the twins will know how to locate him. They have worked closely with the Dùnedain (rangers) over the years."

Legolas nodded and for a long moment looked like he was not going to say anything more. And so it startled Thranduil slightly when he did speak.

"Aran nín (my king), I request permission to journey to Imladris."

Thranduil was speechless for a moment, rarely did Legolas become so formal with him and even rarer was for him to do so in private. That he had done so spoke of how much it was troubling him, particularly now that he was not able to dismiss it any more.

"Permission granted, Legolas," Thranduil managed to say without too long a hesitation. "You may leave in the morning once you have spoken to the Captain of the Guard regarding your duties and an escort."

"Hannon le (thankyou)," Legolas replied, flashing a grateful smile at Thranduil.

Thranduil returned the smile, "Go find some rest now, ion nín (my son)."

Legolas nodded the graceful nod that somehow only he could manage and moved quietly past his father into the corridor.

"Ion nín (my son)," Thranduil called before he'd gone completely; prompting him to look back at him, "take care, stay safe. And contact me if you need help."

"I will, adar (father). Hannon le (thankyou)," Legolas replied, then he was gone to seek his quarters.